Come lets praise the Lord (Come lets praise the Lord) Come lets praise the Lord (Come lets praise the Lord) He is Jehovah (Tell the world of His faithfulness) He is El-Shaddai (Tell the world of His salvation) Spread the news around (Tell the world of his praise) Come lets praise the Lord (Praise the Lord) Forever and ever my God He is the same He’ll never Change From eternity to eternity He’ll be my God Praise Him!! Jehovah Praise Him!! Jehovah Praise Him!! The Lord of Lords// Worthy You are worthy… King of kings, Lord of lords You are Worthy…. Worthy You are worthy… King of kings, Lord of lords I worship You…2x
Ocean Divider, We worship You… We glorify Your Holy Name… Thank You for today.. We are most grateful… We Thank You for preservation and comfort… Thank You for upholding us in midst of chaos, anarchy and wickedness.. Father, we are most grateful… be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth.. today is Friday… Is PCL another opportunity internalize what we learnt… Yes! We are commanded to be doers of the Word… not hearers alone … Praise the Lord…
So we pose our question- “How are going about the Work of God?
I will like to share my experience with you when I started this online ministration newly… I was tensed, fidgeting, worried to say the lest… I was always anxious what to write and how to go about it… this went on for a while whenever it is time to minister I will pray for it to pass over … I wasn’t enjoining it…. but a time came… I started praying that God should help me… not too long… God ministered to my spirit and that gave me calmness and make me to refocus on how I go about this work…
The Holy Spirit told me to calm down whenever I want to minister by yielding myself to Him… Yes! He said to Him… Wow! He said once am settled before Him… He will take over from me… He told me that all He needed was a vessel willing to be used… once am sitted and invite Him in… He takes over from me…
Beloveth, after that encounter… which over 12 years now, I have been having an Awesome Time in God’s Presence… Am to do it first thing every morning but peradventure anything comes in between it… I must also ensure that I do it before the end of that day… however also there is tendency that I might be unable to do it all due to either issues with my laptop, network or others… beloveth… remember am dealing with One Who knows all things… He has seen it ahead of me… so by counsel He will guide me…
Working for God is not and must not be done in flesh else… you will not flow… Yes… you will not minister to the spirit of your readers… It takes the Holy Spirit to reach every listener or reader… it might shock you to know that God understands every interjection along the ministration… He stay calm and returns as soon you are settle again…
Beloveth, is so amazing when you are working with God… to some people they think is for lazy mind or never do well… is important to know that God can choose a nobody and make him/her a somebody before everybody without anybody consent… that is usually the case of all God’s servants/handmaids…. Count them on your fingers… from the Old Testaments to the New Testaments… God make His things the way it pleases Him….
I also marvel at how I could write every day for five days in the week… at a point I thought it was overwhelming until God came in and harmonies it for me… by giving me what write each day… this again is a another turning point… in the ministration and it has been awesome…
Is important we review from time to time how we go about our work with God… Is His Work and He has mission that each individual should cover or handle… so on this Job there is no imitation… all should be original if you are working according to the direction of the Holy Spirit… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia somebody…
So how are going about God’s work at your end… let discover more from below:

How Are You Going About The Work Of God?
• Hurried busy activity?
• Inner striving for perfection?
• Fastidious attention to standards of performance?
This is not God’s way:

“DON’T BE [MORBIDLY EXACTING AND EXTERNALLY] RIGHTEOUS OVERMUCH, neither strive to make yourself [pretentiously appear] overwise – why should you [get puffed up and] destroy yourself [with presumptuous self-sufficiency]?” (Ecclesiastes 7:16 – Amplified)

Someone has said, “Woe to the nervous activity of those of little faith.”

Jesus’ life was characterized by restful determination in accomplishing the work of God. Never in a hurry, He was poised, natural… purposeful.

And so it should be with us: “There remains… a… rest for the people of God.” (Hebrews 4:9)

The real work of God is done behind the scenes during private times of reflection upon His Word, worship, intercession, and pondering His eternal purposes. Then, sensing and moving with the inner prompting of the Spirit.
Gutzon Borglum commented, “When I carve a statue, it is very simple. I merely cut away the pieces that don’t belong there and the statue itself presently comes into view. It was there all the time.”
The life of Jesus Christ waits within us to find full expression through us in accomplishing His work. We can nervously hammer away at getting Him out… or we can rest as He cuts “away the pieces that don’t belong there.”
“For it is God who is at work within you, giving you the will and the power to achieve His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13 – Phillips Translation).
The first few paragraph was my case when I started this work newly but like I have said …the Spirit of God ministered to me and change my way of doing it … and since then I not only work for God… I was enjoy myself in His presence… He also open my eyes to mysteries and teach me how to live worthy before Him…. It has an everlasting reward working for God… and I can’t trade it for anything… I hope that is your response too…
May God give us grace to work for Him and bring forth fruits that will abide in Jesus Name… May we also be doers of what we preach in Jesus Name… May we be renew as we work to renew others in Jesus Name…. May we be first partakers according to His Word to us in Jesus Name… and His Kindness will abide with us forever Amen….
Further Reading- Rom.7:4, Ps.149:4, Isa.54:10, Jn.12:26, 1Thess1:6-10, Heb.3:14, Job.28:28
Have a wonderful weekend… See you on Monday… by God’s grace… keep holding on unto God… don’t give up beloveth… this will soon pass…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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