I have a reason to praise the Lord, I have a reason to praise the Lord in my life, I have a reason to praise the Lord, in my life, I have a reason to praise the Lord. Lord you are so God, blessed be Thy Name, in heaven You are the Lord, on earth you reigneth forever, O Lord I praise your Name, blessed be Your Name.

Our Father in heaven O God! Thank for Your Mercies that endureth forever. Let all glory, honour, adoration be given unto You in Jesus Name. Thank Lord because you answers prayer. You never fail, you never lie. You reigneth forever, there is none to be compare with thee.

Faithful Father, hallow be Thy Name, let Thy Kingdom come and Your will on earth be done faithful indeed are You Lord. Blessed be Thy Name

Beloved, hope you prayed yesterday? I also hope that you enjoyed the song of the day. Like I said in that pieces that song contained a lots of mystery, take time to go through it again and again till you understand it better.

Do you believe that God hears prayer? Yes I believe, I don’t know about you. In so many places in the bible we have evident of God answering our prayer. The book of Isaiah as this to say ‘before they call, I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear.’ Isa 65:24.

So we serve a God that not only hear our prayer; He also answers prayer. Beautiful Isn’t it? You know that often times some people do not have patient to listen to you when you are talking to them, even when they are patient enough to listen, they may not have the capacity to help you but not so with our God. He hears and He also answers our prayer.

Is someone rejoicing in the house? Praise God! I am dancing because my Father is EL-Shaddia. All Glorious and Powerful Father. Everlasting King of Glory! that is Who He is.

So what is that need that is bulging your heart? What are those issues of life that is weighing you down? Are you aware that Jesus is still in the business of doing good? Remember also that He is same yesterday, today and forever. He will not change because of you. He lieth not; there is no turning of shadow in Him, He is ever Faithful, always Dependable, Reliable, Supernatural God. The Ancient One, glory be to Him forever and ever.

Beloved, whatever you are trusting God for just be reassured that he will answer.

Permit me to share this bible story in Jn 5:1-16 with you. For thirty-eight good years he waited for God to answer his prayer. Yes thirty-eight years. The bible did not record of him trying any other method or calling on another God but rather he endured and waited patiently for thirty-eight little wonder when Jesus came to pool at Bethesda he was the only one He healed despite the fact that the pool was full with people of divers needs.

So many people want a sharply miracle, high sounding miracle, God intervention but they are not willing to pay the price. I have listen to many preachers ministered on this topic but none has brought out this virtue I want discuss now until one day, the Holy Spirit drew my attention to it.

The emphasis mostly on this passage is mostly about is disenchantment and probably his complains but none has kind enough to bring out this rear quality of this man. And when Jesus came, as he will always do at the appointed time, He healed him. Jesus restored him without him asking for it.

Beloved, ‘patient’ sometime is the key to the miracle we are looking forward to. May God grant us perseverance in the place of our waiting in Jesus Name.

Are you here with me, let go into the ministration of the day to see more to be grateful to God for:


“He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.” Ps. 145:19

His own Spirit has wrought this desire in us, and therefore He will answer it. It is His own life within which prompts the cry, and therefore He will hear it. Those who fear Him are men under the holiest influence, and, therefore, their desire is to glorify God, and enjoy Him for ever. Like Daniel, they are men of desires, and the Lord will cause them to realize their aspirations.

Holy desires are grace in the blade, and the heavenly Husbandman will cultivate them till they come to the full corn in the ear. God-fearing men desire to be holy, to be useful, to be a blessing to others, and so to honor their Lord.

 They desire supplies for their need, help under burdens, guidance in perplexity, deliverance in distress; and sometimes this desire is so strong, and their case so pressing, that they cry out in agony, like little children in pain, and then the Lord works most comprehensively, and does all that is needful, according to this Word — and will save them.”

Yes, if we fear God, we have nothing else to fear; if we cry to the Lord, our salvation is certain.

Let the reader lay this text on his tongue, and keep it in his mouth all the day, and it will be to him as “a wafer made with honey.”

Did read that, a wafer made with honey. Wow! If I fear the Lord then all my desire will be fulfilled by the Lord. Beloved, if the Lord said it; so shall it be in Jesus Name. Are your needs desperate? Then you are at the right place because my Father; my God answers those in desperate need. Who do not turn to try other gods or means but wait on Him for salvation? Praise God! If you are one of such people, come and see what the Lord as done for you, claim it and it will come to pass:

 God Helps The People Who Are In Desperate Need

A sinking ship: “Master, we are perishing!

A naked maniac: “And seeing Jesus, he cried out with a loud voice… “

A dying daughter: The father “fell at Jesus feet and began to entreat Him… “

A bleeding woman: She came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak… “

All helpless — and in grave need of the Master’s touch.

Mans extremity becomes Gods opportunity.

The Gospels are silent however, about any dramatic life changes among the faceless masses who seemed to view Jesus simply as a nice idea. To them, observing and being around Christ was something like a spectator sport. WATCH BUT DONT GET TOO INVOLVED.”

By contrast, Christ extended His compassion to those souls fortunate enough to have run out of options — people who were at the end of their rope.


  • The ship made it to shore.
  • The maniac found healing and peace in Christ.
  • The dying daughter was restored to full health.
  • The woman’s bleeding was stopped.

Today, if you are in serious need of the Master’s healing or helping hand, understand that He awaits your cry for help. By faith appropriate Him now.

Hope you remember that you are in our faith clinic session. How have you fare? Is God able to do it? You have read about His wondrous works, will yours be different or too difficult for Him to do? For anyone who called, He hear; He also answered.

Bearing this in mind, yours will not be difficult for Him. Praise the Name of the Lord.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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