Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the Lord…!! Alleluia Praise the Lord for Jesus concured satan Alleuia Praise the Lord…// Come and see the Lord is good…x2 there nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is Good… Jesus gives me victory… He gives me Peace of mind… Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and see the Lord is good… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia!!!
Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!! Alleluia…. Amen!!! The Lord is good… all the time… and all the time the Lord is Good… Praise the Name of the Lord… Faithful is our God… for His mercy enduerth forever… Glory be to His Name on high…
Beloveth… you are welcome to a brand new day… the day He has made and said we should rejoice and glad… Glory be to God on high… alleluia.
I am so excited to be in God’s Presence… hope you are too… Wow! we are in the third month… everything is working out for our good… Alleluia!… Amen
Beloveth can I ask you how the year has been faring for you? Have you been meeting up with your set target, spiritual, physically and emotionally?…
If you are like me… meeting some and missing some… well don’t worry so much for “God GOT YOUR BACK”… The most important thing is that you are making process… you are not stagnated… Praise God.
Though is naturally to feel sad when it doesn’t go our own way… at that point satan wants you to cause God… but the wisest thing to do is to pray and Praise God… Yes! Is not an easy thing to do… I saw myself at that point on the last day of the last month… I was not happy, I was sad… I also noticed that I was feeling irritated… when I got to that point… I know that I must do something or else … something will go wrong….
Immediately pray and asked the Holy Spirit to help me… yes! I quickly switched to my whatsapp ministration…. As I went into that, thereafter I felt better… beloveth… do you know that while I was Praising and promoting God with all I have… God was working out a way of escape for me… He literally met every need and surpassed it… by the 2nd day of the month I was sing hosanna in the highest… I did not see the wind or the rain but the valley was filled with water… (2king.3:17) Alleluia
So if you are worried like I was and was also afraid… beloveth… the God we serve out will take care of your fear…
I am a witness and so shall you also witness you own miracle(s) in Jesus Name… Alleluia!!!
God routed my fear and gave me my undeniable miracles… I couldn’t help shouting for joy… Yes… my mouth sang a new song… and my souls rejoiced in the Lord my Saviour… Amen!!! Alleluia…
Wherever you are now especially if you feeling despondent, please get up and give the Lord a shout…. Yes in that pain Praise Him, hallow His Name… your God our God enjoys our worship more than our prayer…. yes when you lift Him up above your pains … He will make Name for himself in your life and situation, Praise God.… Alleluia…. Amen
Come along with us for more:
God Routs Fear
“Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel.” Num. 23:23
How this should cut up root and branch all silly, superstitious fears! Even if there were any truth in witchcraft and omens, they could not affect the people of the Lord. Those whom God blesses, devils cannot curse.
Ungodly men, like Balaam, may cunningly plot the overthrow of the Lord’s Israel; but with all their secrecy and policy they are doomed to fail. Their powder is damp, the edge of their sword is blunted. They gather together; but as the Lord is not with them, they gather together in vain.
We may sit still, and let them weave their nets, for we shall not be taken in them. Though they call in the aid of Beelzebub, and employ all his serpentine craft, it will avail them nothing: the spells will not work, the divination will deceive them.
What a blessing this is! How it quiets the heart! God’s Jacobs wrestle with God, but none shall wrestle with them and prevail. God’s Israels have power with God and prevail, but none shall have power to prevail against them.
We need not fear the fiend himself, nor any of those secret enemies whose words are full of deceit and whose plans are deep and unfathomable. They cannot hurt those who trust in the living God. We defy the devil and all his legions.
In Jesus Name… we shall not be afraid as He will Defend and Protect us from all evil… All their plans will fail and will not stand as the Lord will not back them up… Amen!!! Alleluia!!!
Further Reading- Job.34:32, Ps.56:3, 1Jn.3:1, Eph.5:18, Ps.25:14, 2Cor.3:17, 1Cor.3:23, Ps.84:11, Rom.11:29, Jn.1:4, Rom.10:13, Ps.28:7,
Remain blessed in the Lord.