I will lift up Jesus higher, I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher.// Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness morning by morning by morning new mercies I see, all that is needed Thy hand Has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto thee.

Father, we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we exalt forever and ever and ever. How excellent is Your Name, How wonderful are You Lord. Thank You for the gift of a new month, blessed be Thy Name forever. How can we thank You enough for all that You have done for us since the beginning of the Year up until now. Gracious Father we bless You, we adore You we glorify Your Name now and forever more.

Beloved, how was your weekend? I want you to sing this song with me, – He is control, He is in full control Master Jesus He is control. You are in control Jesus, You are in full control Master Jesus You are in control.

Yes our Father is in full control, He is the Beginning and the End. The Ancient One, the One Who is and Who is yet to come. Come let us worship and adore Him forever and ever. His way are not our ways and His thoughts towards us are for good not evil. Let His perfect will be done in our lives and situation in Jesus Name.

How excellent is your Name O Lord God of mercies and compassion. Beloveth, the Lord speaks favour unto His children and so shall it come to pass in our lives in Jesus Name. This half year will do us good and not evil. With songs of rejoicing we will gather unto the Lord and He will honour His Spoken Word concerning us. May the Spirit of God arise and show mercy upon us and guide us in the way of the Lord. We will not faith, we will not fail, we will not faultier in Jesus Name.

Revelation from God is what guarantees and establish our vision. Someone wrote and I quote “Victory begins with Vision.” And I add to it that “Revelation establishes Vision. Beloved no matter what visions you have without revelation will be difficult except there is divine revelation on how to actualize it.

Therefore I decree into your life today that “heaven be open and divine revelation on victorious living be granted to thee in Jesus Name. You will no longer walk in darkness, the power of God will show you what to do and your victorious living guaranteed in Jesus Name.”

God revealed to Moses his way, His deed to the people of Israel. That is why Moses knows the mind of God and pleads for mercies each time the people transgress against God. Moses trusted God because the ways of God has been revealed to him. He knows that God will not fail and must establish what He promised to do but not so with people because they only knew the deeds of God.

Beloved, I decree into our lives today that the ways of God be revealed to us in Jesus Name. We shall not be contented with only the deeds of God but also the ways of God be revealed to us on every matter facing us in Jesus Name.

In this month of out pouring of Great favour, the Eye of the Lord will locate us and appoint us for His favour in Jesus Name.

Beloved, when favour appears; hard labour disappears. When favour appears; appointment establishes. Let us therefore align ourselves with the promises of God for us at this seasons of New Song that we enter into the favour that only God can give in Jesus Name.

I hope you understand the meaning of “season” it does not end with the month of pronouncement but continue until that which God has promised concerning us is establish in Jesus Name. May He reveal to us what we must do to be in-line with those that must be favoured as He had promised in Jesus Name.

Every wicked deed to disqualify us be blown away by the East wind of the Lord in Jesus Name. Every works of satan to make us a victim rather than a victor be consume by Holy Ghost fire in Jesus Name, Amen!!!!!!!!

We will be favoured according to His Promises in Jesus Name. We will enter it through patience and perseverance in Jesus Name (Jas 5:8-10).

Let’s discover more as we going through in Jesus Name:

He revealed His ways to Moses, His deeds to the people of Israel.—Psalm 103:7


Are you satisfied with merely knowing the acts of God, or do you also want to know His ways? There is a difference. This difference is illustrated in the lives of the children of Israel as compared to Moses. The Israelites witnessed the miracles God performed; they walked across the dry Red Sea just as Moses did. They ate the manna and quail from heaven even as Moses did. They were content to receive God’s provision without ever knowing God Himself. Yet Moses saw beyond the provision of God to the person of God.

Others, such as the Egyptian magicians, might perform miraculous acts, but no one else did things the way God did (Exod. 7:11–12). The way God acted provided a window into His nature. If Moses had been content with only God’s power, he could have accepted the presence of an angel and been victorious in his efforts (Exod. 33:15). But Moses wanted to experience more. He wanted to experience God Himself, not just God’s activity.

Some today, like the Israelites, are content to experience God’s activity without ever coming to know God. They are the recipients of answered prayer, yet they never come to know the Provider. They are blessed by God’s providential care over their families, their homes, and their jobs, yet they are satisfied not knowing the One from whom the blessings come. They benefit from God’s protection, yet they never become acquainted with the Protector.

Have you come to know God more personally as a result of your experiences with Him? As you observe the acts of God, look beyond them to the revelation of His character (Gen. 22:14; John 6:35).

Yes may we see beyond the provision of God but rather see the revelation of His character, for His love for us made us inheritance of heaven after life on earth, be Praise O my God and let your Name alone be glorified in Jesus Name. We are God’s friend through the death of our Lord Jesus (1 Jn 4:9). Join me to discover more:

“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.”—John 15:15

You do not choose to be a friend of God. That is by invitation only. Only two people in the Old Testament were specifically described as “friends of God.” Abraham walked with the Lord so closely that God referred to him as His friend (Isa. 41:8). Moses spoke to God face to face as a man speaks with his friend (Exod. 33:11).

By His very nature God is a friend to us. He loves us with a perfect love and reaches out to us with salvation when we can offer Him nothing in return. It is quite another thing when someone has a heart so devoted to Him that God initiates a special friendship. David’s heart was totally devoted to God (1 Kings 11:4). Although David was not sinless, he loved God. David hated sin (Ps. 103:3); he loved to worship God (Ps. 122:1); he took genuine delight in God’s presence (2 Sam. 6:14); he loved to speak about God (Ps. 34:1); he was keenly aware of his transgressions (Ps. 51:3–4); and he delighted in offering gifts of song, thanksgiving, and praise, asking for nothing in return (Ps. 100). So closely did David walk with God that his words were on Jesus’ mind as He hung upon the cross (Matt. 27:46).

Jesus called His disciples friends. He said He would disclose to them things that the Father had shared with Him, because they were His friends. There developed such an intimate friendship between them that He would share what was on His heart with His friends.

If you cannot describe yourself as a friend of God, commit yourself to seek after God with all your heart.

Yes, ask God to reveal His ways to you and you will be glad you did. Glory be to God on high in Jesus Name.

Father, reveal your ways to us and makes us your friends even as you did in times of old in Jesus Name.

On this note we declare this week open in Jesus Name, we will return with testimonies in Jesus Name. Let the power of God bring us into Favour as we transverse this week in Jesus Name.

I am appointed to be favoured and so shall it be in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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