Good morning Jesus; Good morning Lord. I know You come from heaven above. The Holy Spirit is on the Throne. Good morning Jesus; Good morning Lord. When I come into Your Presence Lord, am happy. When I come into Your Presence, am so glad, In Your Presence, there is anointing, Your Spirit will surround me, in Your Presence anointing breaks the yoke.

Merciful Father, we thank You for a brand new week; day in Your Presence. Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever. The fool says in his heart that “God does not exist”. They are corrupt; their action are revolting. There is no one who does good (HCSB). Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! Psalms 14:1 (NLT).

Beloved, thank God we are different. We are wise not in our eyes but by the grace of God, we are what we are. We acknowledge that there is God, without Him we are nothing, aside Christ we can do nothing. Abiding in Christ, we bear more fruits not only that, we have the mind of Christ.

This ministry by the grace of God was not born out human desire but by the grand plan of God through His revelation to minister to those who are hurting, lost, downcast, poor and needy among us, most especially those who have gone into apostasy (rejection of Christ) because of what befall them.

These group of people are judge harshly especially among Christian which am once a partaker but with the help of the Holy Spirit, I realize it is a painful state to be and often times they are helpless and to cover up their weakness and ignorance, they blaspheme against God and the Holy things through words and action as well. (I beg to stop here because this is not where am zeroing in for today).

Beloved, being called by God to minister in any capacity is something we must be grateful for but must not allow any iota of pride to take over us. God designed us to function in different capacity. We are different parts that made up the whole (Jesus Christ the Savior of the whole world). None of us must feel more important than the other (1 Cor 1: 4-10).

Like I said earlier, this ministry was born out of the directive of the Holy Spirit which instructed me to go save others the way I have been save (2 Cor 1:3-7). The truth is that I am still work in progress as the Holy Spirit keep doing new and great things in my life which am opportune to minister in other people’s lives soon after I have gone through the test. So it easier to minister to such a person. Sometime the person involved will confess opening, ‘never gave a thought to it that way but you made it seem so easy and simple’.

The truth also is that is not me but God, who made me gone through that process because of this beloved daughter or son of His so that I can be of assistant. He positions me for such a time like that to represent Him in flesh.

Likewise each and every one of us is positioned to help those in need of one thing or other in our midst but often times it is difficulty for those who are parting with ‘cash’. They are ignorant that God gave them their ability to be do so on His behalf, but as many that have the understanding have not cease to benefit from heaven treasures.

Meanwhile over time in the ministry, I have come to have more and better understanding of the value of “Time”. Why do I say that? Any mismanagement of my “time” affect other processes or tasks I must complete each day and I believe, it same with you. More so, you cannot afford to put off an appointment with God to be done at your own convenience perhaps when the soul had perished.

Therefore ‘Time’ if well utilize cannot be quantify or estimate like cash. Is of inestimable value and every minister of God must be conscious of that if you must be use of God to carry out His assignments.

Beloved, have you discovered what God designed you to function as? If not you have the opportunity to do that right away, do not procrastinate, discover it now:

For those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. And those He predestined, He also called; and those He called, He also justified; and those He justified, He also glorified.—Romans 8:29–30

Your life is a part of God’s grand design. God has known about you and had a plan for your life since before time began. He knew everything about you before you were even born (Jer. 1:5). God predetermined that you would become like His Son. Your life, therefore, has a destiny. Christ is the model upon which the Father is developing your life. You are meant to have a relationship with the Father that is as intimate as the relationship between Jesus and the Father (John 17:21). Every event He allows into your life is designed to make you more like Christ.

God’s call came when He invited you to join Him in the process! His call was extremely personal, designed specifically for your response. How wonderful to realize that at a particular moment in history, almighty God spoke personally to you and invited you to become His child!

Because of your sin, you could never live blamelessly. But God forgave your sin and justified you, declaring you righteous. All the spiritual debt you carried with Him was forgiven, and you were freed to enjoy God and to serve Him for the rest of eternity. In Biblical times, the glory of God’s people was His presence. You, too, are glorified because the fullness of God now dwells within you, and you will one day be with Him (Col. 1:27; 2:9). He invites you to join Him in working out His will in your life—conforming you to His image (Phil. 2:12).

God has designed you to join Him in this venture of soul winning by instructing you to “Go”, we therefore, needs permission to stay back. Read more on God’s divine agenda for you:


Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. . . —Matthew 28:19

Our Master commands us to “go.” We need permission to stay! The gospel is the account of Jesus’ leaving His Father’s right hand to go to Calvary. Jesus instructed those who wanted to be His disciples to leave their homes and their comforts and follow Him. Some insisted that they could not go yet because they still had to care for elderly parents (Luke 9:59–60). Others wanted to make sure everything was in order first (Luke 9:61–62). Still others expressed willingness to follow but wanted to know the details of what they would be doing (Luke 9:57–58). Jesus never excused those who struggled to follow Him. He made it clear that to follow Him meant He set the direction and they were to follow.

We can convince ourselves that Jesus does not really want us to adjust our lives, pointing to the success we are enjoying right where we are. Yet Jesus often told His disciples to go elsewhere in spite of the success they were experiencing. Peter had just pulled in the greatest catch of fish of his entire career when Jesus invited him to leave everything (Luke 5:1–11). Philip was enjoying astounding success as an evangelist when the Holy Spirit instructed him to go to the desert (Acts 8:25–40). Success where we are can be our greatest hindrance to going where Jesus wants us to be.

If you become too comfortable where you are, you may resist Christ’s invitation to go elsewhere. Don’t assume that God does not want you to go in service to Him. He may lead you across the street to share the gospel with your neighbor or to the other side of the world. Wherever He leads, be prepared to go.

Do agree with me that you are God design? Have you discover the part you are to play? Pray for the auction to function if you have discovered your gifts, if not ask the Holy Spirit to show you what to do for God.

Remember no task is more edifying than the other, for God will required from you what He had assigned you to do, not what you desire to do for Him.

As we positioned ourselves to function in our divine assignment, may we receive the ability to obey Him to go wherever He may send us or do whatever He want us to do in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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