Who is on the Lord side, I want to know I am on the Lord’s sides. Who is on the Lord side, I want to know I am on the Lord’s sides. I am on the Lord sides and Jesus is on my side, as long as I live, as long as I stay I am on the Lord sides.// Who is like unto Thee, O Lord! Who is like unto Thee, O Lord! among the gods, who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in praising doing wonders alleluia.

Let us exalt the Name of the Lord today because He is worthy of Praise. Glorious, excellent is my God, from generation to generation He remaineth the same, Great is Name and He is greatly to be Praise, all power, all Glory, adoration to You. Thank You my Father, for You are worthy to be glorify, blessed be Thy Name of the Lord,. He is Worthy to be Praise and adore and so we lift our Holy hand in one accord singing Blessing be Thy Name, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Beloved, let us sing praises to the God of our fathers who is ever faithful to keep what has been entrusted into His care, it will not decay or destroyed. Blessed be His Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. He preserved us all through the Month of February and He will yet keep us beyond in Jesus Name. May His Name be Praise forever.

I have a every reason to be grateful to God particular in the month of February and an sure you do too. The Lord took me out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet upon the Rock according to His Word to us at the beginning and ensure my goings. Praise be the Name of Jehovah who fight all my battles and won all my wars glory be to His Name on high. Alleluia amen!!!!!!!!!!!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, He is worthy to be praise and adore, so we lift our holy hands in one accord, singing blessed be the Name, blessed be the Name of the Name of the Lord. The month of February was indeed according to the Lord’s Word to me and am sure some many will also have a testimonies of the Lord goodness in the lives, families, career and ministry.

Why do you wear your dancing shoes and give it to the Lord, the King of kings and the Lord of lords in who wings we are safe and secure, Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!

Give to the Lord because his Word is Yea and Amen! There is none like unto Him, He sent forth H. is Word and delivery them that are in captive free, giving a resounding ovation to the Lord! is only the living that can Praise the Lord and it pleased the Lord to make us to be among the living shout a super thundering alleluia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The month is rounding up today to the glory of Jesus and we are at our faith clinic and coming our way is what make a man not to live according to God’s Word, promises to His people “fear” someone said that fear is having faith , but it’s placing your faith in the wrong things. Fear is placing your faith in the “what ifs”.

So much of our fear are focused on the things that may or may not happen. There is no reason to fear things that might happen. Even bible in the Bible struggled in fearing their own “what ifs” you will read about Moses’ “what ifs” fear and how God gave him strength to overcome Exo 4:1-17.

Beloved what is your own “what ifs” that fuel your fears? Jesus disciples also have their own share of the “what ifs.” After Jesus was buried they went up the upper room and hid. You are also familiar with the denial of Peter of his Master. However after Jesus visited them in the upper room and charged them up they confidence came back. We later saw Peter and John healing at the man at the beautiful gate. That same Peter faces the leaders of his days and gave account of the life of Jesus before the assembly in the synagogue.(Lk 22: 56-62, Lk 24:36-49, Acts 3:1-11, 4:1-21)

Beloved, what do you think is behind this great change in the life of the Disciples of our Lord Jesus? There is power in the Word of God; there is victory through the help of our Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit abides with us to lead and direct us daily.

Is possible you did not experience the promise of God for His people in this ministry because of the fear the devil have saddle you with. But going forward you must say “No” to fear and “Yes” to faith. No more will you be bound by fear again in Jesus Name. The bars have been cut asunder and the chains are broken. “Get up and take your mat and go” said Jesus to the man at the pool of Bethesda. Likewise, receive that same word and be free forever in Jesus Name.

 Come with me to see what fear can do in the life of a man and why you must say “no” to fear forever:

Leviticus 13:18-14:14, Psalm 27:1-6, Proverbs 6:20-22, Mark 4:21-41

                                                 Homegrown Fears                                  

He said to them, “Why are you fearful? Do you still have no faith?”—Mark 4:40

Some social scientists maintain that there are no inherent fears except two; the rest are acquired. The two inherent fears, they say, are the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.

I read of some psychologists who examined five hundred people and found that, between them, they had about seven thousand fears. The theory that we inherit just two fears, of course, is not a proven fact, but if that happens to be so, then those five hundred people were loading themselves down with hundreds of unnatural and useless fears!

Once when I was in India, I was told of a caste where the women on each of their birthdays add four rings of heavy brass—one on each ankle and one on each arm. By the time they are in middle age, they walk with great difficulty under this senseless burden. But this is no more senseless than weighting oneself down with useless fears: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the future, fear of growing old, fear of what people might think, and so on. Most of our fears are homegrown—they come out of wrong home teaching and example. Parents who try to control their children by fear often succeed too well; their children grow up being controlled by the fears themselves.

A woman wrote to me and said: “All my life I have been a victim of fear. My nightly prayer was: ‘Lord, thank You for not letting anything too bad happen to me today.’ You said if I turned to Christ, He would rid me of all fear. Well, I have—and He did.”


Father, we have filled Your world and our hearts with fear—needless, devastating fears. Help us, we pray, to find release from these fears, for they are not our real selves—they are an importation. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Further Study                                

Ps 23:4; 34:1-22; Pr 9:10; 19:23

What was David’s testimony?

How can we find freedom from our fears?

Beloved, Christ in you: the hope of glory (Col 1:27). It is Jesus in you that give you the confident to stand tall at any given circumstance. You don’t need to panic or fear for the live you live is for Christ alleluia amen. These bible passages will be a great help to you if you are struggling with fear- Ps 91, Isa 26:3, Ps 27, Ps 29, Phil 4:13, Ps 125, Rom 8:15, 2Cor 4:8:18.

May God bless you and deliver you from all grips of fear and give the Spirit behind His Word which make alive till Jesus come back in glory alleluia amen.

See you by God’s grace next month, pray also that God will manifest powerfully in our amidst to lead us alright in the coming month in Jesus Name. I love you all, God bless you.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord

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