Father we declare that we love You…we declare an everlasting love for you…Father we declare that we love You we declare an everlasting love for You…// You are the Lord that healeth me…You are the Lord my Saviour…You sent Your and You heal me disease… You are the Lord my healer….
Our Father we worship You…We give You Praise! We adored Thee… We worship You… We glorify You Lord! be Thou exalted now and forever more… Thank You for the gift of another day in Your Presence Lord… Thank You for the great and Mighty things You are doing in our midst… We Praise, We worship Thee…be Thou exalted in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Beloveth…how are today? Hope you are doing good? Praise the Lord… May the grace of God be upon you now and forever more… and His goodness and mercy locate you today as you pray in Jesus Name….. Amen!!!
Our God is bringing you to Himself today…shout a believing alleluia!!!… our God is carrying you on eagles wings today beloveth shout a thunderous alleluia!!!!!!!
If you believe beloveth; you shall see it …. “Whoever comes to God must believe that He is … do you believe He is? Without believing is difficult to see the goodness of God in the land of Living alleluia, someone….amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
God’s intervention in your life is to bring you to Himself… in worship… are you ready to worship Him today?… This is our praying session… and am sure the Lord Himself is here to show forth Mightily in our midst… just believe and you will see His glory alleluia…
Beloveth… God desires you to set out time that will just be for “Him and you.” If you read the account of Israelite, when Moses went to pharaoh to seek him to release the people of Israelite so that they will go and hold feast unto their God in the wilderness…(Exo 5:1) but instead of obeying God, pharaoh double their task… you can imagine how the children of Israelite would have felt… They accused Moses that he wants to kill them (read our message on comfortable in bondage).
God had His way and delivered His people having destroyed Pharaoh and his war-lords…
Beloveth that God is still alive… He is still God and will do that which only Him can do… but you must worship Him, the Only True God… ”
Beloveth… “Except the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that builds it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain…(Ps 127:1). God brought up to worship Him…don’t allow anything not your life, family, work to come between you and Him… else He will fight…
So as you come Him today…ask God to open your eyes on those things that has taken His place in your heart…ask Him for the grace to set them aside no matter the cost…to chose Him above all… The grace to do this is release unto you now…receive it in Jesus Name… beloveth nothing must take the place of God in your life else like He fought pharaoh, He will fight to free you from such bondage.
So ask God to help you… change your perceptive towards life and look steadily on Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith…
Come along for more:
You have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Me.—Exodus 19:4
God did not deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt so that they could enjoy the Promised Land. He freed them from their bondage so they could come to know and worship Him. Three months after they left Egypt, God reminded His people why He had delivered them “on eagles’ wings.” It was to bring the people to Himself. That is, God saved them so that they could enjoy intimate fellowship with Him.
The Israelites had been slaves with no freedom to worship God. Now, with their own land, they could come to know and serve God freely. God’s call was not to destroy the idolatrous nations in Canaan, not to settle the lands they conquered, and not to establish a new nation, although all of these would be accomplished.
Rather, God called them primarily to be a people who loved and worshiped Him. Through God’s act of deliverance they came to know Him as an almighty and compassionate God, and they were now free to respond to Him.
We are so activity oriented that we assume we were saved for a task we are to perform rather than for a relationship to enjoy. God uses our activities and circumstances to bring us to Himself. When He gives us a God-sized assignment, its sheer impossibility brings us back to Him for His enabling. When God allows us to go through crises, it brings us closer to Him.
If we are not careful, we can inadvertently bypass the relationship in order to get on with the activity. When you are busy in your activity for God, remember that God leads you to the experiences in order to bring you to Himself.
Are you consumed in activity beloveth… God said is in vain you build… He is the builder of all things… can you start seeing things in God’s eye… He only bless what He initiated… so follow Him…where you are confused, ask for His guidance and it shall be given to you… also ask in faith (Jas 1:5-8, Ps 127).
Pray expectantly…pray earnestly… The God of all Grace will answer you in Jesus Name…
Our Father we come before You; help us to pray… Help us not to faint in the place of prayer… make our hands strong and receive us as sweet savors in Jesus Name… Ezek.20 :41
Further reading- Jas 1:5-8.
Brethren let us pray.
Remain blessed in the Lord.