What a Mighty God we serve alleluia, what a Mighty God we serve, heaven and earth adore Him, angels bow before Him what a Mighty God we serve, alleluia!2x He is alive forever; He is alive my Jesus is alive forever He is alive, amen! 2x
Yes my Father is alive, there is none like Him. From everlasting to everlasting my God is alive, He has no beginning; He has no End, what a Big and Mighty God He is. Thank You Father for the gift of another day, glory be to your Name. Thank You for Your glory that surrounds Your people, be Thou glorify in Jesus Name. Faithful Father, how excellent is Your Name! Your Wonders touches the heaven and move around all the earth. You are Big and Great God, none can be compared with You.
Your children are saying Lord, You are worthy! Worthy is the Lamb that was slain at Calvary. The blood that saves and make whole, Glory be to You, O Lord! How wonderful, how gracious are You Lord, heaven and earth adore thee, angels bow before Thee what a Mighty God You are. Arise O God and let our enemies be scattered. May Your goodness follow us all the days of our life in Jesus, and in Presence we will rejoice forever and ever.
Beloved, what a beautiful week if you ask me, is that also your testimony? Thank God for the gift of another week which He blessed and handed over to us, I am a testifier, what about you? This week ministrations are awesome. The Spirit of God dished out the meals “hot and sizzling,” I cannot desire less than a saint after my life here on earth and I pray that nothing will hinder me for making heaven in Jesus Name. I will wear my crown what about you? Remember, we were also taught that our desires will be granted, so I believe that God will grant my desire to be in His Kingdom after here in Jesus Name. Beloved, but the is a condition, the only way to the actualization of this desire is by holiness and righteous living. Are you walking in the path of holiness? Another interesting topic that is so captivating is “knowing that God will never forget His own no matter what may come our way.” This assurance can only come with knowledge of knowing who God is. May I ask you a question? Do you know the Living God?
Today’s topic will not deliver less, and I believe that the Spirit of God will move in our midst and do that which only Him can do in Jesus Name. The Psalmist said “He has set the Lord always before him and because the Lord is at His right hand, He shall not be moved. Do I have a witness in the house who is saying exactly this?
I will not bore you but I will invite you to join me as we take a trip in the ministration below after which we can now discuss, so come along:
I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved .Psalm 16:8
What does it mean to set the Lord always before you? It means that you choose to relate everything you encounter to your trust in God. What you choose to focus on becomes the dominant influence in your life. You may be a Christian, but if your focus is always on your problems, your problems will determine the direction of your life. If your focus is on people, then people will determine what you think and do. In biblical times, the right hand was the most distinguished position, reserved for one’s chief adviser and supporter. When you choose to focus on Christ, you invite Him to take the most important position in your life as Counselor and Defender.
Every time you face a new experience, you should turn to Christ for His interpretation and strength. When people insult you and mistreat you, you should seek direction from your Counselor regarding the right response. When you face a crisis, you should receive strength from the One at your right hand. When you experience need, you should consult your Counselor before you react. When you face a fearful situation, you should take courage from the Advocate at your right hand. Everything you do is in the context of your relationship to Christ.
What an incredible act of God’s grace that Christ should stand beside you to guide you and counsel you and defend you! How could you ever become dismayed over your situation with Christ at your right hand? What confidence this should give you!
Wow! Is someone blessed? Can you give a clap offering unto the Lord! Our God is good to fail us. We should continual look up to him. He is the beginning and the end. I want you to know that the devil will always want you to feel bad therefore he uses those you love and trust to make you think that God has abandon you. Remember what we were taught and what the Word of God say concerning such a case, “He said that even if a woman forgets His sucking baby, He said He will never forget you.” Isa 49:15.
This is God swearing by Himself that “He is committed to do you good and not evil.” He is saying I have a good plan for you and your expected end (desires) shall be granted. Wow!
Can you trust the living God? do you believe that God is good and will not fail to bring to past His plans concerning you, we can only trust and believe Him and it shall be well with us:
“Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:4
Seeing that we have such a God to trust to, let us rest upon Him with all our weight; let us resolutely drive out all unbelief, and endeavour to get rid of doubts and fears, which so much mar our comfort; since there is no excuse for fear where God is the foundation of our trust.
A loving parent would be sorely grieved if his child could not trust him; and how ungenerous, how unkind is our conduct when we put so little confidence in our heavenly Father who has never failed us, and who never will. It were well if doubting were banished from the household of God; but it is to be feared that old Unbelief is as nimble nowadays as when the psalmist asked, “Is His mercy clean gone for ever?
Will He be favourable no more?” David had not made any very lengthy trial of the mighty sword of the giant Goliath, and yet he said, “There is none like it.” He had tried it once in the hour of his youthful victory, and it had proved itself to be of the right metal, and therefore he praised it ever afterwards; even so should we speak well of our God, there is none like unto Him in the heaven above or the earth beneath; “To whom then will ye liken Me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.” There is no rock like unto the rock of Jacob, our enemies themselves being judges.
So far from suffering doubts to live in our hearts, we will take the whole detestable crew, as Elijah did the prophets of Baal, and slay them over the brook; and for a stream to kill them at, we will select the sacred torrent which wells forth from our Saviour’s wounded side. We have been in many trials, but we have never yet been cast where we could not find in our God all that we needed.
Let us then be encouraged to trust in the Lord for ever, assured that His ever lasting strength will be, as it has been, our succour and stay.
I chose to trust in the Lord my Saviour that He will do me good and not evil. Beloved let us banish unbelief and fear that grips our heart. Let us believe that our provisions will not fail. Let us believe that our good is good all the time. Praise the Name of the Lord.
Beloved, it has been a wonderful time in God’s presence and I believe you are blessed. May the Name of the Lord be praise forever!
Have a blessed weekend, see you next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.