Wonderful, Marvelous are the works of the Lord, great is Your Name. Great is Your Faithfulness x2, Morning by Morning, New mercies I see, all that I needed Your hands have provided, Great is Your Faithfulness, Lord unto me. How Excellent x2 is Your Loving Kindness x2 O Lord!
Father, thank You for this wonderful opportunity to come before You, in the lowliest of heart, with a heart full of love, I say thank You Most High God. Who can be compared with Thee O my Father. Thank You Lord for Your goodness and mercies endureth forever.
Dearly Beloved, we are in the final lap of the month, the last week in the month of July. It is a month full of laughter and rejoicing for them that believeth. I believed and so the Lord took me from one level of glory to another. It was fun and action packed, it is a month that I will not forget in a hurry. Each day, the Lord kept on surprising me. O! my mouth is full of shouts of rejoicing.
This is one month God’s presence is so heavy that practically I can see Him all around and in all my doings. Praise God, somebody!
Am very sure you have testimonies too great to share with us. In all things, God has been so good to us. Daily feeding us from His throne of grace, it has been so wonderful indeed.
I want you to know that in our trials, our best is revealed. Most of us if left alone wouldn’t have become what we are at the moment if not for the most seeming difficult situations God allowed our way to strengthened us.
Let us therefore rejoice before God Whose Word cannot fall to the ground. Our Father is too Faithfull to fail us.
When I gained understanding about the text before us, beloved I was tremendous blessed. I stopped panicking at the face of trials rather I will seek out the face of God, why such is happening and what does He want me do in that situation.
Like the Apostle, I came to the knowledge that everything worketh out for good for them that believeth. God is interested in salvation of mankind, He can use anything, anybody to bring it to past (Jn 3:16)
Also being conscious that God’s plan for us are for good and not of evil. And His thought towards us are good. I tend to go as He leads me on.
Is not very easy sometime to surrender but when you know that is the only short route to destination you better align than linger on the way. Let read further:
Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has actually resulted in the advancement of the gospel. . . —Philippians 1:12
There are two ways to look at every situation: How it will affect you, and how it will affect God’s kingdom. The apostle Paul was always concerned with how his circumstances might aid the spreading of the Gospel. When he was unjustly imprisoned, he immediately looked to see how his imprisonment might provide God’s salvation to others (Phil. 1:13; Acts 16:19–34). When he was assailed by an angry mob, he used the opportunity to preach the Gospel (Acts 22:1–21). When Paul’s criminal proceedings took him before the king, his thoughts were on sharing his faith with the king! (Acts 26:1–32). Even when Paul was shipwrecked on an island, he used that opportunity to share the gospel there. Regardless of his circumstance, Paul’s concern was how he could use his current situation to tell others of God’s good news of salvation.
Often when we encounter a new situation, our first thoughts are not about God’s kingdom . When we face a crisis, we can become angry or fearful for our own well-being, rather than looking to see what God intends to do through our circumstances. If we remain self-centered we will miss so much of what God could do through our experiences, both for us and for those around us.
Ask God to make you aware of how He could use your present circumstances to bless others. Perhaps someone around you needs to see the difference Christ’s presence makes in your life. Are you willing for God to use your circumstances to demonstrate His saving power to those around you?
Will you be willing for God to use you to draw glory and honour to Himself? Believe me is not gonna be fun but at the end of it all, you will have cause to bless the Name of the Lord forever.
It is only the love of God that will inspire you to evangelize and bring souls to the Kingdom of God. Do you want to be great to in this part of eternity, get involve in soul winning and other kingdom business. That is why you are still here.
Also, be humble in your service to one another:
For who is greater, the one at the table or the one serving? Isn’t it the one at the table? But I am among you as the One who serves.—Luke 22:27
The measure of greatness in the kingdom of God differs vastly from that of the world. Our society idolizes the rich, the powerful, the beautiful, and the athletic. We even make celebrities out of those who brazenly flaunt their immorality. The world claims it is demeaning to serve others. However, God’s kingdom completely rejects the world’s measure for esteem, giving the greatest honor to the one who serves most. The person who serves selflessly, lovingly, without complaint, and without seeking recognition is highly regarded in the kingdom of God.
When Jesus and His disciples entered the upper room, the disciples looked for a prominent place to sit; Jesus looked for a place to serve. As they awkwardly waited to be served, Jesus took a towel and basin and washed their feet (John 13:1–15). We Christians like to refer to ourselves as servants, but we are seldom content to be treated as servants! We are tempted to adopt the world’s evaluation of importance. But when we look to Jesus as our model, we see that it takes a far more noble character to serve than to be served.
The world will estimate your importance by the number of people serving you. God is more concerned with the number of people you are serving. If you struggle to be a servant, your heart may have shifted away from the heart of God. Ask Jesus to teach you selflessness and to give you the strength to follow His example. Watch for Jesus’ invitation to join Him in serving others. It will come.
It so important beloved that we remind ourselves things like this very often so that we derail not from the faith we profess.
This week is going to be a grand finale of God’s goodness and kindness for many of us, hope you will be among those God has numbered to show forth His praise? Please watch out as we walk though, not to miss out in working with God and having our account credited for the times we are in (Isa 45:23).
Receive strength to be all God created you to be in Jesus Name
Remain blessed in the Lord.