Glorious God beautiful King, excellent God we bow before Your Throne. Glorious God beautiful King, excellent God we bow before Your Throne.// how excellent is Your O! God! How is Thy Name O! God! How Excellent is Thy Name O! God! How Excellent is Thy Name O! God! How Excellent is Thy Name! How Excellent is Thy Name! How Excellent is Thy Name O! God! How Excellent is Thy Name!, How Excellent is Thy Name! How Excellent is Thy Name O! God!
Our Father in heaven You are beautiful for all situation, Thank You fro Your faithfulness, thank You for making away where is no way, thank You for another beautiful week ahead of us to be everything You have made us to be, Let Your Name be glorify, adoration to Your Holy Name! thank You, Thank You and thank You forever more.
Beloved, how are doing, is another glorious week ahead of God and God will do only that which Him alone can do in our life, He is a Mighty Man in battle, heaven and earth are full of His glory alleluia, let us bow before His throne and worship Him. let us glorify His Name forever more!
In today’s teaching we will learn something of eternal value, “trust and holding on to God no matter what the situation is. Never giving up rather laying everything at the feet of Jesus, who will lightened every load and give us peace in the midst.
Do you know that work out peace. Someone is asking how? I was also amazed when I saw same, beloved, peace is not passive. To have peace in your home, life and your career or wherever or whatever, you have to work for it and make it a priority. You have to work for it and make it a priority. Do you know that the greatest way to rob the peace in your life/home/career is through worry.
Anxiety can drain our families or an individual energy and quench its calm faster than just about anything. In order words when you refuse to be anxious, when you trust God and remain peaceful, you create a climate of peace.
You have to learn to be ruthless with worry because it is the enemy peace, therefore through the grace of God with much prayer you wrestle mot fears to the ground.
I am not completely worry-free, but I can till you that I no longer feel imprisoned by fear.
There are some who suffer a more extreme version of anxiety- perhaps even full- fledge panic attacks. Sometimes the battle is too fierce to wage along, and a good Christian counselor can help you take steps to get at the root of the anxiety.
Beloved, the twin invaders fear and anxiety, can wreak havoc on a home or individual life. God does not treat fear and worry as small things. He tells you to “cast all your anxiety on Him” because He cares for you (1Pet 5:7) NIV. As with any stubborn problems, the first is to confront anxiety head-on and call it for the enemy that it is.
Come and discover why you must be ruthless in your dealing with fear and worry:
“He shall not be afraid of evil tidings.” Psalm 112:7
Christian, you ought not to dread the arrival of evil tidings; because if you are distressed by them, what do you more than other men? Other men have not your God to fly to; they have never proved His faithfulness as you have done, and it is no wonder if they are bowed down with alarm and cowed with fear: but you profess to be of another spirit; you have been begotten again unto a lively hope, and your heart lives in heaven and not on earthly things; now, if you are seen to be distracted as other men, what is the value of that grace which you profess to have received? Where is the dignity of that new nature which you claim to possess?
Again, if you should be filled with alarm, as others are, you would, doubtless, be led into the sins so common to others under trying circumstances. The ungodly, when they are overtaken by evil tidings, rebel against God; they murmur, and think that God deals hardly with them. Will you fall into that same sin? Will you provoke the Lord as they do?
Moreover, unconverted men often run to wrong means in order to escape from difficulties, and you will be sure to do the same if your mind yields to the present pressure. Trust in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him. Your wisest course is to do as Moses did at the Red Sea, “Stand still and see the salvation of God.”
For if you give way to fear when you hear of evil tidings, you will be unable to meet the trouble with that calm composure which nerves for duty, and sustains under adversity. How can you glorify God if you play the coward? Saints have often sung God’s high praises in the fires, but will your doubting and desponding, as if you had none to help you, magnify the Most High?
Then take courage, and relying insure confidence upon the faithfulness of your covenant God, “let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
Beloved, let not your heart be troubled and let not the season of fear cause you to murmur or speak unworthy of Christ rather let it make you to run to him, trust Him for recovery and restorations in Jesus Name.
Father in heaven O! God have mercy upon us and help us in time of our need and Your Name will be glorify forever and ever in Jesus Name!
On this note we declare this week open in Jesus name. and by the grace of god we return with greater testimonies in Jesus name
Remain blessed in the Lord.