Glory to The Lord in the highest Amen x2 For His mercies enduerth forever Amen x2 let the Living water flow over my soul… let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles our mind… all my care and burden unto Thee I come… Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… calling Father, Father, Father… Sing to the Spirit, Spirit, Spirit
Father we lift Your Name higher, higher, higher, higher…. Praise the Lord somebody….Lord I lift Your Name higher… higher, higher, above every other names!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You for answers prayers… O Lord in heaven O God… Who can be compared with You… in heaven You are God… on earth You remaineth God… alleluia to Your Holy Name… be Thou exalted O Lord.
Beloveth, how are doing today? Is Faith Clinic… we are here again to drink from the fountain of life and healed of every infirmities in the Name of Jesus. Beloveth… our God will do us good .. He will walk in that situation and do you good and His Name will be lifted high… alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!
Giving your best to God… that’s a commandment… why are excepted to give God our best?
There is a great reward for everyone who gives their best to God…. Abel offered a sacrifice that made God to fight a battle…. Noah offered a sacrifice that move God to enter into covenant with man… Abraham offered a sacrifice that cost him and because of that God did two things for him… He stop him and provided a Lamb for Him to use for the sacrifice. secondly God gave him a generational blessings. In our text for today… it is a commandment from God… our God deserves the best because He gave us His best too.. He gave us His only begotten Son that we will save from sin, sorrow and death…
Beloveth, how do you intend to give God your best …. considering that He first gave you His best? Jn 3:16,
“You must not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or sheep with a defect or any serious flaw, for that is detestable to the Lord your God.”—Deuteronomy 17:1
God’s love moved Him to sacrifice that which meant the most to Him—His only Son. Our response, if we truly understand His love for us, is the desire to give back to God that which means the most to us.
The Old Testament reveals that God set forth high standards for the sacrifices He required of His people. A worthy sacrifice had to cost the people something. As their hearts shifted away from God, the people began struggling to give God costly offerings. They would bring blind, lame, and sick animals, assuming God could not tell the difference (Mal. 1:8). God saw what they were doing and declared their offerings to be in vain (Mal. 1:10). Throughout the Old Testament period, God was setting the stage for the ultimate, perfect, and sinless sacrifice of His Son for the sins of humanity.
The offerings we give back to God reveal our hearts’ condition. A heart that overflows with gratitude for God’s love will respond in selfless devotion. If we are unwilling to sacrifice our time, our possessions, our money, or our energy, we indicate that we do not love God as He desires. God takes delight in the person who gives to Him cheerfully out of a loving heart, a person who understands that God is the source of everything he has and who knows that God will more than compensate for whatever is sacrificed for Him (2 Cor. 9:8).
If you struggle in giving your best offerings to God, pause and reflect on what God sacrificed for you. Trust Him and give Him the best that you have because you love Him with all your heart.
Beloveth are you here with us? Considering what you just read above where do you fall in? are cheerful when offering to God or are struggling with it… beloveth… we came into the earth with nothing… therefore we must be willing to let go anything God demands from us… whatever you are giving is for a purpose and that purpose must be God-driven… else it will not yield the needed blessing like the cases cited above…
Beloveth, what do you have that you were not given? So why will it hard to release back to God… beloveth… nothing … both your life, time, talent are all talent… so we must be willing to give back to God when He demand same from us….
One of the ways to serve God or offer your best to God is by being available for God’s service… you may not be paid for it but the owner of the Job (God) will reward you. Yes! Handsome reward… you will be in divine health, have good success, be fruitful, God’s oracle…. You can add to the list…
And as we offer our best to our Marker… in service and in kind …may He accept is as a sweet smiling sacrifice… Holy and sanctified… in Jesus Name…
Beloveth build your faith to release upon any request from above…. God help us we pray Amen!!!!!
Further Reading:- Jn 12:26, Ps 103:2, 2Tim.2:19, Gen 4:4-Gen 8:15-22, Gen 12:1-3,18,Heb.3:12-19, Ps 27:8
Remain blessed in the Lord.