Glory! Glory Alleluia! Glory! Glory Praise the Lord! Glory! Glory Alleluia! Glory! Glory Praise the Lord! Glory! Glory Lord… we give You Glory… We give You Glory Lord… Glory! Glory Lord You are a Mighty God…. we give You glory O! Lord!!!// I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus…!!
Our Father we Thank you we bless Your Holy Name.. We adore Thee… We give you Praise… We magnify Your Holy Name Father be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name… Thank You for gift of another day in the land of the Living… O! Lord Who is like unto Thee… O Lord there is none like Thee…
Song….. Heavenly Father Thank You…Eternal Creator Thank You Alleluia!!!
Beloveth…Praise the Lord… Have you Thank the Lord for this great privilege of join God’s people and being part of this day… our God is a Great God… Praise the Living Jesus…. Alleluia…. Amen!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth our Great God visited us again in a unique way yesterday… Beloveth are you seeing what am seeing… Is your mind beating in unusual manner?…Yesterday… on this platform the Lord once again visited us in a very unique way that made me wondering how Divinity will stoop low to partner with humanity…. God cropped you and I as His co-partner…in the kingdom business… (Tit.2:11)
Wow! I don’t know whether you understood this very well but in case you don’t… God extended an invite to you to join Him to bring wandering souls back home… (God’s kingdom)…
I am greatly excited because it is not going to be business as usually, something special is going to happen in your life, family, career and ministry… beloveth… listen… as you go about taking care of God’s vineyard… God Himself will take care of you and all that are yours… I am a Living witness… miracle no dey tire Jesus… God is not tried of you either, so get ready to see the very Hand of God working in your midst especially when you engage in kingdom works…
Can you recall in the Bible Days who walked with God and was not disappointed… Father Abraham walked with God and God came through for him that when he was 100yrs of age God made a father… and his wife Sarah became a mother … Mother of Isaac…. God put laughter in her mouth…thus she said that God has made her laugh therefore everybody that hears this will laugh with her…(Gen.21:1-6) Praise the Name of the Lord…
Same way beloveth… Abraham was faithful to the end and showed up for him same way God will show up for you in Jesus Name…
Before we get into the study of today we want to know that assessing God’s promises and blessings lies so much on obedience… using Mary and Joseph as a case study… for everything the Lord told them to do… they did it to the later… they never assumed any equality with God… neither did they neglected to obey the law/custom of the land because Jesus was Divinity among men…
Beloveth, we therefore in like manner we encourages you to do same because that is where the blessings is – Obedience…to Divine assignments ….we will use this Easter season and take the gospel to those around us… celebrate Jesus … Amen!!!
Come along with us for more:
Here Are Three Suggestions On How To Get Started In Ministering To Others
- Start Where You Are
“Bloom where you are planted.”
Prayerfully ask God, “Who in my network of acquaintances could use a kind word, a helping hand, or a listening ear?
“Wisdom is in the presence of the one who has understanding,, but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth.” (Proverbs 17:24)
Don’t think so much of “having a ministry” with people as simply loving them in the name of Christ.
- Do What You Can
Look for a need in someone’s life and seek to meet it:
- Love unconditionally.
- Serve without reservation.
- Share the Word of God when they are ready to receive it.
“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due… ” (Proverbs 3:27)
- Use What You’ve Got
The Lord used: Moses’ rod
Peter’s boat
A stranger’s donkey
So… utilize you gifts, talents, and resources in communicating Christ’s love.
“We ought to lay down our lives for the brethren… Let us not love with word or tongue, but in deed and truth.” (1 John 3:16, 18b).
Beloveth… our God can use anything to get His work done… so you don’t need to look far… what you need is in your hand already… it could your talents, hobby, voice, time, it can be anything… just ask God to lead you… and you will be amazed at what it turns out to be… Amen!!!
It is also important that you start within your Jerusalem… your immediate environment… nothing is sweeter than seeing those around professing Christ….so start immediately… be sensitive in your Spirit… so that it can be easy for you… there are those whom the Holy Spirit has already worked in their Spirit and they are ready for harvesting …. Praise the Lord.
Further Reading: 1Tim.1:15, 2Tim.3:14, Rev.3:11, Ps.119:76, Prov.20:22, Ps.62:8 Lam.3:25, Deut.7:8, Matt.5:16, Ps.119:130, 1 Cor.3:17, 1Pet.1:16.
Remain blessed in the Lord.