Let the living Praise the Lord, let the living Praise the Lord. Let the living Praise the Lord, let the living Praise the Lord.// let the Spirit of the Lord come down O Lord! Let the Spirit of the Lord comes down, let the Spirit of the Lord from heaven comes down, let the Spirit of the Lord come down.

Father in heaven O God! We thank You for the gift of another day blessed be unto Your Holy Name. Thank You for this blessed day You have made and say we should rejoice and be glad. Glory be to Your Name on high. Faithful God we thank You. Thank You for the miracle of the week, the testimonies on our lips and the joy in our heart. Great are You Lord.

Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise, Father you reign. Great are You Lord!, great are You Lord, Great are You Lord, Great are You Lord!

Beloved, are Praise God with us? Hallow the Name of the Lord. He is Most High God. Great are You, Lord. Faithful are Your works, in heaven He is the Lord; on earth He regineth forever, O let us bless His honour Name.

The Lord said that He will honour them that honours Him. Are you honoruing God?

Or simple put “what are those ways you are honouring God?” our God seek honour. Yes! Even as a person you want to someone to acknowledge where you are good. As a worker or as housewife, as a child, as a student, we seek honour directly or indirectly. You want someone to say “you are good in what you doing or what you have done.”

Our God seek worship with that He made. God always come down in the evening to have fellowship with our first parents in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:8). He give commands to His chosen to worship and how to worship Him (Exo 34:14, Deut 11:16).

There are blessings attached to worship (1 Sam 1:3; 2kin 11:17).

Beloved, how do you honour God in your life? How do you in the blessings He bestowed on you?

The Lord promises is usually quicken on the altar of thanksgiving and worship. (2 Chr 20:21-30) King Jehoshaphat had a twin benefits from His worship of the Lord. The Lord granted him victory and peace all through His reign.

Beloveth, do you honour God in your life? it is important you consider the blessings of God in the life his children for He said that “them that honour me I will honour”

Do you want God the honour you, then you must first honour God in your service, in your giving, in your worship, in your obedience. Come let’s discover more:

“Them that honor me I will honor.” 1Sam. 2:30


Do I make the honor of God the great object of my life and the rule of my conduct? If so, He will honor me. I may for a while receive no honor from man, but God will Himself put honor upon me in the most effectual manner. In the end it will be found the surest way to honor to be willing to be put to shame for conscience’ sake.

Eli had not honored the Lord by ruling his household well, and his sons had not honored the Lord by behavior worthy of their sacred office, and therefore the Lord did not honor them, but took the high-priesthood out of their family, and made young Samuel to be ruler in the land instead of any of their line. If I would have my family ennobled, I must honor the Lord in all things. God may allow the wicked to win worldly honors; but the dignity which He Himself gives, even glory, honor, and immortality, He reserves for those who by holy obedience take care to honor Him.

What can I do this day to honor the Lord? I will promote His glory by my spoken testimony, and by my practical obedience. I will also honor Him with my substance, and by offering to Him some special service. Let me sit down and think how I can honor Him, since He will honor me.

Did you just read that that the writer commended that you sit down and think on how to honour God. You can see that is a serious business when we are talking about how to honour God. You honour God with your word, by reverencing him. You have to learn on to eulogies God. Adoration is a great way to bring you before the Throne of God and breaking into pieces all the dark work of the evil ones. Our God is Mighty and He is full of life. Nothing dark can stand before Him.

Jesus honoured His Father, when came down from heaven to save mankind from their sins. Beloved, the Lord want you to honour Him. I think it will be good if we learn more from Jesus:

Let’s’ discover more:


“Jesus said unto them, If ye seek Me, let these go their way.” John 18:8


Mark, my soul, the care which Jesus manifested even in His hour of trial, towards the sheep of His hand! The ruling passion is strong in death. He resigns Himself to the enemy, but He interposes a word of power to set His disciples free. As to Himself, like a sheep before her shearers He is dumb and opened not His mouth, but for His disciples’ sake He speaks with Almighty energy. Herein is love, constant, self-forgetting, faithful love.

But is there not far more here than is to be found upon the surface? Have we not the very soul and spirit of the atonement in these words? The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep, and pleads that they must therefore go free. The Surety is bound, and justice demands that those for whom He stands a substitute should go their way.

In the midst of Egypt’s bondage, that voice rings as a word of power, “Let these go their way.” Out of slavery of sin and Satan the redeemed must come. In every cell of the dungeons of Despair, the sound is echoed, “Let these go their way,” and forth come Despondency and Much-afraid. Satan hears the well-known voice, and lifts his foot from the neck of the fallen; and Death hears it, and the grave opens her gates to let the dead arise.

Their way is one of progress, holiness, triumph, glory, and none shall dare to stay them in it. No lion shall be on their way, neither shall any ravenous beast go up thereon. “The hind of the morning” has drawn the cruel hunters upon himself, and now the most timid roes and hinds of the field may graze at perfect peace among the lilies of his loves. The thunder-cloud has burst over the Cross of Calvary, and the pilgrims of Zion shall never be smitten by the bolts of vengeance.

Come, my heart, rejoice in the immunity which thy Redeemer has secured thee, and bless His name all the day, and every day

Yes! The immunity The Redeemer Has secured for Thee. It is indeed wonderful to know that “the battle is not mine but of the Lord.” Praise be His Name forever. God give me unlimited grace to honour always in Jesus Name.

Beloved, let us be practical in our learning of the Lord for that will be pleasing unto Him. Run beloved that yea may obtain at the end the crown which the Lord has preserve for you. The crown which will fits nobody except you. Learn to honour God daily, practice daily and God will not fail to honour you too. Praise the Name of the Lord.

Jesus honoured God by His death on the cross. God rewarded Him and made Him sit with in the heaven. At the mention of His Name, every knees bow and every tongue confesses that He is lord. (Rom 14:11, Phil 2:9 ).

Have a pleasant weekend and see you next week by God’s grace. Love all.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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