What shall render, what shall I render, what shall I render to You O God! for all miracles You have done me what shall I render to You O God! I will render praises, I will render praises, I will render praises to You O Lord or the miracles You have done for me what shall I render to You O Lord!// who is wonderful is Jesus, who is powerful is Jesus, who is precious is Jesus, who is marvelous is Jesus, shout alleluia, alleluia, shout alleluia.
Father, there is none as powerful as You, gracious as You are, wonderful as You, miraculous as You. Indeed You are so faithful and so good. let Your Name alone be praised forever and ever. Thank You for another day in Your presence because You will watch over us to protect and defend us from evil. glory be to Your Name alone in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, how are you doing this morning? Wonderful, I trust God for Your strength and dependent on Him. Glory be to God Most High. I believe you are still choosing to rejoice over ever other thing the enemy is presenting before you. Faithful is our God.
By the grace of God today we will considering again another interesting topic “God first, then Extras”. What does it mean to have God first and every other things comes as extra if God allows it.
To some people this is a very difficult topic or thing to do or ever consider. You better not go there at all else you will have a problem with them.
Beloved, can it be said that you have put God in the first place in your life or do I rather ask where do you place God in your life. Do you say prayers when you wake up every morning? Do you mediates on the word or do a little study as well? or you say prayers as you are rushing out of the house because you must catch your bus else you go to work late?
Beloved, the cares of life are such that it clouded our mind and thoughts and most often effects our relationship with God. So many have God placed after their career, family and so on.
However as we go through this message, may the Holy Spirit help us to get our priorities right going forward:
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt. 6:33
See how the Bible opens: “In the beginning God.” Let your life open in the same way. Seek with your whole soul, first and foremost, the kingdom of God, as the place of your citizenship, and His righteousness as the character of your life. As for the rest, it will come from the Lord Himself without your being anxious concerning it. All that is needful for this life and godliness “shall be added unto you.
What a promise this is! Food, raiment, home, and so forth, God undertakes to add to you while you seek Him. You mind His business, and He will mind yours. If you want paper and string, you get them given in when you buy more important goods; and just so all that we need of earthly things we shall have thrown in with the kingdom.
He who is an heir of salvation shall not die of starvation; and he who clothes his soul with the righteousness of God cannot be left of the Lord with a naked body. Away with carking care. Set all your mind upon seeking the Lord. Covetousness is poverty, and anxiety is misery: trust in God is an estate, and likeness to God is a heavenly inheritance. Lord, I seek thee, be found of me.
Beloved, a new way to look at your priorities going forward:
A New Way To Look At Priorities
In most of the seminars I’ve attended on priorities we were given the traditional list:
For some reason that prioritized list never quite set right with me, as it seemed to separate God from the other important areas of our lives (marriage, etc.). Perhaps a better way of looking at priorities would be:
GOD in my marriage
GOD in my family
GOD in my work
Chuck Swindoll comments, “Too often we give GOD a few minutes in the morning, put Him back on top of the shelf, then work our way down the bookcase of priorities without taking Him into account.
“Seeking God alone in our quiet time each day should be the thing that encourages us to seek Him in every other area of our lives. He should take priority in every thought we think, in every word we speak, in every relationship, in everything. Period.”
To determine what your real priorities are, take a moment to write them out. Now ask which is the most difficult area to give to God priority-wise.
As you ponder the answer to that question, consider, Matthew 6:19-21, 1 John 2:15-17, Philippians 3:7-8, Hebrews 12:1, 2.
“It is easy to say we’re putting Christ first, but do our lives really reflect this commitment? Write out a priority list based on how you spend your time. Next, write out one based on how you spend your money. Now write one based on what you feel most strongly about.” Write one out on what you think about the most. “Finally, write one based on what you talk about most.
“If these different lists were given to a court for evidence in determining your true priorities, how do you think the court would rule? Write out the list that you think an impartial jury might come up with.”
No person was ever great for God who failed to discipline himself to live by Biblical priorities. How would you categorize yourself? Disciplined? Focused? Or mucking around in mediocrity?
Beloved, check out your priorities and make sure that God is in your plan else He will order your priorities for you.
Have you reordered your priorities? Or you want the Omnipotent to do so for you?
So watch out!
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.