Glory be to the Lord alleluia! Glory be to the Lord alleluia! Glory be to the Lord in the highest alleluia! Glory be to the Lord in the highest alleluia! I will shout alleluia! alleluia alleluia eheheheheh 2x// I will lift up His Name higher…. I will lift up His Name higher…. O Jehovah Alpha Omega I will lift up His Name higher…2x
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name…alleluia to You Lord for Who You are….in heaven You are God, on earth You reigneth forever O Lord I Praise Your Name…thank You the miracle of sleeping and waking up early…thank You for healing in Your wings thank You Father the Great and Mighty things You are doing in our midst, glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus Name we adore You…amen!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, let us worship and adore our Father who art in heaven… You are the Lord, let Your Name be glorify…we give You glory and honour You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify!!!
Who have the final say, Jehovah have the final say! Jehovah turns my life around…Jehovah turns my life around, He make a way where there seem no way…Jehovah has the final say….
Beloveth thank God for the grace of another rewarding week…where God has plan to fulfill destinies and shower blessings on us…Who sent His beloveth Son that we partake of His Kingdom blessings (Ps 3:8)…beloveth He spared Him not and He made to be sin that has no sin so that you and I will partake of the heavenly heritage…what Awesome God we serve what a miraculous God we serve…
This is a season of lent when we reflect on the way of Cross…Jesus prayed Father take away this cup from me but not my Will Father, but Your Will and the Will of His Father was the Way to Cross and the angel was sent to strengthen Him and He went all the way and died on the Cross, He took away the sins of the whole world what a way to please God, a way that guaranteed salvation, a way of redemption…Praise the Lord.
Beloveth, God made to be Him sin that we may be without sin…are we living by the way of God. God inputted your sins, my sins on Jesus that we will be free from the works of satan and his accusations…are we living a life of no condemnation or are we still living and wallowing in sin therefore making of no effect the Way of the Cross in our life?
Let us cross examine our lives where we are not getting it right and with humility of heart confess our sins to God for forgiveness and as we do so our sins will be purge away…ask the Holy Spirit to help you as the day go by to live worthy of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus in Jesus Name Amen!!!
Come along with us for more:
He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.—2 Corinthians 5:21
This verse should startle us and cause us to tremble. It is not a verse to be read quickly and passed over. As Christians we are grateful to be forgiven of our sins. We are thankful we have been adopted as God’s children. Yet we will never comprehend the awesome price that Jesus paid to cleanse us of our sin and to give us His righteousness.
How abhorrent was it for the sinless Son of God to have every sin of humanity placed upon Him? What love was required for the Father to watch His only Son bear the excruciating pain of our sin upon the cross?
The prophet Isaiah summarized the human condition: “We are all like an unclean thing, / And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags” (Isa. 64:6). Even the high priest, Joshua, in his exalted position among God’s people, was clothed in filthy rags before God (Zech. 3:3).
The apostle Paul, who labored arduously to be righteous before God, realized that his most strenuous efforts to please God were no more valuable than rubbish (Phil. 3:4–10). The plight of humanity is that nothing we could ever do could satisfy God’s desire for righteousness. But the miracle of God’s mercy is that God exchanges our “filthy rags” for “rich robes” of righteousness (Zech. 3:4).
In this awesome exchange, God placed the sin of humanity upon His righteous Son. Jesus became so identified with our sin that Scripture says God made Him to be sin on our behalf. The holy Son of God could not possibly do more for us than this! Experiencing the Father’s wrath upon the sin He carried would have been more painful to endure than any human rejection or physical suffering.
Never take the righteousness God has given you for granted. Never take the forgiveness of your sin lightly. It cost God a terrible price in order to forgive you and make you righteous. Walk in a manner worthy of the righteousness He has given you.
Beloveth, never make light of the redemption work…you are bought with a price, price so costly and therefore so priceless (1 Cor.7:22-23) stop being a slave to your sinful nature for Jesus said “it is finish” at the Cross, alleluia!!!
Beloveth, we cannot take this decision to be upright just by mere saying…it is therefore necessary for you to daily and constantly ask the Holy Spirit for His help…Peter did it but he fail but thanks be to Jesus Who prayed for him for restoration before his fall and he was restored by truly repented of his sin and was absorbed back to the fold… on your own you cannot live or please God…may God give you understanding in Jesus Name Amen!!!
Further Reading :1 Jn 1:7
Remain blessed in the Lord.