The Name (the Name) of Jesus is greater and higher than all names, it is not an ordinary Name is a Name that is full of power and Praise!// His Name is higher far above other names His Name is Jesus, His Name is God; His Name is higher far above other names, His Name Jesus, His Name is God. Holy are you Lord all creation call You God, worthy is Your Name, we worship Your Majesty awesome God how great Thou are, You are God, Mighty are Your miracles standing on Your Holy ground, Lord we bow and worship You. Lord we bow!!!!! Lord, we bow and worship you.

Father, we bow and worship you for all You have done and You doing and will yet do, glory be to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name. Gracious Father we thank You we blessed Your Holy Name. Blessed be Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up! There is none to be compared You. You are more what we call you Lord, blessed be Thy Name on high. Receive our Praise, our honour forever in Jesus Name. Thank You Father for answers to prayers, how great are You Lord! Father, You are greatly to be Praise in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are doing? Hope you prayed as was commanded by the Spirit of the Most God! If you obey the instruction that was given yesterday am sure you will receive answer and you will also testify. Yesterday three great things happened in my life which to me was such an act of God. I have no contribution to it but God did it because I was lead to speak and I also believe and grace of husbandman found me worthy to be a recipient of God’s divine blessing. Praise the Lord.

Beloved, how are doing? Hope you are good? Are you familiar with today’s topic? Have you found yourself in that position or someone close to know. I believe in one way or the other either as a child, young adult, or aged we must have an experience that can be describe as fearful.

From simple thing like taking a medication when you are sick like taking an injection or oral drugs, to writing promotional exams, to car collision or walking on height either of these generate a level of fear that might be paralyzing. The most daring fear I can say is when you are face with the fear of the unknown.

Fear paralyses, there is no two ways about it especially when you have something at stake, it tends to cripple one and make that person inefficient even when you know your onion. Beloved, I have pass through this path so I know what it is, it is a terrible state to be and the victim’s wishes never to be reminded or wants to come across what they fear most.

To me fear is not absence of faith but rather present of doubt. Let us look at the  bible account in Mk 4:35-40. The disciples were with Jesus in the boat but Jesus was asleep in spite of the storm. They have seen Jesus perform diverse miracles before now but as at this time they were afraid not because of the absence of Jesus but because the storm was fierce, then what will become of them if Jesus was unable to handle it (Mk 4:38). Remember, their walk with Jesus has not been long enough. Praise the Lord.

But Jesus rebuked them of “being so much afraid” and called them “men of little faith.”

In the book of Hebrew, in chapter eleven verse one (Heb 11:1) we have a good picture of what faith is and in verse six it recorded that it is impossible to please God without faith. So for you to come to God you must believe that He is and is rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

Heb 10:38 also said how God detest those that lack faith. Sometimes you become afraid not because of the absent of the presence of God but because of the method or ways people who in similar cases or professional are taking about what you are currently going through then you tend to apply caution which in other word or spiritual speaking is “doubt” then God is not glorify and as such He is not please with you. Praise the Lord.

The disciple in the bible account we referred to was paralyses by fear, thank God that they were still able to call on Jesus to save them. Praise the Lord.

How do we resist fear? We must resist through the reading of the Word of God. When you are in an unseemly horrible situation is important that you raise your voice to heaven and call on Jesus to help you. Stay there if that is the only thing you can do because He knows about you and must come looking for you.

The world around us has thought us activities in place of faith but why you are doing all you can to come out that situation beloved, I will suggest you stay afloat until your rescue team come for you.

Is not enough to say I have faith because the Lord searches the heart of every man to see those you are true to Him (Jer 17:10; 29:13). He knows the deep thought of every man and acts according too.

When I found myself in this ugly situation and I read what the Word of said concerning it, I told myself you better get above this else you have no place in heaven. The thought of missing eternal life made me to fight this monster with everything in me till Jesus gave me victory over it (Rev 21:8)

So if you are a born again child of God who is looking forward to such a time when you will be with God in heaven and you are living in fear then you better wake up and run else all you are doing here will not take you home, read Heb 11:6 again. (Rom 6:23).

Now if you are ready to dethrone this ugly monster in your life and enthrone faith then come along with me as the spirit of God is here to help you.

I am delivered, Praise the Lord. in case you found yourself in such a situation as this then say to yourself that you are next in line. So let’s get going:



Fear is the opposite of faith, and is displeasing to God:

My righteous one shall live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with himWithout faith, it is impossible to please God… ” (Hebrews 10:38; 11:6a)    Fear:

  • Clouds our judgment.
  • Paralyzes our actions.
  • Causes us to delay. Rationalize. Over-spiritualize.
  • Promotes paranoia.
  • Induces us to think irrationally; to loose objectivity.
  • Destroys our trust in others.
  • Diminishes our ability to believe. Risk. Act.
  • May be a reason we impute wrong motives to others.
  • Is often the product of our pride.
  • Refuses to believe God is there; is in control, and can be trusted or taken seriously.

How do we break the bondage and cycle of fear? By choosing to believe God through acting upon His promises. So right now, if you are struggling with fear, choose to believe these promises:

God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 – kjv)

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the seaBe still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:1, 2a, 10)

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fearsThe righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” (Psalm 34:4, 17)

It was amidst the storm that Jesus told Peter to step out of the boat and walk on the water to Him. The moment he looked away from the Master to the circumstances Peter’s faith turned to fear, and he began to sink. And so it is with us. (Matthew 14:22-34)

You and I have a simple choice to make: Either we will allow the demons of fear, doubt, inadequacy etc., to paralyze and diminish us into spiritual midgets, or we will live above life’s crippling circumstances by choosing to believe and act upon His promises.

QUESTION: Today, which do you choose? Faith or fear?

Beloved, the smartest weapon against fear is the confession Word of God because as you confess with mouth, your heart will start responding to your confession and before long you are free from the strong hold that held you bound Praise the Lord.

David found himself in a familiar case come along to discover what happened next:

“And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul.” 1 Samuel 27:1


The thought of David’s heart at this time was a false thought, because he certainly had no ground for thinking that God’s anointing him by Samuel was intended to be left as an empty unmeaning act. On no one occasion had the Lord deserted His servant; he had been placed in perilous positions very often, but not one instance had occurred in which divine interposition had not delivered him.

The trials to which he had been exposed had been varied; they had not assumed one form only, but many—yet in every case He who sent the trial had also graciously ordained a way of escape. David could not put his finger upon any entry in his diary, and say of it, “Here is evidence that the Lord will forsake me,” for the entire tenor of his past life proved the very reverse. He should have argued from what God had done for him, that God would be his defender still.

But is it not just in the same way that we doubt God’s help? Is it not mistrust without a cause? Have we ever had the shadow of a reason to doubt our Father’s goodness? Have not His lovingkindnesses been marvellous? Has He once failed to justify our trust? Ah, no! our God has not left us at any time. We have had dark nights, but the star of love has shone forth amid the blackness; we have been in stern conflicts, but over our head He has held aloft the shield of our defence.

We have gone through many trials, but never to our detriment, always to our advantage; and the conclusion from our past experience is, that He who has been with us in six troubles, will not forsake us in the seventh.

What we have known of our faithful God, proves that He will keep us to the end. Let us not, then, reason contrary to evidence. How can we ever be so ungenerous as to doubt our God? Lord, throw down the Jezebel of our unbelief, and let the dogs devour it.

In Jesus Name; help us O Lord! Help our unbelief. Keep us safe in your bosom and help our eyes to look steadily on you Praise the Lord!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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