Jesus You are a wonderful God. Wonderful God you are the king of kings Jesus You are a Wonderful God.2x// Thank You, thank You Lord. Thank You Lord (Thank You Lord)for every thing You have done. In my life, Thank You , thank You Lord,( Thank You Lord) Thank You Lord for everything You have done.// We give all the glory to the Lord, all the glory to the Lord, all the glory to the Lord. We give all the glory to the Lord, all the glory to the Lord, all the glory to the Lord.
Yes! Father receive our Praise this day in the Name of Jesus. We come with thanksgiving and adoration unto thee. Let all honour, adoration, Praise and adoration be ascribe unto thee alone in Jesus Name. Thank You Matchless Jesus. You are God and Only we will serve all the days of our live. We will bow unto thee alone ho sits at the right Hand of our Father. Glory be to on high in Jesus Name.
Beloved, we are having our first faith clinic in this wonderful month the Lord has made us partakers. Glory be to God alone. We are in for miracles galore in this season of new songs. I decree into your life this day as you raise up each day, beloved, you will rise with songs in your mouth. You will raise your voice to worship God whose Hand does marvelous things. You will exalt Him for great and mighty works in will do in your life in the Name of Jesus.
Beloveth, but you need to boost up your faith daily to carry the every promise of God. Even the testimonies you are waiting to share, you must stand firm in the place of faith to be able to pull through. Therefore I decree into your life this day ever faith destroyer demons, household enemies be scatter by fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus Name.
Beloved, posses your possessions in the Name of Jesus. The Word of prophecy has gone out of the mouth of the Living God; beloved, you need to step out and step up to enter into your into it.
The topic of today is assuring you of God’s protection all through this month in Jesus Name. Satan can only roar but not more than that if you stand firmly in the Word of God. Therefore make sure that you are constant touch with your bible and study it. Mediate on it and confess it.
Faith has a lot in common with confession. With your heart you believe but with your mouth you confess what you believe. Therefore whatever you want to happen in your life, be ready to confess it till its full manifest in your life in the Name of Jesus.
God is not slacking in His promises rather He is patiently waiting for you to conform to the image of dear Son our Lord Jesus Christ through the His blood. 1 Jn 1:7.
Beloveth, what a wonderful God we serve. Praise the Lord. The Lord Jesus made mention of tribulation but He quickly added “Be of good cheers because I have overcome the Word. Yes! He has overcome the world for us. He had also destroy the works of darkness, sickness, cage, dominion, thrones, principalities and powers. And He quickened every dead virtue in you to come alive. Wow! What a victory won by the blood of Jesus for us. Praise the Lord!
So as we go through this wonderful month let us always that God’s protection is up on us and every challenge that might come our way has already be won by the special grace of God. So move in power and dominion. Sing will cheerful heart fr merry heart is a good medicine to the soul.
Be of good cheers for Jesus have overcome the world. Let us discover more:
“While I was with them,
I was protecting them by Your name that You have given Me.
I guarded them and not one of them is lost,
except the son of destruction,
so that the Scripture may be fulfilled.”—John 17:12
Nothing that Satan can do to you should cause you to fear (2 Tim. 1:7). Jesus chose the twelve disciples the Father had given Him and then jealously guarded them from the evil one. Jesus sent His disciples into the world where they experienced difficult and dangerous circumstances, but He interceded on their behalf with His Father that they would have His strong protection from the evil one (John 17:15).
In the same way, Jesus said that we, as His sheep, are held securely in the Father’s strong hand (John 10:28). There is no better place to be than safely in the hand of almighty God. Do you believe this, or are you fearful of what Satan or people can do to you? The apostle John encourages us that we do not need to fear: “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). This is not merely a theological concept but a profound reality in which you can have absolute confidence. It is not just a truth for meditation in the security of your home; it is a promise you can cling to in the midst of a hostile and menacing world.
What you do reveals what you believe. If you are living a fearful, anxiety-filled life, you are proving your lack of confidence in God’s protection, regardless of what you may say. Live your life with confidence that Jesus is continually interceding with the Father on your behalf. If you trust Him completely, you will have nothing to fear.
Yes if you trust him you will have nothing to fear. No matter the level of tribulation the Lord will remember you and have you His protection, so hang on there until your miracle break forth like a dawn of the day. Praise the Lord. Let us discover more:
“In the world ye shall have tribulation.” John 16:33
Art thou asking the reason of this, believer? Look upward to thy heavenly Father, and behold Him pure and holy. Dost thou know that thou art one day to be like Him? Wilt thou easily be conformed to His image? Wilt thou not require much refining in the furnace of affliction to purify thee? Will it be an easy thing to get rid of thy corruptions, and make thee perfect even as thy Father which is in heaven is perfect?
Next, Christian, turn thine eye downward. Dost thou know what foes thou hast beneath thy feet? Thou wast once a servant of Satan, and no king will willingly lose his subjects. Dost thou think that Satan will let thee alone? No, he will be always at thee, for he “goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Expect trouble, therefore, Christian, when thou lookest beneath thee.
Then look around thee. Where art thou? Thou art in an enemy’s country, a stranger and a sojourner. The world is not thy friend. If it be, then thou art not God’s friend, for he who is the friend of the world is the enemy of God. Be assured that thou shalt find foe-men everywhere. When thou sleepest, think that thou art resting on the battlefield; when thou walkest, suspect an ambush in every hedge. As mosquitoes are said to bite strangers more than natives, so will the trials of earth be sharpest to you.
Lastly, look within thee, into thine own heart and observe what is there. Sin and self are still within. Ah! if thou hadst no devil to tempt thee, no enemies to fight thee, and no world to ensnare thee, thou wouldst still find in thyself evil enough to be a sore trouble to thee, for “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.”
Expect trouble then, but despond not on account of it, for God is with thee to help and to strengthen thee. He hath said, “I will be with thee in trouble; I will deliver thee and honour thee.”
I am in for a better season, am sure someone will agree with me. The Lord have pull us through the first quarter of this year; He will also see us through this second quarter in the Name of Jesus.
Remember one of the names of God is Jehovah- the God of war. He will fight all battles and win victory for you. Arise and Praise His Name forever.
Let Your power O! God manifest in every area of our lives in Jesus Name.
Beloved, we are in our best season, glory be to God on high, have a wonderful time in God’s presence in Jesus Name and always boost your immunity against every assaults of satan by daily growing in the Word of God in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.