I will Praise the Lord, I will Praise the Lord 2x. if nobody will Praise your Name, I will Praise the Lord, if nobody will Praise your Name I will Praise your Name.// Let the living water flow over my soul. Let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart. All my cares and burden unto Thee I come. Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus. calling Father, Father, Father, Father, calling Spirit, Spirit, Spirit Spirit Spirit.
Father, we calling You because we know You will answer us. Great are You Lord, Great is Your Name. We look up to hill from where cometh our help? Our help is in You Lord, Who made heaven and earth! Whose power is sustaining the universe, blessed be Thy Name forever. Arise O Lord and be gracious to us even as we come before you today. Have your way and let your Name alone be blessed forever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, here comes the end of this blessed month of the Lord. Are you happy to be part of it, then give a Praise offering to the One Who made it possible, because without Him it won’t have been possible. Praise the Lord!
Beloved, thanks be to God who saw was with us from the beginning of the year up until now. He started with us at the beginning of this month and He was with us all through the month. Showering us blessings, healings, deliverance, promotions, miracles, divine interventions and fulfillment let somebody shout alleluia. Someone is saying I have not mention his own, the granted us victories on all side, promotions, we received miracle babies, miracle marriages admissions, this my God is too much ooo. Praise be to His Name forever.
The ministration of the day is to bring to past the Lord promise for the month. God is above every philosophy any human can ever profound.
It important we remind ourselves that God is unchangeable. He created man in His own image. He has the power to sustain all that He has made – Sovereignty.
Beloveth, what human philosophy are you battling with? What doctor’s report has caused you sleepless night? What powers of darkness is threatening your destiny? Today’s ministration is coming to nullify it.
It is interesting to note that most preacher is using human philosophy in teaching the Word of God. They use their own reasoning in conveying the Word of God. But God’s Word which is the bible said we should not add or removed what is written in the book (Rev 22: 18-19).
Beloved, are you ready to reign in dominion even as God has ordained it from the beginning? Then step into your dominion. Are you ready to enter into your greater glory? What are waiting for?
Come on, the God you serve is more than Conqueror. Everlasting is His Name. His is Mighty in battle. He took the prey from the mouth of the captor. He settled His children in habitation which they buildeth not. He gave them inheritance in a foreign land and they ate of the crops which they planted not. someone is entering into that reality if you are the one shout a resounding Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, our God is a Great God. Praise the Lord! Do you want to know more about this God who is above all? Then come along with me.
Beloved, the second part of this ministration is awesome. Is your Redeemer liveth? Do you have a personal experience about who God is? You cannot say that your “Redeemer liveth” if there is no personal experience to back it. It is not in the saying that strength/faith of your heart stands but in experiencing what God can do. So if you are yet to have a testimony of the goodness of God then beware because any wind of doctrine can carry you away. Human philosophy other than the Word of God will sound so smooth to you.
Job had an experience of Who God is, therefore it was easy for him to make that confession. Can you also say in your trying moments that you know that your “Redeemer liveth.” Come let’s discover more:
“For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” 1Cor. 1:19
This verse is a threatening so far as the worldly-wise are concerned, but to the simple believer it is a promise. The professedly learned are for ever trying to bring to nothing the faith of the humble believer, but they fail in their attempts.
Their arguments break down, their theories fall under their own weight, their deep-laid plots discover themselves before their purpose is accomplished. The old gospel is not extinct yet, nor will it be while the Lord liveth. If it could have been exterminated it would have perished from off the earth long ago.
We cannot destroy the wisdom of the wise, nor need we attempt it, for the work is in far better hands. The Lord Himself says, “I will,” and He never resolves in vain. Twice does He in this verse declare His purpose, and we may rest assured that He will not turn aside from it.
What clean work the Lord makes of philosophy and “modern thought” when He puts His hand to it! He brings the fine appearance down to nothing; He utterly destroys the wood, hay, and stubble. It is written that so it shall be, and so shall it be. Lord, make short work of it. Amen, and Amen.
Our God Lord will hear us and perform His promise among his people. Amen! Beloved is your Redeemer a living God? Yes! I must tell you about my God! He is a living God, whose promise faileth not. Come for more beloved:
“I know that my Redeemer liveth.” Job 19:25
The marrow of Job’s comfort lies in that little word “My”—”My Redeemer,” and in the fact that the Redeemer lives. Oh! to get hold of a living Christ. We must get a property in Him before we can enjoy Him. What is gold in the mine to me? Men are beggars in Peru, and beg their bread in California. It is gold in my purse which will satisfy my necessities, by purchasing the bread I need.
So a Redeemer who does not redeem me, an avenger who will never stand up for my blood, of what avail were such? Rest not content until by faith you can say “Yes, I cast myself upon my living Lord; and He is mine.” It may be you hold Him with a feeble hand; you half think it presumption to say, “He lives as my Redeemer;” yet, remember if you have but faith as a grain of mustard seed, that little faith entitles you to say it.
But there is also another word here, expressive of Job’s strong confidence, “I know.” To say, “I hope so, I trust so” is comfortable; and there are thousands in the fold of Jesus who hardly ever get much further. But to reach the essence of consolation you must say, “I know.”
Ifs, buts, and perhapses, are sure murderers of peace and comfort. Doubts are dreary things in times of sorrow. Like wasps they sting the soul! If I have any suspicion that Christ is not mine, then there is vinegar mingled with the gall of death; but if I know that Jesus lives for me, then darkness is not dark: even the night is light about me.
Surely if Job, in those ages before the coming and advent of Christ, could say, “I know,” we should not speak less positively. God forbid that our positiveness should be presumption. Let us see that our evidences are right, lest we build upon an ungrounded hope; and then let us not be satisfied with the mere foundation, for it is from the upper rooms that we get the widest prospect. A living Redeemer, truly mine, is joy unspeakable.
Did you read just that “God forbid that our positiveness should be presumption.” We must not deal with God with “presumption” but rather with the conviction that He is Real, we also have a testimonies to back it up. Praise God.
Are you standing up for the Lord who is able to fulfill your desires in Him, then come with me as He will surely do all He has promise to do. Praise God!
It is not over until is over. Miracles are still on the way if you believe. Hold on to your faith and trust Him forever. Remember He can do all things and nothing is impossible before Him Praise God.
Have a wonderful time. See you next month by God grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu