How excellent is Your Name O God 2x, how excellent is Your Name 3x (repeat). Come praise the Lord all yea servants of Lord …., . Who have the finally say Jehovah has the finally say! In my life; in your life, who has the finally say, Jehovah has the finally, Jehovah turns my life around 2x He makes a way where there seems no way, Jehovah has the final say.
Father we thank You for everything you have made both great and small. The earth and all that is within it. Thank You for Your goodness and mercies endureth forever. How great are You Lord! How powerful are Your acts among all that You have made. We recognize Your Majesty forever and ever.
Beloved, how has it been with you? Trusting God that it is well with you. No matter how rough this part of eternity is, we must make it to the end in Jesus Name! Let us learn to be patient in our walk with God. Like we said earlier in the week, God operates in eternity not in time. Let us cloth ourselves with patient and He will work out our salvation whatsoever be it.
By the grace of God, we will be rounding up the week today and am sure you have scaled another level during the course of week through the Word of God that come through this ministry. Thank God for His faithfulness over us and His strength and grace abound on us for every good works. To Him alone be all the glory and honour forever and ever.
In yesterday’s faith clinic, we learnt about “Trust and Do”; “Do and Trust” which laid emphasis on our looking up to God in everything we do and hope for. I have discovered that as you keeping trusting and obeying all that God has commanded you to do, the Spirit of God also help you even in those things you have no thought about, fight your secret battles for you and make a way even where there is no way.
Trusting and obedience leads to following God not knowing where it will lead you but at the end you will be honoured (Gen12:1; 39:9; Ex 2:2-3; Phil 2:5-11). So many of our fathers in the old testament have testimonies to share with regard to these and also the Apostles of the New Testament days. They were duly rewarded, there was no regret whatsoever.
Let me take you back at the promise of God before the arrival of Jesus on the scene. In Jeremiah 29:11 God said “for I know the plans I have for you…. to give you an expected end.” Beloved, can anything be more interesting than knowing that God holds your destiny and the way to it lays in God’s hand and not that uncle or aunty or one person that thinks without him/her you cannot make it. Is also interesting for us to know or remind ourselves of what we learnt earlier in the week about how God specializes in “orchestrating new ways” when the enemy the devil and cohort has blocked one.
Is so interesting also to know that God being God can bypass nature and bring what He wants in your life to pass (Lk 1 :34-35, Ex 2:2-3). Are you called barren and you are believing God for a babies and the doctors reports are saying otherwise? Either your husband has a low sperm count or you have no womb or the fallopian tubes are block.
I have goodnews for you. God does not need sperm for you to bring about your miracle babies. We have a testimony in the bible and what is written cannot be broken. I sense in my spirit someone saying it is a one-off miracle but hear me there is no one-off miracle with God.
He is no respecter of person, what He does for one He can still do it for another just as it is pleasing to Him. Therefore be sensitive in your spirit, trust in God to bring all that concerneth you to pass all to the glory of His Name while the blessings remains ours. Praise God somebody!!!!!!!!!!
Are you willing to follow Jesus? If you are, than according to His promise, where He is, you will also be. That sick bed is not where you meant to be, therefore arise and take you mat and go home because Jesus was never on a sick bed, claim your healing right now. Ask Jesus to work out your miracle now! You are not meant to be financially handicap, therefore let the flood gate of heaven be open unto you now and receive your financial blessings in Jesus Name. Whatever that had laid siege on your finances are giving way right now in Jesus Name. Beloved, you not meant to be alone, therefore the Lord is giving you your own home this moment, you are finding the bone of bones right away in Jesus Name, don’t bother much about “how”. Look up to Jesus, He will make you laugh!
Hear me, if Jesus said it, He will bring it to pass. Remember, you trust Him and believe what He has said through His servant and obey all that He will lead you to do and your miracle is guaranteed. Praise the Lord. Come on to discover more :
“If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honor.” John 12:26
The highest service is imitation. If I would be Christ’s servant I must be His follower. To do as Jesus did is the surest way of bringing honor to His name. Let me mind this every day.
If I imitate Jesus I shall have His company: if I am like Him I shall be with Him. In due time He will take me up to dwell with Him above, if, meanwhile, I have striven to follow Him here below. After His suffering our Lord came to His throne, and even so, after we have suffered a while with Him here below, we also shall arrive in glory. The issue of our Lord’s life shall be the issue of ours: if we are with Him in His humiliation we shall be with Him in His glory. Come, my soul, pluck up courage, and put down thy feet in the blood-marked footprints which thy Lord has left thee.
Let me not fail to note that the Father will honor those who follow His Son. If He sees me true to Jesus He will put marks of favor and honor upon me for His Son’s sake. No honor can be like this. Princes and emperors bestow the mere shadows of honor; the substance of glory comes from the Father. Wherefore, my soul, cling thou to thy Lord Jesus more closely than ever.
Are you yet to receive Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, click here to do so now. This way, all these benefits will naturally flows to you. Is not about going to church, though is important. Is not about singing in the choir as important as it is, is more of your relationship with Christ. That is what will enthrone you forever.
Beloved, do you know that our God is omnipotent? He work wonders in the life of His children. I tell you this, our God, our Father is so sweet to behold, He will upturn and upturn all the antics of the wicked ones. He will put them to everlasting shame concerning your matter. You will yet rise and the time to arise and shine again is now. But you must be very careful the way you live as little foxes spoils the vine.
Beware about the lust of the eye, the lust of flesh and the pride of life so that all you struggle here on earth will not be in vain:
“He that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby.” Ecclesiastes 10:9
Oppressors may get their will of poor and needy men as easily as they can split logs of wood, but they had better mind, for it is a dangerous business, and a splinter from a tree has often killed the woodman. Jesus is persecuted in every injured saint, and He is mighty to avenge His beloved ones. Success in treading down the poor and needy is a thing to be trembled at: if there be no danger to persecutors here there will be great danger hereafter.
To cleave wood is a common every-day business, and yet it has its dangers; so then, reader, there are dangers connected with your calling and daily life which it will be well for you to be aware of. We refer not to hazards by flood and field, or by disease and sudden death, but to perils of a spiritual sort.
Your occupation may be as humble as log splitting, and yet the devil can tempt you in it. You may be a domestic servant, a farm labourer, or a mechanic, and you may be greatly screened from temptations to the grosser vices, and yet some secret sin may do you damage. Those who dwell at home, and mingle not with the rough world, may yet be endangered by their very seclusion.
Nowhere is he safe who thinks himself so. Pride may enter a poor man’s heart; avarice may reign in a cottager’s bosom; uncleanness may venture into the quietest home; and anger, and envy, and malice may insinuate themselves into the most rural abode.
Even in speaking a few words to a servant we may sin; a little purchase at a shop may be the first link in a chain of temptations; the mere looking out of a window may be the beginning of evil. O Lord, how exposed we are! How shall we be secured!
To keep ourselves is work too hard for us: only Thou Thyself art able to preserve us in such a world of evils. Spread Thy wings over us, and we, like little chickens, will cower down beneath Thee, and feel ourselves safe!
Mediate on all these as the Lord help you all through to live like Jesus your Master and the owner of your life. Praise be the Name of the Lord forever and ever. May we be honour at the end of our life here on earth in Jesus Name. See you next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu