I look unto the hill where cometh my help, my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Is there anything too difficult for God to do? And with the blast of thy nostrils the waters were gathered together, the floods stood upright as an heap, and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea Ex 15:8 (KJV)

Today is another privilege to talk to our Father in our secret chambers and get answers to every of our needs. The need for prayers cannot be over emphasis, it is the bedrock of our salvation, for we are saved not by work but by grace. So seek Him while He may be found and call Him while He is near. For whosoever that seeketh Him, will find and whosoever that calleth the name of Lord will be save say the Spirit of the Living God.

I woke up this morning to pray but instead I was overwhelmed and started crying for God’s help in matters where I have been so helpless to help myself; maybe that was your case as well or you are sick and afraid that you might die, a rebellious child that aches your heart, unfaithful spouse, who see nothing wrong in the way he/she lives, maybe the situation you are going through was cursed by you, let Isa 49:24-26 comforts you, do not faint for God of sudden will arise with His vengeance upon everything that makes itself mightier than God, their case will be that of Ex 15:9-10 for them to know that we are serving a living God. Consider further:

“Help, Lord.” Psalm 12:1

The prayer itself is remarkable, for it is short, but seasonable, sententious, and suggestive. David mourned the fewness of faithful men, and therefore lifted up his heart in supplication—when the creature failed, he flew to the Creator.

He evidently felt his own weakness, or he would not have cried for help; but at the same time he intended honestly to exert himself for the cause of truth, for the word “help” is inapplicable where we ourselves do nothing.

There is much of directness, clearness of perception, and distinctness of utterance in this petition of two words; much more, indeed, than in the long rambling outpourings of certain professors. The Psalmist runs straight-forward to his God, with a well-considered prayer; he knows what he is seeking, and where to seek it. Lord, teach us to pray in the same blessed manner.

The occasions for the use of this prayer are frequent. In providential afflictions how suitable it is for tried believers who find all helpers failing them. Students, in doctrinal difficulties, may often obtain aid by lifting up this cry of “Help, Lord,” to the Holy Spirit, the great Teacher. Spiritual warriors in inward conflicts may send to the throne for reinforcements, and this will be a model for their request. Workers in heavenly labour may thus obtain grace in time of need. Seeking sinners, in doubts and alarms, may offer up the same weighty supplication; in fact, in all these cases, times, and places, this will serve the turn of needy souls. “Help, Lord,” will suit us living and dying, suffering or labouring, rejoicing or sorrowing.

In Him our help is found, let us not be slack to cry to Him. The answer to the prayer is certain, if it be sincerely offered through Jesus. The Lord’s character assures us that He will not leave His people; His relationship as Father and Husband guarantee us His aid; His gift of Jesus is a pledge of every good thing; and His sure promise stands, “Fear not, I WILL HELP THEE.”

Thank God for that reassurance of His help in our field of battle.  For we fight not against flesh or blood but against forces of wickedness. Thank God we have a God that is above them; at whose feet they bow, Amen! For He will fight with you and win the battle for you, read more:

“For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” Deut. 20:4

We have no enemies but the enemies of God. Our fights are not against men, but against spiritual wickedness. We war with the devil, and the blasphemy, and error, and despair, which he brings into the field of battle.

We fight with all the armies of sin-impurity, drunkenness, oppression, infidelity, and ungodliness. With these we contend earnestly, but not with sword or spear; the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.

Jehovah, our God, abhors everything which is evil, and, therefore, He goeth with us to fight for us in this crusade. He will save us, and He will give us grace to war a good warfare, and win the victory. We may depend upon it that if we are on God’s side God is on our side.

With such an august ally the conflict is never in the least degree doubtful. It is not that truth is mighty and must prevail, but that might lies with the Father who is Almighty, with Jesus who has all power in Heaven and in earth, and with the Holy Spirit who worketh His will among men.

Soldiers of Christ, gird on your armor. Strike home in the name of the God of holiness, and by faith grasp His salvation. Let not this day pass without striking a blow for Jesus and holiness. Is possible that Satan wants to get your attention or distract you from your new found love and hopes in God, don’t give in; even if he releases all its arsenals says like the Psalmist “I will not be afraid”. Comfort yourself with the following verses of the scripture below and discover more.

Power Verse:

Ps121:1-2; 10:12; 17:13; Act 4:25-30; Ex 15:8-10; 11-14; Ps 40:1-3. Ps 23.

Cry unto God with everything in you, pour out your heart before Him and see Him arise on your behalf. Don’t forget to pray for others and our beloved nation. We are also praying for you specially every Wednesday, send in your prayer request.

Child of God, listen “the Egyptian you see today; you will see them no more” thus says the Lord of Host. Amen! You will testify in Jesus name. Amen.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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