I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing, I will sing. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord….With my mouth will I make known Thy Faithfulness, Thy Faithfulness, with my mouth will I make know Thy Faithfulness to all generations // Great is Thy Faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see… all that I needed Thy hands has provided… Great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto Thee…// I will sing unto the Lord a joyful song…I will Praise His Name for my Lord is good… Alleluia!

Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee, we give You Praise… we magnify Thee.. We worship Thee… We lift Your Name higher and higher far above… the firmament…. O! Who is like unto Thee; there is none like Thee… In heaven, You are God… on earth You remaineth the same… Thank You Father for gift of a new month… yes not all that started the month of March ended it… some dropped on the way… and here we are… still part of Your Divine plans… Father we are grateful… O Lord we are come to give you Praise… Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!

Let us magnify the Name of the Lord beloveth….

O! Lord we are very very grateful… for all You have done for us… O Lord we are very very grateful and we say Thank You Jesus…

Beloveth we welcome you to this wonderful month of the Lord package by God Himself to beautify your live, family, and ministry… beloveth God is set to do you good in the land of the living… yes for His Goodness and Mercies shall follow us all the days of our lives… and the All Round Goodness promised us is another step ahead to fulfillment!!!! Somebody shout Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth we are in a very important season in the church calendar… Lenten Season… This is a calling to remembrance when Jesus fulfills His destiny on earth… It is season when humanity was rescue from eternal damnation…. God gave His highest to redeem the His dearest (Jn.3:16)…. That is you and I …. Please shout again and again Praise the Name of the Lord…

Beloveth, Jesus fulfilled destiny as stated earlier and we will also fulfill ours in Jesus Name… however before Jesus ascended into heaven He gave us a command… “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”

Beloveth…this season is the heartbeat of our Father that we walk in obedience of the command of Christ… and that is walking in Divine Order… therefore  this month’s theme as put together by God for us to run with is  “Fulfilled Mandate…”

Beloveth with a grateful heart we welcome you to our month of “Fulfilled mandate as commanded by Jesus Christ…” Matt.28:18-20…

Yes beloveth what an awesome opportunity to be in the place where Divinity will meet with us… Yes… A place will blessing will be flowing in like a river… A place where Miracles, Signs and Wonders will dwell with us… as we go about preaching, teaching, engaging in discipleship and mentoring those the Lord will bring our ways…

Yes that is what we will engage this month’s teaching… as to guide us while in the field Alleluia somebody….

Beloveth… am so excited…. Some of us have been doing this but trust God… new openings and ways will be revealed to us on how to get this done better we have been doing… Praise the Lord…

Come along with us as the Holy Spirit is ready as ever to lead us and enable us with sufficient grace…(Ps.31:3, Jn.1:16).


Are We Compassionate In Our Ministry To Others?

Cowboys drive cattle.

Shepherds lead sheep.

There is a difference, but occasionally in our efforts to minister we confuse the two.

One way to assess whether we resemble cattlemen or shepherds is to observe our reactions when people fail to perform up to our expectations:

  • Are we irritated by their failure, or driven to our knees in intercession?
  • Is our approach characterized by law or grace?

The Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17)

Jesus, like Moses gave us the truth… but shrouded it in grace:

We all have received grace upon grace” (John 1:16)

That is, we have received grace that is continuous and never exhausted.

Surely that is also to be our approach in ministering to others.

When our primary objective in ministry is to help people toward an intimate relationship with Christ, the tenor of our service will be that of tender care rather than demands for rigid compliance.

If, however, we view people primarily as an important cog in achieving our ends of building a larger organization, or enhancing our image as a spiritual leader, those under our charge will be driven toward external conformity rather than nurtured toward internal transformation:

Driven like cattle rather than led like sheep.

When Jesus asked Peter if He loved Him, the Master suggested that the way to express that love was to feed His sheep. Shepherd His flock.

And that is our calling as well.

Beloveth….are you here now?… Did you read the last statement? For that is our calling as well…. Praise the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will you be obedient to Divine mandate as given us this month? You and I must be where God wants us to be- winning souls to the kingdom… we must not only engage in the secular things… we must also make investment in the kingdom business which has eternal value – abiding with our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven… Amen!!!!!

Beloveth… the book of Prov.11:4…says Riches profited nothing in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death alleluia!!!!!!!

There are so many promises in the Bible that will be delivered to us just being part of Divine mandate…. Wow! I must be a beneficially, what about you? You will gain Divine insight, leading and reward…Rev.22:6-7, Ps.25:4.

Further Reading: Prov.28:18, Heb.12:12, Heb.10:37, Phil.2:13 2Thess.3:16, Ps.41:1-3, Prov.11:30, Prov.7:1, Rom.12:10, Jas.1:22… 2Cor.6:18, Rev.3:8, Matt.25:40…

Beloveth… do you know that the only gift assured us by God in the Bible is eternal life…Rom.6:23 and the Bible also called you wise… Dan.12:3

On this note we declare this week opened and blessed… and by God’s grace we shall return with thanksgiving and joy at the end in Jesus Name…

Beloveth is an all important month that will deliver God’s goodness to us… make sure you keep in touch…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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