Everybody testifies You are good… You are good Jehovah…You are good… Everybody testifies You are good… You are good Jehovah…You are good…// I will lift up Jesus higher…. I will lift up Jesus higher… O! Jehovah… Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher… 2x
Everlasting Father, we worship You… we give You Praise… we adore Thee… we magnify Your Holy Name… O Lord who is like unto Thee… there is none to be compared with Thee… You are God… You are not just big… You are not large…You are a great God… O Lord we bow before Your Throne in worship… who is like unto Thee … Father O Lord … there is none like Thee… be Thou exalted… Unlimited God…
Thank You for answers to prayers… To miracles that You have wrought and yet to do… we celebrate You Jesus …. For washing away my sin and the sins of the whole world…. Thank Ancient of Days… Be Thou glorify in Jesus Name….
Beloveth, today at Faith clinic… we will be trusting the Lord to open our eyes of understanding in His Word… Teachings and Admonitions… may it be Life and Spirit to us as we glance steadily on it according to His Amen!!!
Considering our topic – beloveth. it takes faith to believe God… because some things spoken, expressed, and demonstrated to us is to high for our understanding… therefore we are afraid to acknowledge them and accept them…. Take for instance the love of God….
When you are deep in sin … God love is watching over you… but you ignored it… your spirit is convicting you but you refuse to come out of it…. then after awhile you are save and rescue from hell… because your understanding of God’s love is shallow… you are finding it difficult to believe that God will simple forgive you just like that… so you want buy your salvation through hard-work, through acts… but that is not the salvation Christ promised us…. Jesus paid it all and is ours for take…. So you cannot work out our salvation neither are we going to buy it…
Rather the Bible said we are save through “grace,” and it also free….
So like our topic is emphasizing to us ways we can rob ourselves of God’s blessing… here today we four ways that can be possible…
So you go through it and see if you are a victim to any of them then repent of it…
Is as simple as that…. You cannot pay back to God… you don’t have the capacity rather you can accept the love of God and move in His path of righteousness, enjoy His Presence and basked in His love… alleluia somebody!!!
Come along with us for more:
Here Are Four Ways We Can Rob Ourselves Of God’s Blessing
- Judge ourselves:”I do not even examine myself (literally: Judge, try, condemn)… The one who examines me is the Lord… who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men‘s hearts… “( 1 Corinthians 4:3-5)
Paul did, however, “examine” his heart, but the element of self-condemnation was absent:
“Test (Literally: assay, scrutinize) yourselves to see if you are in the faith.” (2 Corinthians 13:5)
- Condemn ourselves:
“There is… no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)
“God is infinitely greater than our hearts ( in not condemning us). When we realize this, our hearts no longer accuse us… (and) we may have the utmost confidence in God‘s presence.” (1 John 3:20-22 – Phillips)
- Not accept His unconditional love:
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with loving kindness .… God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Jeremiah 31:3; Romans 5:8)
- Not accept His invitation to minister to us:
“Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you… He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you.” (Isaiah 30:18, 19).
God knows and loves you, warts and all. By judging or condemning yourself, you denigrate the great grace of God. So relax in Him and drink in His unfathomable love.
Beloveth, are still robbing yourself of the free gifts of God in your life… are struggling to accept Jesus in your life…. this is an acceptable time for you to do so… so that you will start enjoying God’s Presence and gift while you are here…. having accepted His love and other gifts freely, you simply be manifesting His blessings which are the reward promised us by Him…
Keep your faith light glowing… and see God appearing in His glory daily in your life…. Praise the living Jesus….alleluia Amen!!! mediator
Further Reading- Heb.9:15, Tit.2:11, Isa 60:20, Rom.10:17, 1Pet.4:14, Ps.25:14, 1Jn.4:8-9.
Remain blessed in the Lord.