I lift Your Name higher… I lift Your Name… Higher… I lift your Name higher… I lift Your Name… ooo I lift Your Name higher, higher, above other names…// Glory be to God in the highest Amen! glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! For His Mercy enduerth forever Amen!!! fore His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!!
Praise the Name of the Lord….. Alleluia somebody…. Great is the Faithfulness of our God…. Alleluia!!! Who is like unto Thee our Father… no one like our God… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You for the gift of a new week… a brand new day…. You have made and said we should rejoice and be glad…. Alleluia…
Beloveth… Good morning… How are doing today… Hope you are fine… Praise the Name of the Lord somebody… Glory be to God in the highest… Our God is good… Alleluia!!!
Today we start a new week not in our strength or power but in the power of the Lord…. beloveth… peradventure you are asking yourself…how am I going to go through this year…. Hear the Word of God for you “Yea, I will help Thee…. Yes! the Lord promised to help us… alleluia… the journey ahead might look daunting but according to the Word of God to us… He promised us strengthen us and today He promise to help us… Amen!
I don’t know what is looking like a mountain to you… what is looking too daunting to you… receive the Word of God “Yea, I will help Thee.”
Look unto Jesus…. the author and finisher of your faith… as He has spoken… He will do… He is more than able to do what we ever think … Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!
I received help yesterday when an ugly situation rose while I was on way to church… like the roaring lion the satan barked… he tried putting fear in my heart… beloveth I reminded myself where I was heading to…. I simple told God… I know of a Name that the Bible told me that is above all names… I said Jesus I am coming to your house , I will never go back to take a drug I forgot to take before leaving the house…. I reminded myself that I have a communion to part-take…. If the Name of Jesus fail and the Blood of Jesus also fail… so be it …
Beloveth I headed to church…. Satan asked me “Why do I intentionally want to kill myself… I laugh because “Jesus is the resurrection and life…” so I was not afraid…. When I got to church, I went to the nearby shop bought myself a soft drink gulp some and went in for service… Beloveth 30 minutes into the choir ministration I notice my throat was clear and all the build-up I was initially feeling on my airways all gone…. I could not believe myself… I became intentional… I practical try clearing my throat and there was nothing to clear… I feel so free and so good… I flow with the service and at the end I spent some times with friend before coming back home… beloveth I didn’t go under distress as satan predicated… I was fine and calm… until I go home no crisis, no stress… in fact I didn’t take the drug even I got home…
Beloveth I got my healing… just by trusting in that name Jesus…. I got my healing even before the Holy communion was served….
So I know first-hand what it means when you needed help and God said “ Yea, I will help Thee”
Is no mean word… Is a true Word from God that will stand all odd… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Come along with us as we discover more below:
Help from Without
“Yea, I will help thee.” Isa. 41:10
Yesterday’s promise secured us strength for what we have to do, but this guarantees us aid in cases where we cannot act alone. The Lord says, “I will help thee.” Strength within is supplemented by help without. God can raise us up allies in our warfare if so it seems good in His sight; and even if He does not send us human assistance, He himself will be at our side, and this is better still. “Our August Ally” is better than legions of mortal helpers.
His help is timely: He is a very present help in time of trouble. His help is very wise: He knows how to give each man help meet and fit for him. His help is most effectual, though vain is the help of man. His help is more than help, for He bears all the burden, and supplies all the need. “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do unto me.
Because He has already been our help, we feel confidence in Him for the present and the future. Our prayer is, “Lord, be thou my helper”; our experience is, “The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities; our expectation is, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, whence cometh my help”; and our song soon will be, “Thou, Lord, hast holpen me.”
Praise the Name of the Lord… God is our Present help in time of need… so keep holding on to God’s promises… He will surely restore to us aii what the devil has stolen from us and He will do that just by Himself… as He has promised by His Strength and His Hand…. Alleluia!!!
Always remember Greater One is in you…than he that is in the world (satan).
Further Reading- Rev.1:8, Acts.13:39, 1Cor.8:3, 1Jn.4:4, Rom.12:2, Ps.36:5, Ps.23:2, Jas.1:27, 1Tim. 4:14, Eph.1:18, Isa.41:17, Isa.41:13.
On this note beloved we declare this week open and at the end we will return with testimonies in Jesus Name….. Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.