I love Jesus (x2)
He is my friend(x2)
I will never leave Him(x2)
He is my friend(x2)
Heavenly Father, we thank You for You are a Wonder Working God. You are a miraculous God. When You say a thing it stands firm. You can never change, fail nor faultier. You are just God and there is no one like You. Again Father, we say thank You.
Beloved, have you ever seen children singing the above song? They sing it so innocently and they meant every word they sings.
Beloved, can same be said of us or what can be said of us? Are we God’s friends? Can we be considered qualified for this honorable and enviable position? It is good to know that you don’t need perfection to be His friend but He can lead you to a more perfect life.
Many aspire to be friends to High and mighty in the societies. Put in another way, “The creams of the societies”. You know them either by their ways of lives and/or the affluence they display around. All these Solomon in one of his books, he called “VANITY”.
Are you a friend of God? If God send an IV to you right now to walk before Him and be blameless, will you willing follow Him? However, in trying to answer this question, let us consider those who had gone ahead of us in the message below and it will surely guide you to where you truly belong, to avoid had I know at last.
“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.”—John 15:15
You do not choose to be a friend of God. That is by invitation only. Only two people in the Old Testament were specifically described as “friends of God.” Abraham walked with the Lord so closely that God referred to him as His friend (Isa. 41:8). Moses spoke to God face to face as a man speaks with his friend (Exod. 33:11).
By His very nature God is a friend to us. He loves us with a perfect love and reaches out to us with salvation when we can offer Him nothing in return. It is quite another thing when someone has a heart so devoted to Him that God initiates a special friendship. David’s heart was totally devoted to God (1 Kings 11:4).
Although David was not sinless, he loved God. David hated sin (Ps. 103:3); he loved to worship God (Ps. 122:1); he took genuine delight in God’s presence (2 Sam. 6:14); he loved to speak about God (Ps. 34:1); he was keenly aware of his transgressions (Ps. 51:3–4); and he delighted in offering gifts of song, thanksgiving, and praise, asking for nothing in return (Ps. 100). So closely did David walk with God that his words were on Jesus’ mind as He hung upon the cross (Matt. 27:46).
Jesus called His disciples friends. He said He would disclose to them things that the Father had shared with Him, because they were His friends. There developed such an intimate friendship between them that He would share what was on His heart with His friends.
If you cannot describe yourself as a friend of God, commit yourself to seek after God with all your heart.
I think is a privilege for mortals to be friends with the Almighty God the Immortal one, the Only Excellent God. If He invite you unto Himself, will you accept it or defy it. Click here to accept Christ NOW!
Beloved, do you know that one virtue God’s friend MUST possess, is BROKENNESS. You cannot be God’s friend without this virtue. Satan was thrown out of heaven because he lacks this singular virtue. Let see a man or a woman with the spirit of brokenness.
- Is a prerequisite to usability by our Heavenly Father.
- Is viewed by the pride-driven world as a sign of weakness.
Which category do you fall into?
Focus on the failure of others | Are overwhelmed with a sense of their own spiritual need
Are self-righteous; have a critical, fault-finding spirit; look at their own life/faults through a telescope, but at others’ with a microscope
Are compassionate; forgiving; look for the best in others | |||
Look down on others | Esteem all others better than self
Are independent/possess a self-sufficient spirit | Possess a dependent spirit/recognize the need for others
Maintain control; must have it their way
Surrender control | |||
Have to prove that they are right | Are willing to yield the right to be right
Claim their rights | Yield their rights
Have a demanding spirit | Have a giving spirit
Are self-protective of their time, rights, and reputation
Are self-denying | |||
Desire to be served | Are motivated to serve others
Desire to be a success | Desire to be faithful to make others a success
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.“(Psalm 34:18)
Having examined yourself in the mirror, where do you belong? If you are seeing a trace of unrepentant or a proud heart, are you crushed in your spirit? Referring to yesterday message, the Lord said, seek Me in “QUIETNESS AND IN TRUST”.
Is it possible to do that, beloved? I was discussing with a sister, who shared with me a testimony of how God healed her of a pile. She said, the Lord told her that “in quietness and trust is her strength”. So irrespective of what she was going through, she was meant to keep it to herself and trust God to heal her. By then according to her, she was no longer taking any medications. Did God show up? Yes, He did and not without her trials and pains but as He told her. He showed up, the pile gone. The test became her testimony and that ministered to me greatly.
I learnt one thing, when you trust God with your challenges, He will let you down. He must surely show up on your behalf and that is where we usually fail “Patient”. We quickly run out patient and we cannot stand it anymore therefor we make more mistakes and on and on we go in the cycles, we pull our gun and we are out to war.
May the Holy Spirit input in us a broken spirit in Jesus Name Amen!
Keep a date with us by the grace of God, this topic “Brokenness” will come up every Friday all this month of July. This is to help us grow in our relationship with God which will open door for us to receive the promise of the month “our month of glory”. Having the glory of God inputted in us
Happy weekend dear beloved, till we see again next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in Jesus Name