Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do come and see the Lord is good.// Jesus is the sweetest Name I know, He is always just the same, all praises His Holy Name, that is the reason why I love Him so, Jesus is the sweetest Name I know.

Yes! Lord Jesus Name so sweet; Emmanuel Name is great, come let us talk about Jesus, Jesus Name so sweet. Father I exalt Your Holy Name Praise be to Your Name on high, I worship You, I Praise Your Name for Who You are. Thank You for the grace to be in Your Presence, glory be to Your Name on high. We worship You, we glorify Your Name, blessed be Thy Name on high.

Beloved, good morning, how are doing? Can we talk about Jesus for His Name is so sweet? His Name is above every other, at the mention of His Name every knee shall bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord. His Name drive away evil spirits, demons bow at the mention of His Name, heaven release dew when His Name is mention, the Name of Jesus heals the sick, raise the dead, His Name restores, His Name delivers, His Name make whole. The Name of Jesus is the head of principalities and powers. His Name set the captives free.

But these were hidden from the wise but were given to the humble. Are you among the wise or humble? Join me as you find out which category you belong:

In that same hour He rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and the learned and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, because this was Your good pleasure.”—Luke 10:21


One hindrance to hearing a word from God may be our own wisdom. Wisdom, like success, can delude us to think we should take the role of teacher rather than student. Our knowledge lulls us into thinking we have sufficient wisdom to meet any challenge. Believing we are wise tempts us to evaluate the shortcomings of others yet be unaware of how much growth is still required in ourselves.

The Pharisees were the religious experts of their day. They possessed much information about God, but they had no personal relationship with Him. Their knowledge clouded their view of their condition before God. Jesus thanked His Father that it was not to these “experts” that the Father had revealed spiritual truth, but rather to those who were humble and who recognized their need for God’s revelation.

When religious leaders experience spiritual failure, their downfall is often met with surprise. It shouldn’t be. Religious people with the most knowledge are sometimes the ones least responsive to God’s Word. Knowledge can easily lead to pride, and pride impedes us from seeking God.

How do you know if you are a “Pharisee”? When you do not have a teachable spirit. When you become defensive if a fellow Christian shares a concern about your spiritual condition. When you do not seek to hear from God, believing you already know what He thinks. When you feel that you are capable of helping others in their spiritual lives, but no one can teach you anything. Don’t allow the limited knowledge you now have to blind you to the great truths God still wants to reveal to you.

Our Lord Jesus though being equal with the Father still He humbled Himself and God doth exalt Him far above, come and learn from Him:

“Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken to Thy voice: cause me to hear it.” Song 8:13


My sweet Lord Jesus remembers well the garden of Gethsemane, and although He has left that garden, He now dwells in the garden of His church: there He unbosoms Himself to those who keep His blessed company.

That voice of love with which He speaks to His beloved is more musical than the harps of heaven. There is a depth of melodious love within it which leaves all human music far behind. Ten of thousands on earth, and millions above, are indulged with its harmonious accents. Some whom I well know, and whom I greatly envy, are at this moment hearkening to the beloved voice.

O that I were a partaker of their joys! It is true some of these are poor, others bedridden, and some near the gates of death, but O my Lord, I would cheerfully starve with them, pine with them, or die with them, if I might but hear Thy voice. Once I did hear it often, but I have grieved Thy Spirit.

Return unto me in compassion, and once again say unto me, “I am thy salvation.” No other voice can content me; I know Thy voice, and cannot be deceived by another, let me hear it, I pray thee. I know not what Thou wilt say, neither do I make any condition, O my Beloved, do but let me hear Thee speak, and if it be a rebuke I will bless Thee for it. Perhaps to cleanse my dull ear may need an operation very grievous to the flesh, but let it cost what it may I turn not from the one consuming desire, cause me to hear Thy voice.

Bore my ear afresh; pierce my ear with Thy harshest notes, only do not permit me to continue deaf to Thy calls. To-night, Lord, grant Thine unworthy one his desire, for I am Thine, and Thou hast bought me with Thy blood. Thou hast opened mine eye to see Thee, and the sight has saved me. Lord, open Thou mine ear. I have read Thy heart, now let me hear Thy lips.

Dearly beloved, who are before God? Are teachable or you are a Pharisee? Yes! Lord open Thou mine hear that Thy lips speak to me!

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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