When I look around me
I will see my Lord Jesus
Look around me
I will see my Lord Jesus
Everlasting God, Dependable God, God Immortal, Invisible, the Only Wise God. There is none to be compared with You. You are so Beauitful, Wonderful is Your Name. I lift up my hands unto You, the Giver of life and every good things. When You openth a door, no one can shut it neither can any open when You close.
Am so gracious to You for preserving us all through the month of July and we also entrusted the rest of the year into Your care. We praise You, we magnify You forever in the Name of Jesus.
Dear beloved, thank God for the final lap of this month is here. O! My God, how time flies. It has been indeed wonderful and glorious all the way. Our challenges; He has turn to victories. Our moment of glory is here and the Joy of the Lord will continue to be our strength in Jesus Name! Amen.
Beloved, for the rest of this month and the year, you and I will be joining Sarah to laugh as God will make us laugh. The month of glory is indeed a month of “Restoration”. All that the palmer worms, the caterpillars, and the canker-worms had eaten from us, the Lord by His Mighty hands will restore back to us in Jesus Name! Amen.
Sarah’s laughter depicts the possible of everything that is impossible with you but very possible with God. It is possible like Sarah, you are saying can I still have pleasure, how will offset this medical bills, rents, how can unworthy servant like me find grace before God and all such.
Here is good news for you, the same God of Abraham, of Isaac and Jacob is still our God today. Fear not, He will do it, all you need do is keep trusting, keep believing, and keep holding on, never relent.
Come along with me as we laugh the laughter that heals and make whole.
“And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:6
It was far above the power of nature, and even contrary to its laws, that the aged Sarah should be honoured with a son; and even so it is beyond all ordinary rules that I, a poor, helpless, undone sinner, should find grace to bear about in my soul the indwelling Spirit of the Lord Jesus. I, who once despaired, as well I might, for my nature was as dry, and withered, and barren, and accursed as a howling wilderness, even I have been made to bring forth fruit unto holiness.
Well may my mouth be filled with joyous laughter, because of the singular, surprising grace which I have received of the Lord, for I have found Jesus, the promised seed, and He is mine for ever. This day will I lift up psalms of triumph unto the Lord who has remembered my low estate, for “my heart rejoiceth in the Lord; mine horn is exalted in the Lord; my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies, because I rejoice in Thy salvation.”
I would have all those that hear of my great deliverance from hell, and my most blessed visitation from on high, laugh for joy with me. I would surprise my family with my abundant peace; I would delight my friends with my ever-increasing happiness; I would edify the Church with my grateful confessions; and even impress the world with the cheerfulness of my daily conversation.
Bunyan tells us that Mercy laughed in her sleep, and no wonder when she dreamed of Jesus; my joy shall not stop short of hers while my Beloved is the theme of my daily thoughts. The Lord Jesus is a deep sea of joy: my soul shall dive therein, shall be swallowed up in the delights of His society. Sarah looked on her Isaac, and laughed with excess of rapture, and all her friends laughed with her; and thou, my soul, look on thy Jesus, and bid heaven and earth unite in thy joy unspeakable.
Whoa! Indeed, we will laugh and be joyous indeed for when He openth a door, it remains open, no man can shut it.
“He openeth, and no man shutteth.” Revelation 3:7
Jesus is the keeper of the gates of paradise and before every believing soul He setteth an open door, which no man or devil shall be able to close against it. What joy it will be to find that faith in Him is the golden key to the everlasting doors. My soul, dost thou carry this key in thy bosom, or art thou trusting to some deceitful pick-lock, which will fail thee at last?
Hear this parable of the preacher, and remember it. The great King has made a banquet, and He has proclaimed to all the world that none shall enter but those who bring with them the fairest flower that blooms. The spirits of men advance to the gate by thousands, and they bring each one the flower which he esteems the queen of the garden; but in crowds they are driven from the royal presence, and enter not into the festive halls. Some bear in their hand the deadly nightshade of superstition, or the flaunting poppies of Rome, or the hemlock of self- righteousness, but these are not dear to the King, the bearers are shut out of the pearly gates.
My soul, hast thou gathered the rose of Sharon? Dost thou wear the lily of the valley in thy bosom constantly? If so, when thou comest up to the gates of heaven thou wilt know its value, for thou hast only to show this choicest of flowers, and the Porter will open: not for a moment will He deny thee admission, for to that rose the Porter openeth ever. Thou shalt find thy way with the rose of Sharon in thy hand up to the throne of God Himself, for heaven itself possesses nothing that excels its radiant beauty, and of all the flowers that bloom in paradise there is none that can rival the lily of the valley.
My soul, get Calvary’s blood-red rose into thy hand by faith, by love wear it, by communion preserve it, by daily watchfulness make it thine all in all, and thou shalt be blessed beyond all bliss, happy beyond a dream. Jesus, be mine for ever, my God, my heaven, my all.
Thank you Lord, for revealing the secret things of heaven to the simple, help us to persevere unto the end in Jesus Name. Amen!
Finally, beloved, Thank God especial for adding to my years today. Bless His Holy Name for all He has done and yet to do in my life. May your good prayers works wonders in my life in Jesus Amen! Thank you for being there for us. You are also going to partake of His blessing.
Join me to sing this song to the glory of He that made me in His own image and say that I am wonderfully and beautifully made:
Fill my cup Lord, I lift up Lord.
Come and quench the thirsting of my soul.
Bread of heaven, fill till I want no more.
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
Remain blessed in the Lord.