We give You glory Lord as we worship You! we give You glory Lord as we honour You, You are wonderful You are worthy O! Lord! You are wonderful! You are worthy O Lord! // Take Glory Father, Take Glory Son, Take Glory Holy Ghost now and forever more!

Our God is a perfect God! Father we bow before You be Thou glorify in Jesus Name! thank You everlasting King of glory, You are God, You are not man, You are God You are not man, You are God You are not man, be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name! Ancient of day, How Wonderful, how beautiful, How precious are You Lord! heaven and earth are all Yours Your power and Your glory covers the earth, we reverence You be Thou exalted Emmanuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloved, good morning, how are doing? Hope you are strong and you are keeping fit by diligently studying the Word of God. our beloved apostle admonished us to exercise both body and soul Praise the Lord! Because each has a part to play in achieving the eternal glory! Praise the Lord!

Thank God for another beautiful morning, the sun is up already and the morning is radiating with beauty and I prophesy into your life that your day will be beautiful in Jesus Name. This week will bring you good tidings that you have been waiting for since the beginning of the year. Glory be to Jesus! alleluia Amen!!!!!!!

We are fellow citizen with the saints. Last week we consider the topic “Called to be saints” so it will not be wrong to call a saint, Praise the Lord! If you ask me that is the ultimate goal for all we are doing in this part of eternity, Praise the Lord!

We will receive the crown of glory having live according to Word of God. At the end we will receive from the Father “the crown of glory” Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glory be to Jesus! Alleluia! I will not miss my crown! Is that your testimony also?

If that is your confession then join us to find out all that we enjoy being part of this great promise, alleluia Amen!

Come along:


Fellow citizens with the saints.” Ephesians 2:19


What is meant by our being citizens in heaven? It means that we are under heaven’s government. Christ the king of heaven reigns in our hearts; our daily prayer is, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The proclamations issued from the throne of glory are freely received by us: the decrees of the Great King we cheerfully obey. Then as citizens of the New Jerusalem, we share heaven’s honours.

The glory which belongs to beatified saints belongs to us, for we are already sons of God, already princes of the blood imperial; already we wear the spotless robe of Jesus’ righteousness; already we have angels for our servitors, saints for our companions, Christ for our Brother, God for our Father, and a crown of immortality for our reward. We share the honours of citizenship, for we have come to the general assembly and Church of the first-born whose names are written in heaven.

As citizens, we have common rights to all the property of heaven. Ours are its gates of pearl and walls of chrysolite; ours the azure light of the city that needs no candle nor light of the sun; ours the river of the water of life, and the twelve manner of fruits which grow on the trees planted on the banks thereof; there is nought in heaven that belongeth not to us. “Things present, or things to come,” all are ours.

Also as citizens of heaven we enjoy its delights. Do they there rejoice over sinners that repent—prodigals that have returned? So do we. Do they chant the glories of triumphant grace? We do the same. Do they cast their crowns at Jesus’ feet? Such honours as we have we cast there too. Are they charmed with His smile? It is not less sweet to us who dwell below.

Do they look forward, waiting for His second advent? We also look and long for His appearing. If, then, we are thus citizens of heaven, let our walk and actions be consistent with our high dignity.

Beloved, we are citizen of heaven though we are still in this part of eternity, we must live as Jesus live, obey His Father as He did and so that when He return He will take us to mansion He prepared for us above! Praise the Lord!

Don’t allow this present struggles to discourage you, or weigh you down rather let it spur you to walk upright and keep your robe spotless until the return of the Lord alleluia Amen!

Ask your heaven Father to supply all your needs as He promised you, go about winning sinners to become saint just like you so that we populate heaven and depopulate hell.

Never be afraid of what is happening around you for your economy is of heaven where moth does not exist. Your father is the Good Shepherd Praise the Lord!

Go forward this week with the knowledge that your Father my Father is the head of everything and you are a saint in-wait to be glorify. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alleluia amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On this note we declare this week open and we will by the grace of God return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name!


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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