Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see. All that I needed Thy hands has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee.// What a Mighty God we serve, alleluia, What a Mighty God we serve, alleluia, heaven and earth adore Thee, angels bow before Thee, what a Mighty God we serve.
Who can be compared with Thee O Lord! Whose power can be compared with Thy power on earth or in heaven? None of can be compared with Thee. You are Bigger than what we call You. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory, indeed all power belongs to You, I am in awe of Who You are! Great and Might is Your Name. let the earth rejoice and the people be glad for the Lord God reign.
Beloved, our God is unfathomable; You cannot imagine Who our God is because He is far above us His creature. He is a prayer answering God, He does things as He pleases but not against our good or contrary to His Nature. He is ever faithfulness.
What made God, God is what we will be considering today. What make us always running to take shelter under His refuge and His wings are the very essence of study today. I am so exciting reading and mediating upon the Word of God that is God Himself- for all scripture are God breathed – is also profitable for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16).
I am rejoicing greatly because every Word concerning His children must come to past, no power can stop or hinder what God has said concerning us. Praise the Name of the Lord.
Join me as we discover more from the text:
Numbers 19:9-21:9,Psalm 36:1-6, Proverbs 8:25-26, Mark 15:22-47
Great Faithfulness
Lord, Your faithful love reaches to heaven, Your faithfulness to the clouds.—Psalm 36:5
How wonderful it is, in an age where unfaithfulness abounds, to focus our gaze on those Scriptures that point to the trustworthiness of our God. The one before us today is quite wonderful, but consider also these:
“Lord God of Hosts, who is strong like You, Lord? Your faithfulness surrounds You” (Ps 89:8).
“Righteousness and faithfulness will be a belt around His waist” (Isa 11:5).
“If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2Tm 2:13).
Can’t you just feel the energy flowing from these Scriptures, strengthening your confidence in God? For God to be unfaithful would be to act contrary to His nature, and if He ever was (we are only speculating because He could never do so), then He would cease to be God. Focus again with me on the text at the top of the page. We are told God’s faithfulness extends to the skies. This is the psalmist’s picturesque way of expressing the fact that far above all finite comprehension is the unchanging faithfulness of God. Everything about God is vast and incomparable, including His faithfulness. He never forgets a thing, never makes a mistake, never fails to keep a promise, never falters over a decision, never retracts a statement He has made, and has never breached a contract. Every declaration He has made, every promise He has given, every covenant He has struck is bestowed by His faithful character.
O God, how great Thou art. Great in power, great in majesty, great in love, great in mercy—great in so many things. But above all You are great in faithfulness. How I rejoice in that. Amen.
Further Study
What did Paul assure the Corinthians?
What is it impossible for God to do?
Beloved, did you feel the energy coming from the scripture? I do and I think you also do. Let us continually look up these Word that hold strong views about our God and make them our companion, such ways we will make satan attack “non effect.” Praise the Name of the Lord!
Hope you are blessed today in this faith clinic?
Remain blessed in the Lord