Today ooo, I will lift up my voice to Praise, what shall we do today? Today ooo, I will lift up my voice to Praise! For I know You are always there for us almighty God! You are my all in all, no matter what they say, when success comes my way I will Praise Your Name.// You alone worthy O! Lord You are worthy Lord! to be Praise and adore, You alone a worthy O! Lordx2 You been faithful Lord! For the ages past, that is why Your Name Orori nko ra is for ever more!!!!!!!!!!
Our good is good all the time, all the time our Lord is good. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our Father in heaven, we glorify Your Name, we bow down before You, our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before You!
Father, we bow down before Thee; for You are a Mighty man in battle, You rescued us from everlasting damnation, wretchedness, poverty, hunger, sin, sickness and sorrow. Father we glorify Your Holy Name! Be thou glorify O! Lord, be thou magnify,
Be glorify!!!!!! Be glorify!!! Be glorify in the heaven, be glorify here on earth, be glorify in this temple, Jesus! Jesus! Be Thou glorify!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, our Father is worthy to be glorify, Who can love me as my God? I say nobody! Nobody can love me as my Father who art in heaven! Let the heaven rejoice and the people rejoice the Lord God reign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes! He reigns forever more! Our God is God! Yes! He is good to us His children, alleluia to His Holy Name!
Beloveth, are ready to pray? I saw something recently and it read “when you stop praying; you start dying! No wonder Jesus told us to pray, and never give up (Lk 18:1, NLT) …..and faint not (KJV) Beloveth are you ready to pray?
Men ought to pray and never give up or faint not. It therefore means that when we sense that we giving up or fainting in the place of prayer then we must watch it, Praise the Lord somebody!
Prayer unlocks ever door! Did you hear me? Prayer unlocks every door, name it and I will tell you where the key is found, are you struggling with your health and you need a sound health – try key No 1Pet 2:24. Or this key No 3Jn2, Do you need forgiveness of your sin (Ps 51), Do you need guidance try this key No Ps 23. Do you need assurance of God’ faithfulness then check this key No Matt 6:9-15.
Add as many as you have you already known just keep adding the Keys and sooner than you can ever imagine, you eternal secured and you liberated from all shackles of satan and his cohorts. Alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!
When King David was afraid, he applied the key we are studying today, but before we conclude, join me to found out what happened at the end:
“Gather not my soul with sinners.” Psalm 26:9
Fear made David pray thus, for something whispered, “Perhaps, after all, thou mayst be gathered with the wicked.” That fear, although marred by unbelief, springs, in the main, from holy anxiety, arising from the recollection of past sin.
Even the pardoned man will enquire, “What if at the end my sins should be remembered, and I should be left out of the catalogue of the saved?” He recollects his present unfruitfulness—so little grace, so little love, so little holiness, and looking forward to the future, he considers his weakness and the many temptations which beset him, and he fears that he may fall, and become a prey to the enemy.
A sense of sin and present evil, and his prevailing corruptions, compel him to pray, in fear and trembling, “Gather not my soul with sinners.” Reader, if you have prayed this prayer, and if your character be rightly described in the Psalm from which it is taken, you need not be afraid that you shall be gathered with sinners.
Have you the two virtues which David had—the outward walking in integrity, and the inward trusting in the Lord? Are you resting upon Christ’s sacrifice, and can you compass the altar of God with humble hope? If so, rest assured, with the wicked you never shall be gathered, for that calamity is impossible.
The gathering at the judgment is like to like. “Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” If, then, thou art like God’s people, thou shalt be with God’s people. You cannot be gathered with the wicked, for you are too dearly bought. Redeemed by the blood of Christ, you are His for ever, and where He is, there must His people be.
You are loved too much to be cast away with reprobates. Shall one dear to Christ perish? Impossible! Hell cannot hold thee! Heaven claims thee! Trust in thy Surety and fear not!
Beloveth, did you read that- you are too dear bought, therefore be not afraid of what satan can do to you, release yourself to God now and see His wondrous works in your live. Never allow satan to make you afraid again for the Lord have secured you having been purchased by the blood of the Lamb, He dare not let you perish in Jesus Name!
Beloved, what is that fear that is griping your heart as you wake up each day? Is the fear of Covid-19? Remember that whoever the Son of man set free is free indeed, we are purchased by His blood; let that also be your confident as you approach His throne this moment in Jesus Name. Don’t forget that we were created to have dominion over everything that God made, therefore we fear not. By His stripes we are made whole (1Pet 2:26)
Beloveth, our God turning everything around for our good, He is fighting our battles, He will put an end to every unpleasant situations around you, pray, grid your lions as you pray as God will arise and show forth His Praise (Isa 41:10-14).
Our Father, we pray Thee to hear us as we pray, answer us because all power belongs to You alone in Jesus. Release your peace upon each and every one of us; let healing come down in the midst of your people in Jesus Name. No weapon formed against us shall prosper in Jesus Name, according to Your Word make us fruitful in Jesus Name (Isa 41:15-16, 54:17).
Beloveth pray with confident and enjoy yourself in God’s Presence as your answers are coming down because you above every evil predictions and there uprooted for your sake in Jesus.
Remain blessed in the Lord.