Who is like unto Thee… O Lord! Who is like unto Thee… O Lord… among the gods who is like Thee.. You are glorious in holiness fearful in praising doing wonders alleluia…// unchangeable God Unchangeable God Unchangeable God Unchangeable God Unchangeable God… You are Reliable God… Reliable God Reliable God…. Praise the Name of Jesus… Alleluia!!!

O God our Father, we Thank You, we bless You Jesus… for the Great and Wonderful things You are doing for us… the first miracle everyday that backs up all other miracles… The miracle of sleeping and waking up… alleluia!!!

His Goodness and Mercy shall follow us all the Days of our lives… if this prayer is for you… shout alleluia!!!

Is the time to pray beloveth… our God will answer our prayers today in Jesus Name… Amen!

Today we are considering “God’s Enemies shall bow” Praise the Lord… beloveth God’s enemies including sickness, failure, pains,  sorrow, lack, poverty… they will all bow not one will be spared… even death has been defected there we are not afraid of our eternity looks like Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!

As the year began, we have a lot we are trusting God for… we must pray and present it at the altar where we offer it to God in prayer then with faith we look forward to answers alleluia….

Our God answers prayers….and His enemies shall bow in shame and dishonour… what they meant for evil for us will turn to our lifting in Jesus Name…. Amen!

The ungodly will always see the wrath of God… for they despise the Name of the Lord… therefore they must bow…. But for us, God’s children with faith we see our prayers answers in Jesus Name… Amen.

Join us a s we discover more: 

God’s Enemies Shall Bow

“The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.” Exod. 7:5

The ungodly world is hard to teach. Egypt does not know Jehovah, and therefore dares to set up its idols, and even ventures to ask — “Who is the Lord?” Yet the Lord means to break proud hearts, whether they will or not. When His judgments thunder over their heads, darken their skies, destroy their harvests, and slay their sons, they begin to discern somewhat of Jehovah’s power. There will yet be such things done in the earth as shall bring skeptics to their knees. Let us not be dismayed because of their blasphemies, for the Lord can take care of His own name, and He will do so in a very effectual manner.

The salvation of His own people was another potent means of making Egypt know that the God of Israel was Jehovah, the Living and True God. No Israelite died by any one of the ten plagues. None of the chosen seed were drowned in the Red Sea. Even so, the salvation of the elect, and the sure glorification of all true believers, will make the most obstinate of God’s enemies acknowledge that Jehovah He is the God.

Oh, that His convincing power would go forth by His Holy Spirit in the preaching of the gospel, till all nations shall bow at the name of Jesus, and call Him Lord!

Beloveth… lift up your voice and pray that God should arise for His people. Deliver them from evil. Open doors that they enemies will not be able to shut… Heal sickness that are beyond doctors and establish His Kingdom here on earth by making us kings and queens of our time in Jesus Name….

Esther was used by God to deliver the children of Israel…. A one-time captive from Jerusalem to the land of Babylon… In the position of a Queen… David was use by God to defend His people… A Shepherd boy at a time… Moses was use by God to deliver Israel from bondage in the land of Egypt…. A murderer and a refugee…

Beloveth for each of the person use by God… He took them and made them… He transformed them to suit His propose… alleluia…. as we step into the year 2024… You have territories to concur for God… You have places you will stand up for your King… You have desires to accomplished…

Satan will lie to you that God is not love… God is not peace… God is not able…. But listen and pay attention God is Love…therefore He will love you the very end…. God is peace therefore He will fight all battles and grant you peace… beloveth… the big one… is that God is more than able to deliver and to make whole… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!

So if you happy as I am… Go before the Presence of God and ask Him to go with you throughout the 2024… the enemies will see Him and bow in Jesus Name… amen!

Use Psalm 29 to pray through… You see the Wonders of God…. Alleluia somebody!!!

Father we worship and adore Thou Holy Name… arise and be God indeed unto us… Make Your Name a Wonder before our enemies in Jesus Name Amen…

Beloveth look unto the hill where cometh Thy help … Thy help comes from God, The Maker of heaven and earth,  The Author and Finisher of our faith…. Praise the Name of the Lord…. alleluia

Let us pray….

Further Reading – 1Cor.1:23, Eph.1:13, Lk.18:1, Eph.6:18, Mark.7:37, 2Cor.13:11,1Jn.4;14, 1Thess.5:17.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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