O my Redeemer liveth; He liveth forever more. Thank You for Whom You Are, King of kings, Lord of lords, Everlasting King we worship You, we praise Your Holy Name forever more.
Visit us afresh O Lord. Let Thy power and anointing fall afresh on us as we gather together in Your presence O my God, let our voices come up to You. Hear us and do Your biddings in our lives. Let those who know You not come to know, trust You, and believe in You from the testimonies and the miracles You will do for us.
Lord, as Your children gather to pray, let our supplications come unto You on high and do that which no man will do for us. In vain do men put their trust in the arms of flesh, help us Lord, we pray Thee in the Name of Jesus.
Dearly beloved, let’s talk about Jesus. He is the stone rejected by the builders which is now the chief cornerstone. Therefore, come boldly before Him (Heb 4:16). O! worship the Lord in the beauty of His Holiness (Ps 96:9).
Child of God, a surprise await you today. Grace is available to you. Know yea not that The Lord is not slacking concerning His promises (2 Pet 3:9). He will perfect all that concerns you but you have to be still if that what His command is while He working. If otherwise, you must apply yourself to work diligently as He orders your step and make His grace abound towards you for every good work.
Do you know that the heavenly wealth belong only to God’s children? No matter how friendly you are to a family or how useful you are, you can never share in their family’s inheritance. Likewise, no matter how hard or smart you work but you have not accepted Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour, this heavenly wealth is not for you. However, you are free to join this family of God just by clicking on this link (https://overcomers-faith.org/do-you-know-jesus).
God is inviting you to join His family in case you are yet to give your life to Christ as you pray today or you have backslides. He is inviting you now to make your wedding garment ready. Come, part take and walk in the newness of life in Christ Jesus (Rom 6:4). For you are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ (1 Jn 1:7). He will not withhold anything good from thee that walked uprightly, come hurry up to the mercy seat and obtain:
“No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” Ps. 84:11
Many pleasing things the Lord may withhold, but no good thing.” He is the best judge of what is good for us. Some things are assuredly good, and these we may have for the asking through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Holiness is a good thing, and this He will work in us freely. Victory over evil tendencies, strong tempers, and evil habits, He will gladly grant, and we ought not to remain without it.
Full assurance He will bestow, and near communion with Himself, and access into all truth, and boldness with prevalence at the mercy seat. If we have not these, it is from want of faith to receive, and not from any unwillingness of God to give. A calm, a heavenly frame, great patience, and fervent love — all these will He give to holy diligence.
But note well that we must “walk uprightly.” There must be no cross purposes and crooked dealings; no hypocrisy nor deceit. If we walk foully God cannot give us favors, for that would be a premium upon sin. The way of uprightness is the way of heavenly wealth — wealth so large as to include every good thing.
What a promise to plead in prayer! Let us get to our knees, before the mercy seat let plead this day. Come mark your trenches with your prayers. dig as directed by God Almighty. If the commands you to work be up at once at it for He knows what He wants to do and the time He wants fulfill it.
Beloved, respond to God’s command “mark the trenches”:
And he said, Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches. For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts.” 2Kings 3:16, 17
Three armies were perishing of thirst, and the Lord interposed. Although He sent neither cloud nor rain, yet He supplied an abundance of water. He is not dependent upon ordinary methods, but can surprise His people with novelties of wisdom and power. Thus are we made to see more of God than ordinary processes could have revealed.
Although the Lord may not appear for us in the way we expect, or desire, or suppose, yet He will in some way or other provide for us. It is a great blessing for us to be raised above looking to secondary causes, so that we may gaze into the face of the great First Cause.
Have we this day grace enough to make trenches into which the divine blessing may flow? Alas! we too often fail in the exhibition of true and practical faith. Let us this day be on the outlook for answers to prayer. As the child who went to a meeting to pray for rain took an umbrella with her; so let us truly and practically expect the Lord to bless us. Let us make the valley full of ditches and expect to see them all filled.
Today is going to be great to all who will call upon the Name of the Lord. His promises are sure and secure as we were told yesterday. He has also promise to answer your request today. Pray therefore, I pray thee and be blessed.
Do not forget these promises are for only those that are genuinely children of God. Are you one? If not click here to belong to this family of God.
Remain blessed in the Lord.