Come and see ooo, come and see. Come and see ooo, Come and see ooo, Come and see ooo. Come and see what the Lord has done, it is marverlous in my life, come and see what the Lord has done it is wonderful in my sight.// I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love. I will exalt Jehovah for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love.
O Lord great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed my hands have provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me. Father, I bow before Your presence, I give You praise adoration and honour, You are great and greatly to be praise Father you reign. Thank You for doing that which only You can in my life, family, career and ministry, glory be to Your Name on high.
Beloved, how was your night? Hope you are this morning? glory be God on high. I hope you remember all power belong to God, the Maker of the whole world, also that the Lord will perfect all that concerns you.
Oftentimes it our challenges seems to endless and longer than we can handle it is at such a time the devil taunt us with all manner of negative words, encourages it to try other gods other than God, inflicts us with many pains, sorrow and accusations. It is countless but I have a God goodness for you.
Nothing endures more than God. No challenge, sickness, illness, pains, disappointments, loss that is endless none can endure to the end of time. Is only God that lives in eternity and all that He will call into His glory after life here on earth.
However, at such a time when everything seem to be in despair, even praying may seems like a burden. When you look at your left or right you see God goodness all around you but one question seems unanswered “why is my case different” you have checked no life if there is a any unconfessed sin and none you can place your hand on.
There is only one thing that is left undone that is “Giving thanks.” You may even feel weary of doing that but that is where your miracle lies, a grateful heart God do not neglect.
So the question is how grateful are you? You and I know it quite easy to say Father I thank you when our bank account is blue. When we wake up in the morning energize, when you see all lines fallen in pleasant places, when you are surrounded by your loved ones, when you can call it shot, but what happens when things have fallen apart? When you have look up and depend on those who ones looked up and believed in you. When even those your hands has fed abandons you and possible call you names.
At such a time it will only take grace to pray not to talk of praise or giving thanks. But you know what the Word of God says give thanks. If you are been in a situation like this, you can tell me how easy it. But you have to obey the Word of God if you want God to walk in that situation and bring praise to His Name.
He is the only One Who can bring you out from that pit and miry clay and ensures your goings, he also will give you a new song. Praise the Lord. Beloveth, I have seen it all and I thank God for being there for me. Send me help in diverse ways and holding me on even when I am not such of the next second.
That is why when I praise it seems endless and when I give thanks it is more from a grateful heart. I have learnt to give praise and thanks in the most difficult situation I have found myself on several occasion and I will see God working in that difficult situation and I will smile again. be healed again and receive provisions. Our God; my God is a Good God.
Dearly beloved, promise that from this day forward, yours is to give thanks and nothing short of it. Learn to say “Father I thank You.” “Father I praise you.” Even when that will be lest thing that is expected of you, keep it simple and adore God in that and you will be amazed how your darkness will be turn into light.
God cannot back His word, in you He takes His pleasure therefore do not allow anything to hinder His expectation of you. God dwell in eternity therefore He will make up the loss time, property, finances for you, all you need to do is to pray and trust Him, back it up with thanks giving and it shall be well with you for when you receive without asking; you may forget to give thanks.
Join me as we discover more below:
Leviticus 25:1-55, Psalm 30:7-12, Proverbs 7:4-5, Mark 8:1-21
Give Thanks
Lord, listen and be gracious to me; Lord, be my helper.—Psalm 30:10
We pray because we have a need to tell God about our circumstances. To understand the truth of this statement, we must ask ourselves: what happens when we neglect to pray for our daily needs and thank God for providing them?
If we are honest about it and examine our lives over a period of time, we will discover a subtle change taking place in our feelings and in our thinking. If we neglect to pray for our needs, we will begin to take the blessings of life for granted, and gradually, without at first realizing it, we will succumb to the senseless notion that we can provide for the necessities of life and that we are perfectly capable of managing our own affairs without any help from God.
When we think this way, it is not long before pride steps in and a kind of spiritual blindness settles upon us—a blindness which blocks our vision in relation to God, others, and even ourselves. We need, therefore, to constantly remind ourselves that everything we have comes from His hand and that at any moment, should He choose to do so, He could turn off the supplies, and we would soon become beggared and bankrupt. The only way, therefore, that we can build a barricade against this awful blight of ingratitude is to pray daily, remembering, as the poet said:
Back of the bread is the snowy flour,
And back of the flour, the mill,
And back of the mill is the field of wheat,
The rain, and the Father’s will.
O Father, teach me the art of continual thankfulness, and help me never to become bored with acknowledging Your grace and goodness; otherwise life will begin to disintegrate. Help me, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Further Study
1Kg 17; Ps 23:5; Isa 41:10; Mal 3:10
How did God test Elijah’s faith?
How did he respond?
Beloved, let us learn to pray for every need and trust God to bring it to past. when we are praying and seems long for the arrival of the bridegroom don’t forget to give thanks and that will hold us on till our God supplys return. Praise the Lord.
Remain blessed in the Lord.