February 4



Precious Lord, we appreciate You for Who You Are. Just Who You are, not only what You can do but Who You Are Lord, we appreciate You. In heaven you are God; on earth you are God. Your Sovereignty is over all You created, who can stand You? We are acknowledge Your Might all over the world. Glory be unto You forever.

Beloved, the Mightiness of God is not in doubt for us His children, oftentimes we come to a point where we ask God, are You sure You are there watching? Why should I be in this situation despite all my faithfulness and commitment to all You have commanded me of? Why Lord, why are things the way they are? But we tend to forget one important thing that God is Sovereign. He does whatever He want to His own glory. In fulfilling His plan, He uses whosoever He wishes. Then another question, are you available for His use or you have your own plan for Him?

Our God does not just use any one, He look for clay. Are you one? Read on to discover whether you are clay if not, what will you do to be clay in God’s hand?

“House of Israel, can I not treat you as this potter [treats his clay]?”—[this is] the Lord’s declaration.“ Just like clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, house of Israel.“—Jeremiah 18:6

God knows how to bring salvation to your family, your friends, your community, and your world. Accordingly, He looks for those who will allow Him to shape them into the instruments He requires to do His divine work. Clay has no plans of its own, no aspirations for service, nor reluctance to perform its given task. It is just clay. Moldable, pliable, totally submissive to the will of its master.

At times we excitedly announce to God: “I’ve discovered my strengths and gifts, and now I know how I can best serve You!” At other times we inform Him, “I am aware of what my weaknesses are, so I know which tasks I’m not capable of doing for You.” Yet this is not characteristic of clay. God is not limited to working with our strengths (2 Cor. 12:9–10). He can mold us into whatever kind of instrument He requires.

When God’s assignment demands humility, he finds a servant willing to be humbled. When His work requires zeal, He looks for someone He can fill with His Spirit. God uses holy vessels, so He finds those who will allow Him to 1 cor 3:9 remove their impurities. It is not a noble task, being clay. There is no glamour to it, nothing boastworthy, except that it is exactly what Almighty God is looking for. Compliant, moldable, yielded clay.

If your tendency is to tell the Father what you can and cannot do for Him, submit to His agenda and allow Him to shape you into the person He wants you to be. Like clay. When that is done and He mold you into what He wants you to be, you be willing to do what he wants of you.

Remember no one come to Christ except His Father draws you. Yesterday, the Lord graciously gave us a mind blowing promise that we will be supernatural be enthrone to greatness. A way to “greatness” is a way to service. So when God discover the clay in you He will mold you into which ever service unit he wants you to function and with a willing heart you will serve your God (2 Cor 4:7), come and read more my dear:

Your people will volunteer on Your day of battle.—Psalm 110:3

One mark of revival, during which God comes to His people in power, is that God’s people are compelled to offer their lives for His service. Many churches lack people who are willing to get involved in carrying out God’s redemptive work. The mission fields are crying out for Christians to go and share the gospel with those who’ve never heard it. What we need is not more pleas for volunteers, but an outpouring of the power of God. When God comes among His people in power, there is never a shortage of volunteers or resources for His work!

When Christians today are asked what aspects of the Christian life are most important to them, missions is not usually ranked as a priority. This is because we have lost track of why God called us in the first place. We were not saved from our sin simply so that we would qualify for heaven. God delivered us so we would have a relationship with Him through which He could carry out His mission to redeem a lost world.

Only the power of God can free us from our natural self-centeredness and reorient us toward the mission of God. There is no need to pray that God would come in power. That is the only way He ever comes. We need hearts that are so responsive to Him that He will choose to demonstrate His power through us. Is your heart so filled with love for God that you are watching for the first opportunity to say with Isaiah, “Here am I. Send me!”?

Last week, we dwelt so much on enlisting as an intercessor. Have you find a group to join or did you join the group in your local church? We also made you to understand that the zeal to seek and help the loss and the needy can only be motivated by God’s kind of love. Now, where are you fit for the Lord? Peradventure, you have not discover yours, earnestly seek God in prayer to reveal it to you and once you get it, run with it. Serve God with the gifts He bestowed on you, you will not be anything less rather He will increase you (1 Cor 3:9). That’s your secret to “Stardom”; to “Greatness”.

Hope you are excited? Please send in your response or questions for more clarification. Remember, the Holy Spirit is ever willing to show you the light, why stay in darkness (Isa 60:20)? Ask question where you need guidance and your peace will be real.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu


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