I will call upon the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise I will magnify the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise…the Lord reigneth… blessed be the Lord…honour to the Lord… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted…. The Lord reigneth blessed be the Lord… honour to the Lord let the Rock of my salvation be exalted….// Glory, Honour, Power and Majesty be unto Thee O Lord! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!! Glory, Honour, Power and Majesty be unto Thee O Lord…………….

O Lord;Our God thank You for the gift of a brand new day… Thank You for waking me up this morning to be among those that will Praise Your Name again today… Thank You Father for You are Good… You do miracle so Great there is no one else like You… there is no one else like You… Thank You for incline Your ear to my prayers… Thank You for faith You only can give…. Thank You for answers that You have dispatched… Glory Alleluia to You Father in Jesus Name Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Alleluia for the Lord our God, The Almighty reign… Alleluia for the Lord our God The Almighty reign Alleluia reign… He is the Lord! He is the Lord Amen!!! He has risen from the dead He is the Lord… Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord…

Beloveth good morning…how are doing today… Hope God has been so good to you… just keep on believing don ever lose hope… Jesus is always by your side to keep you going… His love is ever sure… glory alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Our brethren that has gone ahead of us oftentimes I use to imagine how they made it…. The book Hebrew chapter eleven had it all listed out… they went through trials, temptations came their ways…. But they never give up… they never renounce their belief in God… they keep on holding on knowing that He that promise is faithful.. He will not forsake them… He will come through for them… And it happened to them according to their faith….

This morning beloveth I just want us to consider not our flesh, not our intellectuals (brains), but to consider what God’s Word said about God…. is possible we will be very convinced about Who God truly is….

In beginning God was…and He created. Gen 1:1, even at fall God still showed compassion on our first parents Adam and Eve… Gen 3:21… God destroyed the world He created due to their sins but Noah found grace before Him and his family was preserved… Gen 6:8-12. God called Abraham and blessed him even in his old age and promised him generational blessings… Gen 15:1-6;21:1-7, so Abraham beget Isaac and Isaac beget Esau and Jacob… so the journey began up until Jacob was got the promise of God and so God journey with him too… Gen 32:24-31….. we have among us Joseph, Moses, who through God did some outstanding miracles that generations years after even after us will marvel at… God parted the Red Sea for his people to pass… He did not abandon them, No He made a way through the Sea and they passed through… God spread a table in the wilderness and fed them till they got to the promised land… He never abandoned them nor forsake them… God fought battles on their behalf and won (Ps 105:43,)… beloveth another individual that enjoyed the sure mercies of God was David, O this shepherd boy became the King of Israel… David enjoyed God’s faithfulness in spite of his shortcomings… God still called him the man after My own Heart… wow… like that we come the New Testaments we saw many who enjoyed God’s faithfulness in various forms like healing, deliverances, provisions then salvation we pick Paul who was formerly Saul but God’s faithfulness located him and cropped him into God’s army and he really fight the fight of faith and won himself a crown as he declared to us… 2Tim. 4:6-8.

Beloveth, I believe that you are sure blessed just as I am… seeing just few mentioned of God’s integrity upheld all through the Bible days and you know what…. He is still doing the same, all you need do is to hold on to Him even Word of God… Spoken or written…my God; our God is able to uphold it to the end…

I don’t know what God has told you that He will do for you… hold on to it and it shall come to pass… just keep on believing He will do it again in your life… did you receive a promise for your child the Lord is able to do it… keep on standing firm on His Word.. mediating on it daily… to renew your strength and you will surely enjoy the sure mercies of God Alleluia Amen!!!!

Come along with us for more:

 “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”—1 Thessalonians 5:24

God never calls us to do anything without faithfully keeping His word and enabling us to do it. We are not always faithful to do what God tells us, but He remains faithful and stands by His word to fulfill what He has promised (Isa. 46:11).

When the children of Israel reached the Red Sea, they might have concluded that God had abandoned His promise to them. The sea was barring their advance, and the murderous Egyptian army was racing to overtake them! Yet God proved then, as He has ever since, that He is absolutely faithful to every word He speaks to His children.

God may have spoken to you about something in particular—a ministry in your church, the way to raise your children, or what you should do in your job. You have obeyed Him, but now you face a Red Sea experience. It seems that what you thought God wanted to accomplish is not happening. Perhaps your ministry has not been well received, or your children are rebelling, or those at your workplace are criticizing your actions.

Trust in the character of God. It is His nature to be faithful. The testimony of His people throughout the ages is expressed by the psalmist, who declared: “I have been young, and now I am old; / Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, / Nor his descendants begging bread” (Ps. 37:25).

Regardless of how bleak your present circumstances are, do not lose hope. No one has ever experienced unfaithfulness on God’s part! Allow time for God to reveal His faithfulness to you. Someday you will reflect on what God has done and praise Him for His absolute faithfulness to you.

No matter what your circumstance look like … Please don’t give up… God will come through for you… Amen!!! O Lord uphold us by Your Right Hand… Help us to keeping on trusing and believing that one day our mouth will overflow with Praise Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Further Reading- Ps 124:8, Jn.6:35,Jas 5:17, Rev 2:10, Exo 14:10-31… Rev 3:11, Prov 22:9…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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