Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus how Wonderful You are You are precious than the morning star. You are precious more precious than the lily that grow by the way, You are precious more precious than gold.// I have the light of God in me, I have the light of God in me 2x I have the Spirit of the Lord in me I have the light of God in me.
Our Father in heaven O! God, who is like unto Thee, You are my God that is Your Name You glory You share with no one. Thank You for the gift of a new week a new day in Christ Jesus. Thank You because week will speak goodness to us and the works of our hands shall be blessed in Jesus Name. faithful redeemer we Thank You for Your faithfulness endureth forever.
Thank You Lord; Thank You Father for You are great and everything written about You is great.
Beloved, I am so excited because we will see the greatness of God in the land of the living. Our God is battle ready on our behalf. Whatever the devil and his cohorts are scheming God is bigger than them. My God is greater than them. Praise the Name of the Lord.
I come to encourage you today, that you should hold on to that good you are doing never give up. The year is coming to an end and I know that you have put in so much before now to get to where you are at the moment, do not allow anything to rob You of Your dominion in Christ Jesus.
Be strong in the Lord and in power of His might. When God created the man and woman, He blessed them and said to them “be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
But when they fall, they handed over the dominion power over to Stan and life became struggle until the birth of our Lord Jesus whose arrival declared winners in the Lord.
Notice you what happened when Satan was tempting Jesus he said to Him (Jesus) to bow to him so that he will hand over the kingdom to him. Satan was not entirely wrong when he made that statement. Because the kingdom was handed over to at the fall of man but Jesus came to redeem man because that was not the plan of God from the foundation of the world.
But Jesus is the son of the Most High God, the second person in Trinity, Who knew the plan and purpose of creation. Moreover the Creator can never bow to the created. Praise the Name of Jesus.
Beloved, who you are in Christ Jesus will go a long way to determine your lots in Him. On this first day of this week, we are remanding you again that you are made in God’s image. And therefore, Jesus triumph over Satan; you are also meant to triumph over him and all the enemies of your soul.
So encourage as you hold on to good, don’t ever give up but uphold that which is before the King of kings. Because He has overcome for you. Is a battle but need to be afraid because it has won on your behalf, just hold on to what is good. Praise God.
. . . but test all things.
Hold on to what is good.
Stay away from every form of evil.—1 Thessalonians 5:21–22
Hold fast to what is good, or the world will take it away. Satan is the relentless enemy of good. When he saw that what God gave Adam and Eve was good, he set about to take it away from them. When he saw that King David was pleasing to God, he attempted to destroy David’s relationship with God. Never take the good in your life for granted. If you do not hold on to it firmly, it may be lost.
People will challenge the good that you are practicing. They may criticize you for your moral stand, your child rearing, your use of money, or your involvement in church. Time pressures will attack the good in your life. Your time to pray, study Scripture, be with your family, and serve in your church will all be pressured by the many other time demands you face. You may give generously to your church and other Christian causes, but you will be tempted to spend your money selfishly and minimize the good you are doing with your finances.
Scripture reveals the solution for holding on to what is good—abstain from every form of evil. Evil robs you of what God intends for you. A spouse and family are great blessings, but the evil of adultery can rob you of the good that God has given. Prayer is a wonderful gift from God. Yet sin robs the power of prayer (Isa. 1:15).
If you will not abstain from evil, it will rob you of the good things God has given. God’s commandments do not restrict you: they free you to experience God’s best. Diligently abstain from every form of evil, and you will be free to enjoy every good thing God has for you.
As we have before now our God is a God battle; He is Mighty in battle. Read on:
“The Lord mighty in battle.” Psalm 24:8
Well may our God be glorious in the eyes of His people, seeing that He has wrought such wonders for them, in them, and by them. For them, the Lord Jesus upon Calvary routed every foe, breaking all the weapons of the enemy in pieces by His finished work of satisfactory obedience; by His triumphant resurrection and ascension He completely overturned the hopes of hell, leading captivity captive, making a show of our enemies openly, triumphing over them by His cross.
Every arrow of guilt which Satan might have shot at us is broken, for who can lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? Vain are the sharp swords of infernal malice, and the perpetual battles of the serpent’s seed, for in the midst of the church the lame take the prey, and the feeblest warriors are crowned.
The saved may well adore their Lord for His conquests in them, since the arrows of their natural hatred are snapped, and the weapons of their rebellion broken. What victories has grace won in our evil hearts! How glorious is Jesus when the will is subdued, and sin dethroned!
As for our remaining corruptions, they shall sustain an equally sure defeat, and every temptation, and doubt, and fear, shall be utterly destroyed. In the Salem of our peaceful hearts, the name of Jesus is great beyond compare: He has won our love, and He shall wear it.
Even thus securely may we look for victories by us. We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. We shall cast down the powers of darkness which are in the world, by our faith, and zeal, and holiness; we shall win sinners to Jesus, we shall overturn false systems, we shall convert nations, for God is with us, and none shall stand before us. This day let the Christian warrior chant the war song, and prepare for tomorrow’s fight.
Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
Did you just read that, chant the war song for “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in world.
This week is declared bless in the Name of the Lord. Go in the Name of Lord and return with victories. We will testify at the end of this week in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.