I will lift up Jesus higher, I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher, O Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift up Jesus higher.// what shall I say unto the Lord, all I have to say, is thank You Lord. What shall I say unto the Jehovah, all I have to say is thank You Lord. Thank You Lord, I thank You Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord.
O Lord great is Thou Faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Thou Hands as provided, great is Thou Faithfulness Lord unto me. Eternal Rocks of Ages we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name for Who You are. You are God and You endureth forever and ever. Blessed Be Thou Holy Name in the Name of Jesus.
Worthy are You Lord, worthy to be praise. He that have You has everything but he that rejects You is lost forever. Lord the grace to love You and continue to love You, give unto us we pray thee in Jesus Name.
May we never be tried in our love of You. In pursuit of those things that are pleasing to You we pray in Jesus Name. Father keep us to the very end in Jesus Name. Do not bring our way any temptation that will overwhelm us in Jesus Name. receive our praise O Lord! in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing? Is someone rejoicing in the Lord our Saviour Jesus? Is someone shouting alleluia? Yes it is good to praise the Lord. Praise keep the fire of the Spirit on. It removes dross and energizes the inner mind, the strength of your inner mind is what keep your life going. I therefore decree into someone’s life this day, your fire will not go down. The Lord will sustain you and keep you going all the days of your life in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing I asked again? The text before us today is talking about someone whose ways and deeds were pleasing to God. In all that he did the Word of God said he did with his heart and as a result he prospered.
Beloved, this month promises to be a great month for us as a ministry, so many are having testimonies of the God’s goodness in their lives. The month of Easter is here beloved, what plans do have you? Whom have you choosen to be Jesus feet and hands in their lives in this season? Is good to bless someone especially those you know will not pay you back.
I had a surprise yesterday from someone. She blessed me with a life time opportunity which am trusting God for His blessings upon it. I was glad and I felt loved. I believe someone is expecting same from us. So that is why I am pleading with us to go out there and make a difference.
We are encouraged once again to go out there and win souls. Go out there and win the lost, go out there and deliver the oppressed, go out there and make a difference in someone’s life. You know where God has placed you, so represent Him there. Put smile on someone’s face and you will be blessed I tell you.
Whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it well, do it with all your heart and the good Lord will prosper you in Jesus Name.
“He did it with all his heart and prospered.” 2Chronicles 31:21
This is no unusual occurrence; it is the general rule of the moral universe that those men prosper who do their work with all their hearts, while those are almost certain to fail who go to their labour leaving half their hearts behind them. God does not give harvests to idle men except harvests of thistles, nor is He pleased to send wealth to those who will not dig in the field to find its hid treasure.
It is universally confessed that if a man would prosper, he must be diligent in business. It is the same in religion as it is in other things. If you would prosper in your work for Jesus, let it be heart work, and let it be done with all your heart.
Put as much force, energy, heartiness, and earnestness into religion as ever you do into business, for it deserves far more. The Holy Spirit helps our infirmities, but He does not encourage our idleness; He loves active believers.
Who are the most useful men in the Christian church? The men who do what they undertake for God with all their hearts. Who are the most successful Sabbath-school teachers? The most talented? No; the most zealous; the men whose hearts are on fire, those are the men who see their Lord riding forth prosperously in the majesty of His salvation.
Whole-heartedness shows itself in perseverance; there may be failure at first, but the earnest worker will say, “It is the Lord’s work, and it must be done; my Lord has bidden me do it, and in His strength I will accomplish it.”
Christian, art thou thus “with all thine heart” serving thy Master? Remember the earnestness of Jesus! Think what heart-work was His! He could say, “The zeal of Thine house hath eaten Me up.” When He sweat great drops of blood, it was no light burden He had to carry upon those blessed shoulders; and when He poured out His heart, it was no weak effort He was making for the salvation of His people.
Was Jesus in earnest, and are we lukewarm?
Is someone answering that question? Was Jesus in earnest to save you from eternal damnation and you are lukewarm in His own business? You are lukewarm in what He has entrusted you in your and to do? Dear beloved, look up, the harvest is ready but the laborers are few. Stir yourself up this day and be in earnest for thy Master Jesus. Beloved, be on fire for the Lord. Rise up and stand for the Lord. The second coming of Jesus is nearer than when you first believe.
