Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I need that hand has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee. Lift Jesus higher higher, lift higher higher, lift Jesus higher higher, lift Jesus higher higher.// glory glory alleluia, glory glory Praise the Lord, glory glory alleluia, glory glory Praise the Lord, glory glory Lord, we give you glory, we give glory Lord! alleluia, glory glory Lord! You are a mighty God!
I feel like dancing, I feel like jumping, I feel like clapping, clap, clap, clap. Heavenly Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You we give You thank adoration to Your Holy Name, what a wonderful God we serve, His mercies enduerth forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Thank you Father for Your goodness and kindness to Your children, be Thou glorify forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Come and see what the Lord has done for me, He has taken away my sorrow now I am free! Agam e buru alleluia buru, agam a para alleluia para o, Because of Jesus everyday na shakara I dey do, Double double heavenly blessing na Him I dey receive, God Your Grace and Mercies always dey follow me.
Beloveth, our God is a good Yes! He is. Join us to thank God for another beautiful day that He has made and said that we should be glad and rejoice in it. Daily I woke up seeing the Hand of God in every step I take, decision made and even in some inaction I see the Holy Spirit of God constraining me. I use to wonder how come this or that is happening at this time and in deep silence of my heart, I hear a voice whispering and saying “is me, fear not” and I will simply say “Lord so You are here too!”
Beloved, we are children to our Maker, God Almighty, except you disassociate yourself from being one. Is so easy to disconnect oneself from being God’s child, I believe no one will ever desire such in life except you are a son of perdition, and from my English knowledge is only “son” which means “one” and one man I know according to the Word of God is “Judas Iscariot” who betrayed Jesus so that the scripture may be fulfilled and another son of perdition mentioned is Satan and I am sure you are not neither (Jn 17:12, 2Thess2:3).
There are some who have decided to make themselves enemies of the Cross therefore the finished work of Calvary is for no effect to them since they made themselves enemies other than embracing the Cross and repenting of their sins.
So do not be deceived if you are not living in the “Will” of God, you cannot claim to be His as your Father. Even Israel was rejected at a time by God until their repented of their sins and He took them back, so don’t live in illusion that “God is a Father of All.”
Come along for more:
Daniel 12:1–Hosea 3:5, Psalm 140:1-5, Proverbs 30:7-9, Revelation 2:1-17
God Is Not Father of All
Where they were told: You are not My people, they will be called: Sons of the living God.—Hosea 1:10
Jim Packer said: “You sum up the whole of New Testament teaching in a single phrase if you speak of it as a revelation of the Fatherhood of the Holy Creator. In the same way you sum up the whole of the New Testament religion if you describe it as the knowledge of God as one’s Holy Father. Father is the Christian name for God.”
There are those who claim that the teaching given in the Old Testament is quite different. There, they say, God is viewed as being the Father of all. But is He? Consider this: “Israel is My firstborn son … ‘Let My son go'” (Ex 4:22-23). There are many such passages. The Old Testament as well and the New Testament shows God as the Father, not of all men and women but of His own people, Abraham’s descendants. Galatians 3:26 tells us that God is not the Father of all, but only of those who know themselves to be sinners and have accepted His Son into their hearts. When we have done this, Paul says, we belong to Christ and are ourselves Abraham’s offspring.
Divine sonship is not ours because we have been born into this world; it is ours because we have been born again into another realm—the kingdom of God. Sonship is a gift, a gift of grace. It is not a natural sonship but an adoptive sonship. God takes those who receive His Son and makes them His adopted children, to see and share His glory into which His one and only Son has already come.
O Father, once again I want to record my deepest thanks that because of Your Son I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. How wonderful. How truly wonderful. All honor and glory be to Your precious name. Amen.
Further Study
Rm 9:4-12; Jr 31:9; Hs 11:1; 2Co 6:18
What makes people children of God?
What does “Abraham’s children” mean?
Did you read it? Divine sonship is not ours because we are born into this world, rather it is because you and I have accepted Jesus as our Lord and personal Saviour and therefore we are counted to be among the adopted children of God, which is a gift to us, it is a gift of grace, we merited it not but God extended it to us, so that we will be with His Son Jesus Christ in heaven as it was ordained from the beginning (1Cor 15:51-57,58).
Let us pray therefore that we will be part of these adopted sons as indicted by the Word of God. pray that we will be among those that God will welcome at the end of our journey here on earth, pray that nothing will take Jesus away from us (Matt 25:34, Rom 8:31-39).
May the Spirit of God help us as we pray in Jesus Name (Rom 8:23-27).
Father, hear our prayers and let our cry come unto you and accept back into the folds so that we will benefit from your promise in Jesus Name.
Pray now! don’t forget that Jesus will come back in glory to receive you unto Himself, therefore keep watch and fall not asleep (Rev3:11).
Remain blessed in the Lord.