I will exalt Your Name for thu has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love! I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name above every other Name. Great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign, Great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise Father you reign, great are You Lord!!!!! great are you Lord!!!! Great are You Lord great, great are You Lord!!!!!
O! Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign, alleluia to Your Holy Name. Receive our Praise, adoration to the Kind of kinds the lords everlasting King of glory be Thou exalted in Jesus Name!
Beloveth is a beautiful day! The Lord is gracious to us His children, He answereth all our prayers glory be to His Holy Name! Alleluia Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, we will not bring shame to God’s assembles in Jesus Name.
Doubting, unfaithfulness, ingratitude, fear, hatred, may it not mar the Name of the Lord in Jesus Name. Do you believe in the saving power of our Lord Jesus? Do you believe that He is able to deliver you and make you whole? Do you believe that your Father answers all prayers?
If you believe then you did not be afraid as he will go ahead of you to perfect all that concerns you. He will make a way for you where there seems to be no way, He will make all crooked path to be straight, alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!
In out text today, Ezra one of God’s general was ashamed to ask the King for convoys having spoken highly about his God our God! Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know the background story that lead to this utterance by the servant of God who committed himself to seek the law of God, to do them and to teach in Israel, the Statues and ordinances. He was a priest and having presented His God high before a heathen King, how would he go again asking for aid.
Beloved, where are you missing it, ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you need profess Christ higher in this present time. Beloved, don’t you allow the things you are going through to dishonor God. The God whom your fathers served, the Only True God is able to do it.
Lay your burden before His feet and see His mighty hand lift it off your shoulder. He ha given you His Word, His Word will not fall to the ground without fulfilling everything He sent it to do. Praise the Lord!
Ezra returned home safety and so shall you if you believe. Whatever the devil has set up against you will not swallow you neither will it consume you as the Lord God Almighty will show forth His Praise.
God is attaining to me, beloveth what about you. Don’t let fear cowl you in, be brave for the Lord will defend you and grant you health in Jesus Name.
Come for more:
“For I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way: because we had spoken unto the king, saying, The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek Him; but His power and His wrath is against all them that forsake Him.” Ezra 8:22
A convoy on many accounts would have been desirable for the pilgrim band, but a holy shame-facedness would not allow Ezra to seek one. He feared lest the heathen king should think his professions of faith in God to be mere hypocrisy, or imagine that the God of Israel was not able to preserve His own worshippers.
He could not bring his mind to lean on an arm of flesh in a matter so evidently of the Lord, and therefore the caravan set out with no visible protection, guarded by Him who is the sword and shield of His people. It is to be feared that few believers feel this holy jealousy for God; even those who in a measure walk by faith, occasionally mar the lustre of their life by craving aid from man.
It is a most blessed thing to have no props and no buttresses, but to stand upright on the Rock of Ages, upheld by the Lord alone. Would any believers seek state endowments for their Church, if they remembered that the Lord is dishonoured by their asking Caesar’s aid? as if the Lord could not supply the needs of His own cause! Should we run so hastily to friends and relations for assistance, if we remembered that the Lord is magnified by our implicit reliance upon His solitary arm?
My soul, wait thou only upon God. “But,” says one, “are not means to be used?” Assuredly they are; but our fault seldom lies in their neglect: far more frequently it springs out of foolishly believing in them instead of believing in God. Few run too far in neglecting the creature’s arm; but very many sin greatly in making too much of it.
Learn, dear reader, to glorify the Lord by leaving means untried, if by using them thou wouldst dishonour the name of the Lord.
Let your soul wait unto the Lord until He rises to do you good. do not seek help from me but when God remembers you, He will fill your bosom with treasures as we read at the beginning of the book of Ezra.
May the send you help from His sanctuary and fill your days with good things in Jesus Name. As you rise to build for the Lord, may the Lord also remember you for good in Jesus Name. may he build for you and bless you in Jesus Name.
Put on your confidence in God alone and Him alone will establish you in Jesus Name. The Lord is healing your bodies now in Jesus Name. Your finances are being restored right now in Jesus Name. Salvation is coming your way in Jesus Name, beloveth arise and take your desires from the Lord in Jesus Name.
Honour the Lord your God by the way live in Jesus Name. If the people of old trust so much in God how much more ought we to honour God the more as the blood of Jesus has atoned for our sins and sorrow in Jesus Name and break the barrier that forestall the holies of Holy.
May the Lord surrounds you with His fire and shield you from all evil, you and your household as the day go-by in Jesus Name
Remain blessed in the Lord.