Faithful Father, we are grateful for a fulfilled week, thank You for being there for us. Thank You for the dominion You are granting unto us all the way. It so amazing how we rigor out of difficult and challenging situation with the help and guide of the Holy Spirit.

Thank You for not allowing us to stay down and low in spirit when we fail to achieve what we set out to do. Thank You, Holy Spirit for the mastery we are gaining in all areas of our endevours, we are most grateful.

Beloved, what a raining week but also interesting all the same. When you are in-charge, you become unstoppable either by rain or sun. Sickness will have no hold on you, depression will be so far away and remote from you.

It’s amazing what the grace of dominion can do in our individual lives and together as a great family of God. So dearly beloved, ensure you in charge all the time, by seeking to know and serving your God with holiness that with grant you access into His presence without limit:

A road will be there and a way; it will be called the Holy Way. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for him who walks the path. Even the fool will not go astray.—Isaiah 35:8

The nation of Israel was designed to have a place where other nations of the world could come to worship the true God. The temple in Jerusalem was to be the center from which the good news of God’s salvation would spread to every corner of the world. But those who were supposed to be God’s people forsook Him and practiced every kind of sin. Rather than being ambassadors for God, they disgraced His holy name. Rather than attracting the nations of the earth to God, they became stumbling blocks to those who were seeking the true God.

The Israelites fell so far from God’s original intent that God judged them and sent them into exile. Yet God promised that one day His people would be an avenue by which others could find salvation.

It is God’s desire that anywhere there is a Christian, God has a way for people to learn of His salvation (Rom. 10:14–15). Whenever an unbeliever meets a Christian, the unbeliever ought to be face to face with everything he needs to know in order to follow Christ.

Sadly, however, Christians can be like the Israelites of Isaiah’s day. We can be so involved in our sin that we are completely disoriented to God, ill-equipped to direct others to Him. If our lives are filled with hypocrisy, we may turn people away from God, rather than helping them come to Him. If our lives are filled with doubt or anger, we will impede others from coming to Christ. Our lives ought to be a highway of holiness, providing easy access to God for anyone around us who seeks Him.

Ask God to remove any obstacle in your life that hinders others from coming to know Jesus. Do not be an instrument in the hands of Satan and evil one. Allow the ever green Word of God to sanctify you all the way.  The Word of God set you free from all manners of bondage, do not negeclt to read and study the Word in is your true empowerment. Therefore go to God through His Word to be enlightened and empowered.  Read more on how you can be sanctified and remain sanctified.

“Sanctify them through Thy truth.” John 17:17

Sanctification begins in regeneration. The Spirit of God infuses into man that new living principle by which he becomes “a new creature” in Christ Jesus. This work, which begins in the new birth, is carried on in two ways—mortification, whereby the lusts of the flesh are subdued and kept under; and vivification, by which the life which God has put within us is made to be a well of water springing up unto everlasting life.

This is carried on every day in what is called “perseverance,” by which the Christian is preserved and continued in a gracious state, and is made to abound in good works unto the praise and glory of God; and it culminates or comes to perfection, in “glory,” when the soul, being thoroughly purged, is caught up to dwell with holy beings at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

But while the Spirit of God is thus the author of sanctification, yet there is a visible agency employed which must not be forgotten. “Sanctify them,” said Jesus, “through thy truth: thy word is truth.” The passages of Scripture which prove that the instrument of our sanctification is the Word of God are very many. The Spirit of God brings to our minds the precepts and doctrines of truth, and applies them with power. These are heard in the ear, and being received in the heart, they work in us to will and to do of God’s good pleasure.

The truth is the sanctifier, and if we do not hear or read the truth, we shall not grow in sanctification. We only progress in sound living as we progress in sound understanding. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Do not say of any error, “It is a mere matter of opinion.” No man indulges an error of judgment, without sooner or later tolerating an error in practice.

Hold fast the truth, for by so holding the truth shall you be sanctified by the Spirit of God. Glory be to God in the highest, as we apply our self to the teaching of His Word in Jesus Name. Amen!  Click here to accept Jesus now!

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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