I will exalt You Lord for Thy have lifted me above my enemies His banner over me is love. I will exalt You Jesus, Jesus, Jesus for Thy have lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love// Come and see ooo (come and see), come and see ooo,(come and see) come and see what the Lord has done it is marvellous in my life, come and see what the Lord has done, it is marvellous in my sight.
Yes! Lord I will exalt You for Your goodness endureth forever. Great are works in our live and situation. You are bigger than what we call You, Mighty than what we think about You, how beautiful are works the mountain, hills fountains, the sun, the moon and stars each with its glory that move from one glory to another. Praise be Your Name forever.
Beloved, how are far have you fared this week? Hope you are witnessing the goodness of God in all Your endeavours? Our God is Faithful and loving, He is caring and His kindness is forever more on His children who confidently placed their trust in Him. Great are all His doings and He is worthy of our Praise.
Beloved, without grace you will despair. Put in another way, without the Word of God in Your life you will be burnt out. God constantly encourage us through His prophets to mediate on the Word.
God personally encouraged Joshua to be strong and be good courage. To read the of book law and mediate therein; so that he will be prosperous, and then shalt have a good success.
Reading of God’s word deposition a lots of blessings on our paths and in our lives. Beloved, the Holy Spirit helps our infirmities as we read and mediate therein. God also told him not to be afraid and be not dismayed.
So where you get all these words and encouragement if you don’t spend time on the Word of God? Praise God!
Apostle Paul all through His ministry always starts his letter and end it with “grace.”
Beloved, aside the grace of God, we will fall as packs of card. The grace of God makes “Real Men/ Women.” His grace alone ensures that we are bound unto good works. Without the grace of God we will be mere mortals, with carnality reigning and ruling in all our undertaking. Praise God!
His grace if sufficient will make you not to repay evil with good. Which is so difficult for a carnal man. Vengeance is what rages in the heart of a man living without the grace of God. His feet is swift to do evil and ever plotting evil. Prov 3:29-35; 6:18b.
We must also know that there are consequences of our mischief and all evil works done while in this body respective of what we might have happened to us in life. We must live with the consciousness of our deeds; our actions and in-actions.
So many people pretends to be innocent of what is happening around them. Beloved, know yea that there are reward and consequence of our in-action which we will answerable to before the judgment seat of God. Therefore be alive and take responsibility of your action least you stand condemned before God.
This is our PCL session and I believe the message is good enough for a heaven bound Christian which I believe you are one.
Let take a tour and discover more below:
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.—2 Corinthians 12:9
Human strength is a strong deterrent to trusting in Christ. When we rely on our own strength, resources, and knowledge, we assume we can handle situations without help from God. We tend to divide problems into two categories: problems that we know require God’s help and problems we think we can handle on our own.
Paul had a tenacious personality and an exceptionally strong will. He courageously faced angry mobs as he traveled far and wide to promote the cause of Christ. He had spent the first half of his life serving God in his own strength. However, once God gained his attention, Paul had to learn to rely on God’s strength and not his own.
Paul was afflicted with a thorn in the flesh (2 Cor. 12:7). Whatever this was, it humbled him. He had performed incredible miracles, even raising the dead, but he could not remove the affliction that God had given him, an affliction that made him depend on God. The world had seen what Paul could do in his own strength, and it was horrifying! Now God wanted to exercise His power through Paul’s life. When Paul thought he was strong, he neglected to rely upon God’s strength. Only in his weakness did Paul trust implicitly in God.
If you feel strong in an area of your life, beware! Often your strength, rather than your weakness, hinders you from trusting God. God will bring you to a point of weakness if that is what it takes to bring you to trust in Him. Do not despise your weakness, for it leads you to trust in God’s strength.
May His grace be sufficient to carry us through all the days of our lives in Jesus Name. Beloved, as said earlier, let us begin to assume responsibility of our action least the devil lead us astray and we end up miserable. God forbid! Let’s get going:
I’m Not Responsible…
- For my hot temper. I’m Irish.
- For my lifelong indulgence in sensual behavior. I was molested at age 12.
- For wallowing in self-pity and under-achievement. I come from a broken home.
Living as we do in a crybaby society that encourages blame-casting and personal irresponsibility, it is interesting to note that the Scriptures allow us no such luxury.
You don’t see Jesus, for example, saying to Peter, “Pete, your dad was a pretty harsh taskmaster, growing up as you did the son of a fisherman. When you get around to it, and are feeling better about yourself, perhaps you would consider tagging along with Me. Give Me a buzz when you think you are ready.“
Or to Nathaniel, “You know Nate, you have a pretty sensitive disposition. I‘d like you to trust and believe in Me, but your alcoholic father scarred you for life. Perhaps we can work on the ‘trust‘ thing, when of course you have the time… and the inclination.“
Today I had lunch with Sam and his lovely wife Kerry , and their three adorable children. Frankly, I was blown away because Sam is the product of multiple foster homes and irresponsible parenting. Women, who are loved and treated with respect, “glow.” Kerry “glows.” And the kids? Alert. Confident. Well mannered. Secure.
In his teens, Sam became a high priced con artist. In his mid-20’s he met Christ. At 40, he is a successful businessman who gives large portions of his income to God’s work. Sam also travels the world, meeting with heads of state, and sharing Christ in the most dangerous of environs. On the side, he raises millions of dollars for propagating the Gospel. In a word, Sam has assumed responsibility for his life.
While the Scriptures express compassion for human weakness:
“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak… ” (Romans 15:1b; See Psalm 41:1-3)
They do not temper Christ’s call to discipleship:
“If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.”
RESOLVE: That whatever my background or situation, I assume responsibility for my life. I choose to trust Christ for the necessary grace and healing to conform me into His likeness. By His grace and enabling I purpose to follow Him as a true disciple. (2 Corinthians 12:9; 1 Corinthians 1:27)
Beloved, this piece is something we must grab and carry along as we go engage in our activities. Let us take responsible for our life, ask God for daily grace to live worthy in Jesus Name.
Let us always go about our Father’s business with His grace to abound unto every good works. We must assume responsible of our actions and stop passing buck. Don’t be tools in devil’s hand to frustrate people around you rather put on the armour of God and exhort one another daily, awaits for us is a reward from God (Rom 13:12; Heb 3:13; 1 Cor 3:8).
May God help us and make His grace abound unto for every good works in Jesus Name. Have a blissful weekend. We see next week if Jesus tarries. Praise God.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.