I have seen the Lord Goodness His mercy and compassion…I have seen the Lord Goodness alleluia Praise the Lord!!!// Come and see the Lord is good… x2 There is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good… Jesus gave me victory…. He gave me peace of mind… Come and see that the Lord is Good… I have seen the Lord is Good…

Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee, we give you praises, all glory be unto Thee….

You are the Lord that is Your Name… You will never share Your Glory with anyone… You will never share Your Glory with anybody… All Mighty God that is Your Name…

Praise the Living Jesus…. Alleluia… Our God is Good to us… He is Faithful… So Faithful… He is Kind… So kind… What a Wonder You are…. Alleluia…

Beloveth, Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!! Our God is more than what we call Him… Alleluia!!!

Beloveth… “Obedience Brings Blessings”… was yesterday topic… Today we will be consider “He Freely Gives.”

Beloveth, peradventure you are still asking how could this things be?…

Now listen…. Let this confident be in you beloveth – That He who promised is able to do what He said He will do…. Ps. 24:1 says “The earth is of the Lord, and everything in it.” and Verse 2 says “For He laid the earth foundation on the seas and built it on ocean depth. Praise the Lord… In case you forgotten Gen.1 story, a little recap may do….. Both the heavens and the earth was created by God… by Spoken Word God fill it up with what He so desires then finally God created man in His own image, He made them male and female. Praise the Lord.

We received a promise of Restoration …  Someone wants to reason it out “How could it”… The heaven and earth came to past within seven days… And So… what is it that He  cannot do…within the frame… Also… I understand some miracles are seasonal…. Like conception, sowing seed, aside these two every other thing God does is immediate….

Is important to note that Conception can happen immediately but the reality is in nine months… likewise sowing and reaping… some crops sprout within 24hrs -72hrs…. meaning that God blessing on it will make the womb fertile to conceive… likewise the earth…. But they would obey the law of nature… be evident as the course of nature demands… Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!

Beloveth… our take here is that God did not hesitant to give us His Son… will He not also gave us all things pertaining life and godliness… Alleluia… Praise the Lord.

So before the month of January roll over… We encourage you to believe the Word of God to us, key into and it shall be well with you…

Join us as we discover more Alleluia… Amen!!!

 He Freely Gives

“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all thing?.” Rom. 8:32

If this is not a promise in form, it is in fact. Indeed, it is more than one promise, it is a conglomerate of promises. It is a mass of rubies, and emeralds, and diamonds, with a nugget of gold for their setting.

It is a question which can never be answered so as to cause us any anxiety of heart. What can the Lord deny us after giving us Jesus? If we need all things in Heaven and earth, He will grant them to us: for if there had been a limit anywhere, He would have kept back His own Son.

What do I want today? I have only to ask for it. I may seek earnestly, but not as if I had to use pressure, and extort an unwilling gift from the Lord’s hand; for He will give freely. Of His own will, He gave us His own Son. Certainly no one would have proposed such a gift to Him. No one would have ventured to ask for it. It would have been too presumptuous.

He freely gave His Only-begotten; and, O my soul, canst thou not trust thy heavenly Father to give thee anything, to give thee everything? Thy poor prayer would have no force with Omnipotence if force were needed; but His love, like a spring, rises of itself, and overflows for the supply of all thy needs.

Yes beloveth… we can make a demand from the Lord but not by force but with humility of heart and the Lord will answer us by love… alleluia!!!

Let us always remember that He Gave us Freely His Son.” That should be our confident that whatever we desire of Him not asking in amiss will be granted in Jesus Name… Amen…

Further Reading- Isa.58:11, Jn.9:5, 1Pet.4:14,

Rev.3:13, 1Jn.1:2, Phil.4:5, Eph.1:19.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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