Praising the Lord always, praising the Lord always, praising the Lord with all heart, praising the Lord always. Alleluia my Lord is good, alleluia my Lord is good, alleluia, my Lord is good, is good to me, alleluia my Lord is good, (alleluia my Lord is good), alleluia my Lord is good (is good to me)
Yes! my God is good to me, faithful messiah, You are so good to me, to all that believeth and trust in your Name, Father You are so good to us. Glory be to Your Name on high. Who is like unto Thee, ancient One there is none to be compared with you. Everlasting is Your Name, faithful is your Name, and glorious is your Name. You are the Lion of the tribe of Judea, receive our Praise O Lord!
Beloved, are you bouncing in the Lord, yes! am bouncing in the Lord, every day. Thank God for great privilege of standing before the throne of grace to drink water from the fountain of life. O Lord! receive our worship, we bless Your Holy Name forever and ever alleluia Amen!
The Word of God has been forth ahead of us and will not go back without accomplishing that which it has been sent forth to do. His Word is yea and Amen and must express itself fully on our behalf in Jesus Name, let us therefore come before Him with confidence and keep on believe that He will perfect all that concerneth us in Jesus Name.
Yes! He will perfect all that concrneth us by He did without hold His dear Son from us rather He gave Him up that we might live. Yes! live life abundantly.
Beloved, do you understand the Word abundant? According to Encarta Dictionary which says that abundant is when something is in plentiful supply. And that is what God is promising to us, His plan and reward to us is abundant supply of life. It means life unlimited or better still life everlasting.
Come on can you give a clap offering to God. This life promise us is without pain, stress and ill. It is a life full of joy, glory and honour. I will not miss it what about you?
Beloved, as we go forth to possess our possession and be fruitful according to His word to us, may we go along with this intention to do His will in our bidding. We must fail Him, we must make the death of His Son be in vain, we must not take His gift with levity rather we will forever be indebted to Him, the only true God. Praise the Lord!
Apostle Paul said that “I count everything dung for excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ” Phil 3:8.
Wow! That he may win Christ, Paul count his profession- lawyer, his citizenship a dung that he may win Christ. What are doing that you may win Christ? We must allow the gift of God to us to be in vain. We must daily grow in the love and grace of God that we may live a life worthy of a child of God and therefore inherit the kingdom at the end in Jesus Name. Praise the Lord. Remember that the love of God made Him sacrifice to us His dear Son.
In my walk with God, I have come to a point that I am made bold to look at satan in his face and declared to him that “I am not ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Before then satan in his still mood ask me “what is my boost in the Lord?” He pointed to me everything that is not working right and for days I struggle with this challeng, not that I don’t know my answers or that I don’t have an answer to for him but I was looking for the best Word that best suit my situation from the Word God, when the Holy Spirit remember me of Rom 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus and immediately I jump up and shouted Yes! that is it, than like Job I turn to satan the mischief and command him to listen “even though He slay me, yet will I trust in him … and also know that I am not ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus; for that is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth…. For the just shall live by faith. Therefore I will live by faith in God.
Therefore beloved is not about me is all about Him. may His will be done in my life always. Yes! I am not ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus and if that is you confession right now come along with me for more :
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Of all the stars in the sky the polestar is the most useful to the mariner. This text is a polestar, for it has guided more souls to salvation than any other Scripture. It is among promises what the Great Bear is among constellations.
Several words in it shine with peculiar brilliance. Here we have God’s love, with a “so” to it, which marks its measureless greatness. Then we have God’s gift in all its freeness and greatness. This also is God’s Son, that unique and priceless gift of a love which could never fully show itself till Heaven’s Only-begotten had been sent to live and die for men. These three points are full of light.
Then there is the simple requirement of believing, which graciously points to a way of salvation suitable for guilty men. This is backed by a wide description — “whosoever believeth in him.” Many have found room in “whosoever” who would have felt themselves shut out by a narrower word.Then comes the great promise, that believers in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
This is cheering to every man who feels that he is ready to perish, and that he cannot save himself. We believe in the Lord Jesus, and we have eternal life.
A very great relieve to all who satan held bound that if only you will believe then you have eternal life and shall never be separated from God, come along for more:
“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?.” John 11:26
Yes, Lord, we believe it; we shall never die. Our soul may be separated from our body, and this is death of a kind; but our soul shall never be separated from God, which is the true death — the death which was threatened to sin — the death penalty which is the worst that can happen.
We believe this most assuredly, for who shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord? We are members of the Body of Christ; will Christ lose parts of His body? We are married to Jesus; will He be bereaved and widowed? It is not possible. There is a life within us which is not capable of being divided from God: yea, and the Holy Spirit dwells within us, and how then can we die?
Jesus, Himself, is our life, and therefore there is no dying for us, for He cannot die again. In Him we died unto sin once, and the capital sentence cannot a second time be executed. Now we live, and live for ever. The reward of righteousness is life everlasting, and we have nothing less than the righteousness of God, and therefore can claim the very highest reward.
Living and believing, we believe that we shall live and enjoy. Wherefore we press forward with full assurance that our life is secure in our living Head.
What a glorious day to be reminded of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus for the salvation of our soul, glory be to God. Father help us to live for you alone in Jesus Name.
Beloved join me to make this confession Father, through the help of the Holy Spirit the price for my life will not be in vain, so help me Lord. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord