Who has the final say.. Jehovah has the final say…alleluia… Who has the final say… Jehovah has the final say… Jehovah turns my life around… Jehovah turns my life around… He makes a way where there seems no way… Jehovah has the final say…// Alleluia Praise the Lord … Alleluia Praise the Lord … Alleluia Praise the Lord for Jesus conquer satan alleluia Praise the Lord….
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Name… we adore Thee, we give You Praise… we worship and glorify Your Holy Name… we adore Thee… we magnify You O Lord… Who is like unto Thee… Father there is none like Thee…
You are the Lord that is Your Name… You will never share glory with anyone… You will never share glory with anybody Almighty God that is Your Name…
Heavenly Father we worship You … Who is like unto Thee Abba Father… no one, no one like Thee… we fall at thy Throne and worship You with the twenty and four elders in heaven and be Thou glorify….
Be glorify… be glorify… Be glorify… be glorify… be glorify in the temple be glorify on earth Jesus… Jesus…. be Thou glorify….
Beloveth… we worship our God Whose power can do all things… Yes… The Only True God Who Sits over the affairs of men… we come to Him… Who sheweth mercy to those that trust in Him even to their generations Amen…
Beloveth… how are doing today… hope the Lord has been good to you… His mercy enduerth forever… He will do what He says He will do… “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it…. for the vision is for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry” (Habak.2:2-3).
Beloveth… what vision did you receive from the Lord, He said write it down… it will surely speak… though it tarry… what you write down is what you can refer to… it so important that we write down our vision and device a mission to accomplish it… so we must have our vision and mission statement… all at the same time… is possible you don’t have a full understanding about it but with time it will be clearer than it was from the beginning… therefore the need to write down whatever you understand per time until it finally speak…
We have great men and women in the Bible whom the Lord told one thing or other … those He gave one assignment or the other … some run successfully while some others fell at the way side… recalling “the parable of the sower…”
Today, we will be considering one man whom the Lord showed mercy and delivered him from destruction but because he does not understand what mercy stands for… More so, he did not write down the vision he received he missed out at the end…
It was a pathetic story when you read the story of Lot… Abraham nephew… who because of the mercy shown to Abraham, he became a beneficial of same… but because he was not rooted in the Word … Lot missed it for the second time… by refusing to go where the angel told him to go…
Beloveth, have been arranging your life other than allowing God to orchestra your path… beware of what happened to Lot… always allow God to be the One that plans and executes your journey in life… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!
Come along with us for more:
From Wealthy Rancher To Impoverished Cave-Dweller
That’s the story of Lot, the nephew of Abraham. Here’s how he did it:
- He embraced the negative values of Abraham:
Lot observed Abraham as he sacrificed Sarah to Pharaoh to save his neck. Years later, Lot also attempted to save his neck (and those of his house guests), by offering to give his daughters to the men of Sodom (See Genesis 12:1-12; 19:4-8).
- He allowed himself to be overtaken by greed:
When prosperity forced Abraham and Lot to separate, Lot ravenously chose the better portion of land for himself (Genesis 13:1-11).
- He loved the world’s sinful environment:
After separating from Abraham, he settled next to wicked Sodom (Genesis 13:12; 19:15, 16).
- He demonstrated no confidence in God’s Word:
When the angels told him to flee Sodom, he hesitated and sought a compromise (Genesis 19:16-20).
- He destroyed his family spiritually:
- His sons-in-law had no respect for God’s Word when spoken by him (Genesis 19:14).
- His wife lost her life by embracing his values (Genesis 19:17, 26).
- His daughters (who, no doubt were traumatized by his disregard for them) stooped to an incestuous relationship with him in order to preserve the family line (Genesis 19:4-8, 32-36).
- He experienced the reduction of his life from rancher to an impoverished cave-dweller (Genesis 13:5, 6; 19:30).
Perhaps the most astonishing thing about this story is Peter’s assessment of this rancher gone awry, in referring to him as “Righteous Lot” (See 2 Peter 2:7). If that isn’t the grace of God, I don’t know what is!
Beloveth, do your life in any way tends towards or look like the life of Lot that was just discussed?… hummmmh
My submission in Lot’s story is that he choose material wealth above his relationship with God… therefore he missed God’s appointed time of running with he received…
Beloveth… watch your life… watch your steps … ensure that you are stepping where God wants you to step in per time…
Praise the Name of the Lord….
Is not the will of God that anyone will perish but that all shall come to the full knowledge of the Lord … Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So run that you may obtain the promise of the Father… in whom there is no variation or turning of shadow in Him… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia….
He will do what He promised to do… though it tarry wait for it… for it will surely speak at the end…. beloveth until the end come… so wait on God… alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our God is a Promise Keeper… Abraham, Hannah, Mary, Sarah, Daniel, the three Hebrew boys…
Further Reading- 2Tim.3:14, Ps.8:18, Eph.6:10, Rev.22:7, Rom.6:4, Hab.3:2, Isa.48:17….
Remain blessed in the Lord.