Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Thy hands has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee!// I thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord! I am thank You for Who You are what You have done Dan Sakari Baba…..
Praise the Lord!!!!! Our Lord is good all the time. Indeed great is Thy faithfulness Father, in heaven You are God, on earth You are God, in the sea You are God, aside You we are nothing, without You we can do nothing, alleluia to Your Holy Name! Who is like unto Thee Father, there is none like Thee, there is none to be compared with Thee, we glorify You we give You Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name!
When I come into Your Presence Lord I am happy! When I come into Your Presence Lord am glad! In Presence Thy is anointing, Your Spirit will surround me, in Your Presence anointing breaks the yokes.
Father we declare that we love You, we declare an everlasting love for You, we declare an everlasting love for you. Father we declare that we love You, we declare an everlasting love for You!
Come and see what the Lord has done for me, He has taken away my sorrow and I am healed. Agam buru alleluia buru, agam para alleluia para, because of Jesus everyday na sakara I do double double heavenly blessing na him I dey receive hahah eheheh God goodness and mercies always the follow me!!!
Beloveth, good morning, is Friday! Is PCL, is someone celebrating Jesus with me, please let us celebrate Him, only the living can celebrate the Lord, so let celebrate God together!!!
Beloveth, do you have clean hands? Is your heart pure?
Holiness. Purity. Where does your mind go when you hear those words? Chances are, you have some preconceived ideas about what it means to be pure and holy that may involve babies with halos. It’s an unrealistic image. After all, we live in a culture that shouts that real fulfillment comes from being in a sexually satisfying relationship. So why should we concern ourselves with being Holy when it comes to our in-person and online relationships? Why should we care about sexual integrity and other integrity? Because, as followers of Jesus, we are called to live as Holy people in order to represent our Holy God.
In our study today we are going to look at some real, practical habits we can implement to help us live holy lives: lives that are marked by confidence, boldness, and closeness with the God we get to represent to the world. So let us start by changing our perspective on what it actually means to be Holy.
One thing is super clear right off the bat: God is Holy. In fact, there are creatures in heaven whose only Job is to declare the holiness of God 24/7. He never ceases to be Holy, so they never cease to proclaim His holiness.
But what do they mean when they say God is Holy? They are saying that God is altogether other. He is set apart, different. There is no one like Him and nothing that could compare to Him. through scripture, we see this truth dawning on people time and time again. look at King Solomon’s prayer:
“O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all of heaven above or on the earth below. You keep Your covenant and show unfailing love to all who walk before You in wholehearted devotion.” (1 Kin. 8:23)(NLT).
When God comes on the scene, everything is different. And here is where things get crazy. Because this Holy God has come on the scene of our lives as Christ followers, we are different too. We are set apart. Made Holy and called to live in such a way that represents our Holy God to the World.
“ But you are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, God’s speaacial possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light (1Pet. 2:9 (NIV).
Beloveth, who are you? chosen, a son or daughter of the King, special, called – you belong to Him. when you realize that this is your “identity;” that what God says about you is true thing about you, you begin to see holiness and purity in a new light. Not as these rules and regulation to strive to live up to. Not as something impossible or unattainable. Holiness is not some magical destination we are trying to get to; it’s the identity we get to live from.
Beloveth, once again we ask do you have a clean hand? Do you have a pure heart?
Come along for more:
“He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.” Psalm 24:4
Outward practical holiness is a very precious mark of grace. It is to be feared that many professors have perverted the doctrine of justification by faith in such a way as to treat good works with contempt; if so, they will receive everlasting contempt at the last great day.
If our hands are not clean, let us wash them in Jesus’ precious blood, and so let us lift up pure hands unto God. But “clean hands“will not suffice, unless they are connected with “a pure heart.” True religion is heart-work.
We may wash the outside of the cup and the platter as long as we please, but if the inward parts be filthy, we are filthy altogether in the sight of God, for our hearts are more truly ourselves than our hands are; the very life of our being lies in the inner nature, and hence the imperative need of purity within. The pure in heart shall see God, all others are but blind bats.
The man who is born for heaven “hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity.” All men have their joys, by which their souls are lifted up; the worldling lifts up his soul in carnal delights, which are mere empty vanities; but the saint loves more substantial things; like Jehoshaphat, he is lifted up in the ways of the Lord.
He who is content with husks, will be reckoned with the swine. Does the world satisfy thee? Then thou hast thy reward and portion in this life; make much of it, for thou shalt know no other joy.
“Nor sworn deceitfully.” The saints are men of honour still. The Christian man’s word is his only oath; but that is as good as twenty oaths of other men. False speaking will shut any man out of heaven, for a liar shall not enter into God’s house, whatever may be his professions or doings.
Reader, does the text before us condemn thee, or dost thou hope to ascend into the hill of the Lord?
Beloveth, nothing of impurity will stands before God’s Presence. Make your way straight before Him and you will be blessed by Him. (Rev 21:7-8).
Have an excellent weekend; see you next week by God’s grace. Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.