November 29
What shall I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord…, It is good to praise the Lord Alleluia…, Who is like unto Thee O! Lord…, Jesus is the sweetness name I know, He is always just the same…, You are worthy to be glorified…,What a wonderful God; what are marvelous God He has done it again and again…, My Father, all these are sweet melodies unto You God! for You the great I AM, may Your name forever be praise in Jesus Name. Amen!
Thank You for Your great guidance all through the month of November 2013, our month of “Divine Victory”. It was indeed a month of victory to me, my household, the ministry and you out there; You must have something to thank God for. If you have nothing material to thank Him for, don’t forget the spiritual gifts He bestowed unto you; peace, love, joy, protection ,or how about the air you breath, even if you can buy it, do you have the resources to keep buying all through your life time; interesting even if you have, don’t forget that you need to be stationed doing that; it then means you will be confined. God forbid that a child of God be confined in Jesus name!
Now are you happy about God faithfulness to you? Come – on shout a wonderful “Alleluia” to the Kings of kings, the Lord of lords. He is the ancient of days. Glory be to Him alone Who is worthy of our praise.
As a remainder to all our readers, one of the vision upon which the ministry was founded and commissioned to operate on was Phil 2:25 “The gift of encouragement”. If you are a recipient of this devotional and this gift has not been in operational in your life, please pray earnestly that the good Lord should deposit same into your life to be a “stepping stone not a stumbling block” to the growth of others.
You must desire to help people around you to be happy no matter how little you might think that to be, always remember that a smile or a pat you gave to someone you met or who is going through challenges in life goes a long way to keep him or her pulling through. It sends a message that someone cares and when the person finally emerge at the victory stead, he/ she becomes a builder not a destroyer. Do you know that many people are hurting and that is why we have hurting people everywhere looking for homes and lives to destroy.
We also encourage you to bless the ministry with your substance as a means of helping and making this devotional available to all that needs it, click here for more details.
But I considered it necessary to send you Epaphroditus—my brother, co-worker, and fellow soldier, as well as your messenger and minister to my need. . . —Philippians 2:25
Some people know just what to say and do to encourage others who are going through difficult times. Their words give strength to those who are discouraged and comfort to those who are grieving. These people are sensitive to God’s voice. They are not self-centered or unaware of the struggles of those around them. They are the ones we immediately seek when we enter a crisis. They are welcome visitors when we are in distress, for their presence sustains us.
Scripture testifies of many whom God enabled to encourage others. When Moses was overwhelmed by his work, Jethro went to him and encouraged him. Jethro gave Moses wise counsel that eased his strain (Exod. 18:1–27). When Paul was imprisoned far from those who loved him, Epaphroditus risked his health and safety in order to go to Paul and minister to him (Phil. 2:25–30). Later, Paul urged Timothy to come and visit him, for Paul found strength and encouragement in Timothy (2 Tim. 4:9; Phil. 2:19–20). Paul asked Timothy to bring Mark also. Mark was the kind of friend Paul needed when he was enduring hardship (2 Tim. 4:11; Philem. 24). Paul also relied on Luke for encouragement. When everyone else was absent or preoccupied, Luke could be found with Paul (2 Tim. 4:11). Paul experienced trials throughout his life, but God sustained him by placing godly friends around him who provided support in practical and sacrificial ways.
God wants to develop you into the kind of friend who can strengthen others. The words you share and the things you do can bring comfort and encouragement to your family, your friends, your neighbors, and your coworkers.
Are you ready to be use of God to strengthen others or are so secured that you have no time for the people God send your way on daily. Here is a word of caution for you “mind how you invest your resources because it will be required of you one day by the Giver”. I encourage you from today to seek the wealth of others, how? Learn more from the next message:
“Seeking the wealth of his people.” Esther 10:3
Mordecai was a true patriot, and therefore, being exalted to the highest position under Ahasuerus, he used his eminence to promote the prosperity of Israel. In this he was a type of Jesus, who, upon His throne of glory, seeks not His own, but spends His power for His people. It were well if every Christian would be a Mordecai to the church, striving according to his ability for its prosperity.
Some are placed in stations of affluence and influence, let them honour their Lord in the high places of the earth, and testify for Jesus before great men. Others have what is far better, namely, close fellowship with the King of kings, let them be sure to plead daily for the weak of the Lord’s people, the doubting, the tempted, and the comfortless. It will redound to their honour if they make much intercession for those who are in darkness and dare not draw nigh unto the mercy seat.
Instructed believers may serve their Master greatly if they lay out their talents for the general good, and impart their wealth of heavenly learning to others, by teaching them the things of God. The very least in our Israel may at least seek the welfare of his people; and his desire, if he can give no more, shall be acceptable. It is at once the most Christlike and the most happy course for a believer to cease from living to himself. He who blesses others cannot fail to be blessed himself. On the other hand, to seek our own personal greatness is a wicked and unhappy plan of life, its way will be grievous and its end will be fatal.
Here is the place to ask thee, my friend, whether thou art to the best of thy power seeking the wealth of the church in thy neighborhood and the ministries God uses to strengthens your faith daily? I trust thou art not doing it mischief by bitterness and scandal, nor weakening it by thy neglect.
Friend, unite with the Lord’s poor, bear their cross, do them all the good thou canst, and thou shalt not miss thy reward.
As ministry we endeavor to intercede for you and share with you the Word of God to build you up and keepyou from falling into temptation through the week even as you worship at your local church on Sunday, hope you are happy with us?
Once again, thank you for being there for us and as we round off this great month; may you be victorious in any area you seeking for God’s intervention in Jesus Name AAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you in grand style in the month of December.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu