Let the living praise the Lord, Let the living praise the Lord, Let the living praise the Lord, Let the living praise the Lord. // I will lift up Your Name higher, I will lift up Your Name higher, O Jehovah Alpha, Omega, I will lift Your Name higher 2x.

Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we reverence You now and forever more. You are Worthy O Lord, thou Lamb of Calvary, glory, glory Lord, we give You glory Lord, glory glory Lord you are a Mighty Lord.

Beloved, all power belongs to Jesus, my Father’s Word are  finally and they Yea and Amen. Our God is a Big, Big God, Wonderful God, Excellent God, Mighty in battle, The I AM that I AM, Ancient of Days, You are more than we call You, who can be compared with You, I say nobody.

God’s promises are tenable anywhere, any time. In all situation He upholds His Word forever. He said He honour His Word more than His Name. Praise God.

Talking about God’s promises to us His children, a verse in the book of Hebrew ministered so much to me. Heb 6:16-19. This verse of the bible said when God made a promise to Abraham He sealed it with an oath and because there is nothing higher than Him to swear with, He swore by Himself.

Because it impossible for God to lie, we too have the consolation in God’s promises to us.

So beloved, have God said something to you? Did He made a promise to you? What are you trusting God for? Have you discovered it in the Book? Lay hold of it, confess it until you see the manifestation in your life and situation.

The book of first John chapter three verse one says Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: 1 Jn 3:1.

Beloved, it is only love that can make you go out of your way to honour someone, to care and to give.

God is love and so He gave His best to us “His Son” to die on our behalf, so as to restore fellowship which was lost at the garden by the first Adam.

Faith goes beyond confession. Faith is work. Is possible you read and confess all the promises as it is written but you must be determine to live by it and walk in it.

I share with you what the Lord told me recently when I was challenged. So faith is a work not just hearing or reading about it, it is also to be put into action. Remember the righteous shall live by faith and without faith is impossible to please God, faith without work is dead. Therefore, let us fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life. (Rom 1:17; Heb 11:6; Jas 2:17; 1 Tim 6:12)

So in our faith clinic today, we will once again be remembered what to with the promise of God and the conditions precedent to drawing them.

The Psalmist said that since ‘he was young, and now he was old, he has never the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.’ Someone is also bearing a witness to this saying, praise God. Let us discover more from the message:


For every one of God’s promises is “Yes” in Him. Therefore the “Amen” is also through Him for God’s glory through us.—2 Corinthians 1:20

God keeps every promise He makes. When we walk in intimate fellowship with Christ, we have the assurance that every promise God has made in Scripture is available to us. This truth should motivate us to search the Scriptures for each promise in order to meditate upon its potential for our life.

Jesus promised that when you ask for something in His will, He will give you what you ask (John 16:23b). This promise is available to every Christian. If you ask God if this promise applies to your life, His answer is yes. If you are not now experiencing this promise, it does not change the fact that God has said it. You may need to seek God’s answer for why His promise has not yet reached maturity in you.

Paul claimed he had tested each of these promises in his own life and found them all to be abundantly true. That’s why he could speak of the “exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:7b) and the “unsearchable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8b). Paul had found a wealth of God’s promises and enjoyed them all in abundance.

Don’t become discouraged or impatient if you are not experiencing to the fullest all of God’s promises in your life. God may want to prepare you to receive some of the great truths He has made available to you. Walk closely with your Lord and, in time, you will see Him bring His promises to fruition in your life.

Beloved, isn’t that exciting? Remember there are conditions to receiving God’s promises to His people, let us find out from King David how so that we learn from him:

“And David enquired of the Lord.” 2Samuel 5:23


When David made this enquiry he had just fought the Philistines, and gained a signal victory. The Philistines came up in great hosts, but, by the help of God, David had easily put them to flight. Note, however, that when they came a second time, David did not go up to fight them without enquiring of the Lord.

Once he had been victorious, and he might have said, as many have in other cases, “I shall be victorious again; I may rest quite sure that if I have conquered once I shall triumph yet again. Wherefore should I tarry to seek at the Lord’s hands?” Not so, David. He had gained one battle by the strength of the Lord; he would not venture upon another until he had ensured the same.

He enquired, “Shall I go up against them?” He waited until God’s sign was given. Learn from David to take no step without God. Christian, if thou wouldst know the path of duty, take God for thy compass; if thou wouldst steer thy ship through the dark billows, put the tiller into the hand of the Almighty. Many a rock might be escaped, if we would let our Father take the helm; many a shoal or quicksand we might well avoid, if we would leave to His sovereign will to choose and to command.

The Puritan said, “As sure as ever a Christian carves for himself, he’ll cut his own fingers;” this is a great truth. Said another old divine, “He that goes before the cloud of God’s providence goes on a fool’s errand;” and so he does.

We must mark God’s providence leading us; and if providence tarries, tarry till providence comes. He who goes before providence, will be very glad to run back again. “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go,” is God’s promise to His people.

Let us, then, take all our perplexities to Him, and say, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Leave not thy chamber this day without enquiring of the Lord.

Beloved, did you read that, in  claiming God’s promises there are things to watch out for, like David we must  enquire from God  to know the mind of God concerning what we seeking as did David, so that we will be such to receive what we are trusting God for. Praise God.

For the umpteenth time God’s promises are ‘yes,’ if you are not receiving, it call for personal audit. Check yourself and present your case again before God. He will grant your request if believe and have a right standing with Him.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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