I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… Alleluia!!!..// You are the Most High…. You are the Most High God… Jehovah…

Our Father we worship and adore Your Holy Name… O Lord! Who is like unto Thee… Thank You for a wonderful day You have made… And said “We should rejoice and be glad in it”… Alleluia… Glory be to God in the highest…. Alleluia… Praise the Name of Jesus….

Beloveth … how are today? Hope you are doing well… His Goodness and mercy will locate you and do you good in Jesus Name… Alleluia.

When the battles are of the Lord… those that are bound are loosed… their fetters fall from their feet and they are free…. Free from all form of shackles hidden by the enemy… Praise the Lord.

Is interesting to know that God is our Defender, Our Deliverer, Our Saviour, Healer, Our Peace, Protector, Our Shield, The One Who is and Is yet to come… He is our Restorer… Praise the Name of the Lord……

Beloveth, where are you bound by satan?… Is your feet fastened? Are you bound by the risen of afflictions in your life?… Are confined or bedridden? Is possible yours are not any of these mentioned but you don’t seem to know what is going on but you know that all are not well…

The healer is in the house… The Restorer is here in our midst… The Living God is here with us to do us good… If you are bound beloveth by the chains of satan today the Lord is here to lose every prisoner of satan… whatever be it… If your faith is strong enough… You breaking away from were you are bound in Jesus Name… (Ps.107:16)

The man of war is here… Jesus is here to set you free… Alleluia… Let the redeemed of the say Yes! I am redeemed… and I set free… Alleluia!!!

He has broken every fetters.. He has broken every fetters … Jesus has broken every fetters… He has set us free… I will sing Alleluia… I will sing Alleluia… I will sing… alleluia… He has set us free…

Beloveth, come along with us for more:


From Fetters Free

“The Lord looseth the prisoners.” Ps. 146:7

He has done it. Remember Joseph, Israel in Egypt, Manasseh, Jeremiah, Peter, and many others. He can do it still. He breaks the bars of brass with a word, and snaps the fetters of iron with a look. He is doing it.

In a thousand places troubled ones are coming forth to light and enlargement. Jesus still proclaims the opening of the prison to them that are bound. At this moment doors are flying back and fetters are dropping to the ground.

He will delight to set you free, dear friend, if at this time you are mourning because of sorrow, doubt, and fear. It will be a joy to Jesus to give you liberty. It will give Him as great a pleasure to loose you as it will be a pleasure to you to be loosed.

No, you have not to snap the iron band: the Lord Himself will do it. Only trust Him, and He will be your Emancipator. Believe in Him in spite of the stone walls, or the manacles of iron. Satan cannot hold you, sin cannot enchain you, even despair cannot bind you, if you will now believe in the Lord Jesus, and in the freeness of His grace, and the fullness of His power to save.

Defy the enemy, and let the word now before you be your song of deliverance: “Jehovah looseth the prisoners.”

Yes! We are set free from everything that hitherto held us bound… Alleluia! the battle is of the Lord and every fetters are broken…. Somebody shout alleluia… The Man of war have won the battle Alleluia… Amen!!!…

Join us as we sing a victory song…

He Has broken every fetters… the Lord has broken every fetters… Jesus has broken every fetters… He has set us free …. I will shout alleluia… I will shout Alleluia… I will Shout Alleluia… He has set us free…

And so shall it be… in Jesus Name… beloveth… Nothing Missing; Nothing broken…. Alleluia!!!

Further Reading – Rom.12:11, Ps.124:7, 1Pet.3:14, Lk.2:14, Ps.34:5, Ps.119:117, Rom.11:33, Ps.91.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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