Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name…we bow down before Thee… O my Jesus in Heaven we glorify Your Holy Name, we bow down before Thee… You are mighty God, The Great I am…Alleluia! Alleluia… You are the Mighty God! The Great I AM…Alleluia! Alleluia!!!

Our Father we come before You in adoration O Lord… Thank You for the gift of sleeping and waking up this morning… O! Lord Thank You for the strength of mind and body… Alleluia… O! Lord! We thank You for countless blessings… alleluia to Your Holy Name….

Forever You will be!….x2, The Lamb upon the Throne….x2 I gladly my knees….x2… to worship dear Lord….

Yes Abba Father! Forever You will be… You are the Lamb upon the Throne… Glory, Adoration be ascribe unto Thee forever and ever Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come and see the Lord is good…come and see the Lord is good…there is nothing He cannot do…. Come and see the Lord is good….

Beloveth… Good morning… How are doing…Our God is so so good to us … Praise God! Thank God for another privilege to come and adore You today again and hear You speak to our mind… Yes give us revelations that will take us to the next level…alleluia… somebody….

Let the Living water flow over my soul…let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situations that trouble my mind… All care and burden unto Thee I come… Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… Calling Father! Father, Father Father…Calling Spirit!… Spirit, Spirit, Spirit of God…

The Spirit of God is taking us to the path that is popular but very important if God will come and inhabit in your life… Spiritual Maturity… our Lord Jesus many times rebuked His disciple of being disenchanted about the heavenly course why they are so engrossed with establishing His Kingdom here on earth…

beloveth…is possible like the disciples of old you are also disenchanted about what God is interested in… you are going about your business as usual not getting interested or being sensitive to what the Spirit of God is saying per time… hence we are here today to discuss what the Mind of God is hipping at this season….

God is not interested on your Christmas decorations in your churches, your houses, on the shopping mall or stores… God is interested in “You” being the temple where He resides in. Someone wants to know why… He want Christ to be form in you…so that you join the kingdom workforces… alleluia somebody….

Beloveth is not enough to give your life to Jesus that is being born again … God wants you to have the mind of Jesus in you…. Yes! Even satan quotes scriptures…so if you don’t fear God or have the mind of Christ form in you…. you will not be useful to kingdom assignment… alleluia somebody…..

So you come along with us for more discoveries:


Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus. . . —Philippians 2:5

Attitudes do not just happen; we choose them. Paul urged believers to have the same attitude that Jesus had. Jesus was the Son of God. His place was at the right hand of His Father, ruling the universe. No position could be more glorious or honorable than the right hand of the heavenly Father. Jesus’ relationship with the Father gave Him the right to this honor.

Jesus chose not to hold on to this right. Nothing, not even His position in heaven, was so precious to Him that He could not give it up if His Father asked Him. His love for His Father compelled Him to make any sacrifice necessary in order to be obedient to Him.

When the Father required a spotless sacrifice for the redemption of humanity, Jesus did not cling to His rights, nor did He argue that He should not have to suffer for the sins of rebellious creatures of dust (Isa. 53:7). Rather, He relinquished the glory of His heavenly existence in order to become a man. He was born in a cattle shed; he slept in a feeding trough. His life was spent preparing for the day when He would suffer an excruciating execution. All of this He did willingly.

We are tempted to hold tightly to things God has given us. We say, “I would be willing to give up anything God asked of me, but I just don’t think He would ask me to give anything up!” The Father asked His Son to make radical adjustments in His life. Can we not expect that He will ask us to sacrifice privileges and comforts as well?

If you find yourself resisting every time God seeks to adjust your life to His will, ask the Spirit to give you the same selfless attitude that Jesus demonstrated.

Beloveth…I hope you had understanding to the teaching of today… sincerely if the mind of Christ is in our individual lives this world will be a better place to be… Yes! we will open to the direction of the Holy Spirit… we will easily forgive those that offended us…. and chat a better course that Jesus will be glorify…

Beloveth… decide today to let the Spirit of God to dwell richly in you so that you will do the bidding of God your Father in heaven… you will obey Him in all things even when it is not convenient Alleluia somebody…

Further Reading- Rom.5:5, Isa.35:6, Eph.4:30, Heb. 4:12, Ps.25:7, Eph.6:10, 2Chr.25:9, Ps.139:24, Jn.9:5.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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