Encounter Jesus on your way as you draw souls out from hell fire. So many testimonies from people about how they meet Jesus during and after evangelism. Arise my dear beloved be among the fishers of men. This is the will of God for you. You were saved to serve. Receive grace to prosper in this Kingdom business in Jesus Name. Don’t forget be earnest:
Jesus Christ Called Us To Fish For Men
“Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)
- Fishermen are a unique breed. They’re not always understood by the nonfishing fraternity. More often than not, they are looked at kind of oddly. Likewise, fishers of men don’t lend themselves toward neat ecclesiastical job descriptions.
- Fishermen are passionate. They are willing to rise at godforsaken hours to pursue their love. Likewise, fishers of men are passionate about their devotional life and are not deterred by their need for sleep.
- Fishermen are people of knowledge and skill. They know the terrain of the stream and where fish like to hide out and what they like to feed on. Likewise, fishers of men know the world people live in and the things they’re being attracted to.
- Fishermen are characterized by singleness of purpose. They are focused and concentrated on the task at hand, consumed by one simple overarching concern, catching fish. Likewise, fishers of men are highly singular, driven by one desire, to see people become mature disciples. That is, spending personal time daily with God, growing in prayer and understanding the Word (and as a result, living in profound dependence upon Christ), sharing Christ with others, and not only that, but going on to invest time and work in them until they too are reproducing those traits in others.
- Fishermen are people of adventure. They are always looking for the next bend in the stream, never content with a fished-out hole but always on the lookout for the next productive place in the river. Likewise, fishers of men are never content with maintenance but are always on the lookout for the next opportune spot in the world.
- Fishermen stick to the basics. Old fishermen aren’t particularly captivated by the latest fads and techniques. Likewise, fishers of men are not easily drawn away from the basics of discipleship, prayer, Scripture and evangelism.
- Fishermen are eager to share their knowledge and skill with others. They are only too eager to share their passion with someone of like passion. Likewise, fishers of men know the great joy and exhilaration of catching men and are genuinely excited to share that joy with others.
- Fishermen catch fish. True fishermen don’t use the line, “You should have seen the one that got away.” They, without commenting, just hold up their full stringer. Likewise, fishers of men don’t have any excuses or empty words, just a legacy of men who have been caught for Christ. No bull here.
Are you ready to Fish men by all means? If the people of the world will not spare anything to draw their victims, why are we layingback in applying same method? No more excuses let us be in earnest in the Lord business, and the good Lord will honour you in Jesus Name.
The wealth you have God gave it to you, so why are afraid of it running out. He that gave it to you will ensure it continual supply. That is where the people of the world is wiser than the children of the kingdom. Let us a least trust in the Name of the Lord.
I am not trying to blow my trumpet before you and am not sure I have shared this testimony on this platform, if at all, it should not be more than once.
When I sold my car because of my family pressing need. On the Sunday following in my local church, an altar call was made for those who will like to give towards mission. I had no reasonable cash on me so I did not come out. After the service I went home, right there in my bedroom while I was resting, the Spirit of God ministered to me that I should give the car proceed to the mission project. I was dumbfounded because my husband is involved. How will I tell him what I telling you now? Whom will I say that said what? I made a simply submission to Him and this is what I said “if the voice I am hearing is of God please speak to him and convince him by your power because I have no such power on my own.”
Beloveth, during our evening meeting tagged ‘life center’. My husband dwelt on nothing but mission. He said so much about our being involved in our Father’s business, if we don’t have money, atleast we have talents, you can imagine what was going on in my mind as he was speaking and after the meeting, I told him about my encounter and that was how we offered the proceed towards mission.
And concerning the issue why the car was sold God sorted it out seamlessly and it has been an amazing testimony to everyone that hears it.
I am deeply convinced that anything we do for God is not a waste but must be fully honoured and blessed.
God is waiting to bless someone again. Will you position yourself to be used of Him? Don’t miss this opportunity to a greater lifting. Your greater glory is being delivered, receive in Jesus Name.
Beloved, be on fire for the Lord. Ask the Lord to cover you with His zeal. Like Paul, like Peter be zealous for the Lord. And my God will bless you abundantly. Don’t forget that He is able to do more than we can ever imagine or think about. answer this call now! Be on the Go Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.