Glory honour power and majesty be unto Christ our God alleluia!!! Glory honour power and majesty be unto Christ our God alleluia!!!// His Name is higher far above other names Your Name is Jesus, Your Name is God…His Name is higher far above other names His Name is Jesus…His Name is God…

Glory alleluia to the KNig of Kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days, the Beginning and the End, Father we worship You, we give You Praise, we adore Thee O! Lord, for You are God, bless be Thy Name…in heaven You the Lord, on earth You reigneth forever, O Lord we Praise Your Name…blessed be Thy Name…

Thank You Father for the gift of a brand new week and blessings there off…Father Who is like unto Thee…thank You for miracles, healing, protection, safety and deliverance You marked for us these week…we will testify in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, our help is in the Name of the Lord. The Marker of heaven and earth…the help we need this week is locating us by God’s grace in Jesus Name… we will not be stranded, we not be frustrated, we will give up as the Spirit of God will surely send us the need help in Jesus Name….

Beloveth, is good we remind ourselves that God’s ways are not our ways neither His thoughts our thoughts we read in our text for the day… as the heaven is far from the earth so are His ways and thoughts than the earth…Praise the Lord!

Beloveth, as this month has been declared our month of Perpetual Help in Christ Jesus, is possible you are second guessing how God will do it… let the teaching of today be guide to you…why because God’s ways are not our ways….neither His thoughts our thoughts…Praise the Lord!!!

The way God will send ‘help’ to us is purely His business; our is follow His instructions and obey it…. beloveth never miss His instructions, keep obeying the Word of God and as you do it you will enter into your seasons of multiple Breakthroughs as the Himself has promised us.

Let your hand be strong, don’t give up, keep giving your best sooner that you expected, the Lord will come though for you and you testify to His glory in Jesus Name Amen…

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“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways. [This is] the Lord’s declaration. “For as heaven is higher than earth, so My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”—Isaiah 55:8–9

Rarely does God do something exactly as we think He will. Our problem is that we try to second-guess God, saying, “Oh, now I know what God is planning to do!” Moses experienced this as he learned how God was going to deliver the Hebrews out of Egypt. God told him He would harden Pharaoh’s heart.

Yet, the result was not what Moses anticipated. Rather than allowing the Hebrews to leave, Pharaoh increased their hardship. Rather than becoming a hero among the Hebrews, Moses was despised by them for bringing greater suffering.

Moses returned to the Lord and asked, “Lord, why have You brought trouble on this people? Why is it You have sent me?”(Exod. 5:22). Much of the frustration we experience as Christians has nothing to do with what God does or doesn’t do. It has everything to do, rather, with the false assumptions we make about how we think God will and should act.

Have you ever done the will of God and then things seemed to become worse? Moses completely misunderstood what the results of His obedience to God would be. When things did not turn out as he anticipated, Moses became discouraged. God had told Moses what to do, but He had not told Moses what the consequences would be.

It is foolish to attempt to do God’s work using your own “common sense.” God does not eliminate your common sense, He consecrates it. He gives you His wisdom so you can understand His ways.

As you look back on God’s activity in your life, you will recognize the supreme wisdom in how He has led you. As you look forward to what God may do, be careful you do not try to predict what He will do next. You may find yourself completely off the mark.

Beloveth, may your help from God alone for Him alone is your Maker…. on this note we declare this week blessed…We will return at the end with a lots of testimonies in Jesus Name…

Further Reading Ps 31:3, Rom 8:26

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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