Everybody testifies You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good. Everybody testifies You are Good, You are Good Jehovah You are good.// It is good to praise the Lord Alleluia, it is good to praise the Lord alleluia, it is good to praise the Lord alleluia, praise the Lord alleluia, praise the Lord, alleluia.
Yes Father You are good You do miracle so good and there is one else like You, there is on one else like you. Eternal Rock of Ages we blessed Your Holy Name. Thank You for a beautiful day you given us and we trust You Lord that it will do us good. No evil will be heard in the camp of the righteous according to God’s Word. Glory be to God. By Your divine strength Your children will do exploits in Your Name. For every sinner that will visit the site today shall receive salvation in Jesus Name! Amen.
Beloved, what is the condition of your heart we study yesterday, have you been able to use barometer of the gospel to check the condition of your heart. Someone wants to know what the barometer of the Word is.
Beloved, do you pray when you wake up in the morning? Do you observe your quite time? Do you read, study and meditate on the Word of God? Do you engage in services that bring honour to God and glorifies Him for giving you another opportunity here? How often do you declare the Word of life to a sinner? Or bother to save someone going through a destructive tendencies? Are you comfortable when you are in the presence of God or His people? Just to guide us and am very sure the Holy Spirit will help us here. Praise God.
Today we will be looking at our Master, Saviour, and Mentor –our Lord Jesus Christ. During His earthly ministration sometime called Him “Good Master”. The question before us “is Jesus still good?” in what area has He been good to you? Do you have proof as the apostles of old do have? Are you experiencing His goodness?
To be able to answer these questions you must have been born again. If you are not born again your witnessing is not complete. The beautiful thing about our Lord Jesus is that He does not despise us because we are sinners but He will lead us as a “Good Shepherd” and bring us to His saving grace.
Now after salvation, we are expected to bar witness to others about Him. We are all bearing witness to one organization or persons because the either pay us salaries or help take care of our personal needs. In all of these is temporary and for a moment. Jesus is the only person whose reward has eternal values. The gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus.
If you are yet to know the good Master click on the link and fellow the instruction. If you have receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour but you are yet to get engage in service, do so now by praying and asking Jesus to lead you to where you will best serve Him. If you are in-service already I will say congratulation, receive fresh grace to keep going.
Don’t be like the young man in our text today though he confess with mouth how “good” Jesus was but still could not obey His instruction. Let us always relate with God knowing that whatsoever He do is for our own good and will have eternal values.
We must remember it is only the cleansing blood of the Lamb that made us saints not our works of righteousness, so let us humble ourselves before Him. Though vile we are; we will receive grace to be Holy in Jesus Name.
Let go through the ministration below and be blessed:
“Good Master.” Matthew 19:16
If the young man in the gospel used this title in speaking to our Lord, how much more fitly may I thus address Him! He is indeed my Master in both senses, a ruling Master and a teaching Master. I delight to run upon His errands, and to sit at His feet. I am both His servant and His disciple, and count it my highest honour to own the double character.
If He should ask me why I call Him “good,” I should have a ready answer. It is true that “there is none good but one, that is, God,” but then He is God, and all the goodness of Deity shines forth in Him. In my experience, I have found Him good, so good, indeed, that all the good I have has come to me through Him.
He was good to me when I was dead in sin, for He raised me by His Spirit’s power; He has been good to me in all my needs, trials, struggles, and sorrows. Never could there be a better Master, for His service is freedom, His rule is love: I wish I were one thousandth part as good a servant.
When He teaches me as my Rabbi, He is unspeakably good, His doctrine is divine, His manner is condescending, His spirit is gentleness itself. No error mingles with His instruction—pure is the golden truth which He brings forth, and all His teachings lead to goodness, sanctifying as well as edifying the disciple.
Angels find Him a good Master and delight to pay their homage at His footstool. The ancient saints proved Him to be a good Master, and each of them rejoiced to sing, “I am Thy servant, O Lord!” My own humble testimony must certainly be to the same effect. I will bear this witness before my friends and neighbours, for possibly they may be led by my testimony to seek my Lord Jesus as their Master.
O that they would do so! They would never repent so wise a deed. If they would but take His easy yoke, they would find themselves in so royal a service that they would enlist in it for ever.
Beloved, are willing to be enlist into His services? We must desire to serve in the court of court of God because iy has eternal value- everlasting life. Let’s keep going:
“Behold, I am vile.” Job 40:4
One cheering word, poor lost sinner, for thee! You think you must not come to God because YOU are vile. Now, there is not a saint living on earth but has been made to feel that he is vile. If Job, and Isaiah, and Paul were all obliged to say “I am vile,” oh, poor sinner, wilt thou be ashamed to join in the same confession?
If divine grace does not eradicate all sin from the believer, how dost thou hope to do it thyself? and if God loves His people while they are yet vile, dost thou think thy vileness will prevent His loving thee? Believe on Jesus, thou outcast of the world’s society! Jesus calls thee, and such as thou art.
“Not the righteous, not the righteous;
Sinners, Jesus came to call.”
Even now say, “Thou hast died for sinners; I am a sinner, Lord Jesus, sprinkle Thy blood on me”; if thou wilt confess thy sin thou shalt find pardon. If, now, with all thy heart, thou wilt say, “I am vile, wash me,” thou shalt be washed now. If the Holy Spirit shall enable thee from thy heart to cry
Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that thou bidd’st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come!”
thou shalt rise from reading this morning’s portion with all thy sins pardoned; and though thou didst wake this morning with every sin that man hath ever committed on thy head, thou shalt rest to-night accepted in the Beloved; though once degraded with the rags of sin, thou shalt be adorned with a robe of righteousness, and appear white as the angels are.
For “now,” mark it, “Now is the accepted time.” If thou “believest on Him who justifieth the ungodly thou art saved.” Oh! may the Holy Spirit give thee saving faith in Him who receives the vilest.
Beloved, do not put it away. Run to the mercy Throne and receive Jesus now. He is waiting to receive you and welcome you back into the fold in case you have backslidden. Jesus is waiting, He is knocking at the door of your heart, will you dare to open it and let Him in and your shout will also be the ‘Good Master”.
You will be bless as you do so.
Remain blessed in the Lord.